Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Loving our neighbor and being inclusive just got a little more complicated!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey,

I hope all of us had a Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday. These past few days we have been inundated with  Pope Francis, Kim Davis, Islamophobia, Homophobia, LGBTQ issues,Refugees, and a host of other hot button issues that seek to divide and not unite us if we allow them to. As I said in the title of tonight's blog Loving our Neighbor and being inclusive just got a little more complicated.  I know everyone is upset about Kim Davis and her visit with Pope Francis, for the record I was too but we all must learn that striving to be inclusive means we need to take the blinders off and realize being inclusive requires each of us to look in the mirror and see our own failings and where we lack compassion and love for our family members who rub us the wrong way. Being rubbed the wrong way isn't necessarily a bad thing either, it is the signal that we still have a lot of work to do in being inclusive and loving. We all must find the good in all people. For the life of me this is very difficult when the list of baddies in history only seems to get longer. I have found a way to love the baddies and those who wish us harm and it is simply this, we must love them as the little children they were before they put on the mantle of unsavoriness. That is the only way I can wrap my head and heart around it.  How do you do this?  Being in a loving and inclusive relationship with all of our brothers and sisters both the good, bad, the ugly, and those who rub us the wrong way is complicated and complex and requires work of the most delicate and time consuming kind. Anything worthwhile requires our Love Energy and heart homes to be thoroughly engaged with the support of our Loving God, Brother Christ, and the Empowering and Enlivening Spirit. How are we going to love our family members who rub us the wrong way?  Let's start from the very beginning and  think about this list I'm about to give you:

They are made in the image and likeness of God!
They are children of God.
They are someone's child, friend, spouse, family member, and co-worker.
They are loved by their family members.
They are accepted by their church families Their faith communities may be different from yours and mine and that doesn't make it bad. It just is.  We pray for them anyway. 
They are human beings just as we are.
They are sinners and remember they may rub us the wrong way and have received salvation from Jesus too. I have a feeling that our family members who rub us the wrong way may be our welcoming committee when we make our journey into Heaven. So we better work on the love, inclusion, and acceptance part while we are here on earth.
To them we may rub them the wrong way too. What are your thoughts?

Take time to meditate on the above and write down if  you'd like the names of who our family members are. Afterwards you may enter into the Mindfulness 5+  and breathing exercises.  If you do not wish to add those then move straight into prayer time. 


God of unity help us to break down the walls that separate  us . May we be united as one family under you O God.

God of peace, we pray for peace in our hearts, minds, spirits, and especially in our cities, and in the war torn places in this your fragile and broken world.

God of justice, we pray that everyone may be granted the right  to peaceably assemble and protest injustices anywhere. 

God of mercy, help us to show mercy to all those who are the least of these and see you in each of their faces. May we reflect love, kindness, mercy, and shine the light of  Christ to them.

God  of kindness, help us to be kind and not hateful and replace hate for kindness, love, justice, and mercy.

God of all creation, we pray that we may become united with all creation and practice Godly conservation that will please You and heal your planet for the good of all living things. We pray for rain that it will heal all the drought stricken areas of the world and in our state.

God of Healing, Heal all of our family members who are in need of healing of body, mind, and spirit.
May we reach out to them when they cry and ask for help.

God of Comfort,  We pray for all those who pre-grieving and sitting vigil at bedside while they wait for their loved ones to transition into the Thin Places. May we offer solace and comfort when needed.

God we pray for all those who are dying and who have died today that they may have or have had a joyful and peaceful journey into the Thin Places.

God of all Gentleness, we pray for the health and safety for all of the little ones your children. We pray that they may be treated as precious treasures and may be cared for tenderly.

God of Forgiveness and mercy we ask forgiveness of all the wrongs that we have done either by omission and commission.

God of Love, may we always be loving and thankful. 

God we add our prayers for ourselves and on behalf of others  now_____________________

God we lift up these our prayers in the name of your Son Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family Members! Have a blessed night! Tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. I love you and give thanks to God for you always. Pssssst! You don't rub me the wrong way! 

With love and blessings!


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Silence is golden especially when we need to Connect with God and find our way into our souls.

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrim's on Our Journey!

Happy Take Care Tuesday and the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels! It has been one busy day! This is my second writing venture of the day. I put together our parish newsletter today and that is always a challenge but well worth it.Spending time at the Faith Factory is like being on a retreat without having to go to a fancy retreat center. Where is your zone of peace and reflection?  Do you have to drive to it or is it at home when you go off the grid and make sure your house is on silent mode? What does your house sound like while you are reading this? Silence is a gift that we take for granted and need to take time for. Silence is our gateway into our souls and the way we have  a kind of spiritual GPS to God. Tonight we are going to have a time silence where we don't do anything  for a period of 5 to 10 minutes with our eyes closed. You might want to find something that has a timer on it so that you will be ready to go into silence and not have to run around finding the timer. Before we do that let us do our breathing exercises to get us ready and relaxed. Do these for three sets.

Be still and know that I am God

Be Still and Know 

Be Still


Now let us set our timer for 5 or 10 minutes:
Close our eyes and don't move, just be. How did that feel?  Keep working at it and you will master this wonderful time of mindfulness and contemplation. 

Let us be at prayer and take our time being in conversation and listening with God. 

God of Love, we pray this night for all who don't feel your loving arms around them. Help us to love the unloving and wrap our loving arms around them. 

God of Creation, we give thanks to you for all that you have made and may we walk tenderly in God's Cathedral of Life.

God of  Love, we pray for peace in this fragile and broken world. Heal all divisions and  lead us to be peacemakers and  hope bearers.

God of Creation, we pray for rain and an awareness that we are called to be conservationists and stewards of this planet that you called into being.

God of Love, we pray that we all may be lead to full inclusion as Your family Members.

God of Healing, we pray for all our family members both great and small who are ill and seek your healing touch . May they receive your healing and loving grace. 

God of Life, may we take time to live as you would have us do. May we respond to your call and follow you wherever you lead us.

God of all Mercy, we pray for all who are transitioning towards a new live with You in the Thin Places and all who have made the heavenly and joyous journey into eternal life.

God  of  all Gentleness comfort those who mourn and may we we be sources of strength and comfort to them.

God we give thanks to you for our many blessings especially_____________________

God of our family, we pray for all our family members and ourselves  remembering especially_____________

Lord Jesus come quickly and heal us and make us whole. We lift these our prayers to you In your most Holy Name. Amen.

Listen to this : God's Love Letter  


Good Night Dear Family! I love you! Take time to care for yourselves so that you may take time to Care for Others. Rest gentle in the silence and go deeper to meet God in the center of your inner being and souls. I give God Thanks for you this day and always!

With love and peace !


Monday, September 28, 2015

Being messengers of hope and love as human angels to help soothe a fragile and broken world.

Dear Family of  Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey!

Happy You Matter Monday and the eve of Take Care Tuesday and  St. Michael and all Angels! Yesterday we talked about how we need to be ready at a moment's notice to respond to God's call and daily tasks. Mary the mother of Jesus responded to God's call quickly too. Today we not only must be responsive but we must become  human angels spreading the Gospel of Love, Hope, Peace, Joy and Mercy to help God soothe and heal this fragile and broken world. The kind of messengers we need to be are rooted in love and kindness,  not the kind where guilt trips are the order of the day. I don't know about you but being evangelists require more than being a Bible thumping goon on the sidewalk that make you feel inadequate and unworthy. The kind of evangelists and messengers we must be are those where we model loving and merciful behavior and shining God's light to all our family members. If you are an introverted type don't worry you can still be a messenger by showing love to our family members in Social Media. All God requires of us is to walk the walk and talk the talk with a peaceful and empowered demeanor. Can you smile? Can you give a reassuring touch on the hand? Can you listen calmly without trying to be a fixer? Can you be a warm and genuine presence to all who you meet wherever you are? Can you be a Good Samaritan if need be? Can you show hospitality and welcome? Can you light up someone's life when they are down and depressed? Can you show love? Can you do what Jesus did  and not think twice about serving and loving the least of these?  If you can do any of the above you are being a messenger or hope and love! Think of the things above and  you may find yourself being a living, breathing, and doing Bible that our family may ever read just by our authentic actions and selves.  Tonight ask yourself what kind of messenger God wants you to be and go deeper and seek to be empowered to spread the Gospel of Love, Mercy, Hope, Compassion, and Unity to a fragile and broken world. 

Take time to listen to the following songs as part of  our meditation time: 

Christ the Fair Glory of the Holy Angels

1 Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels,
maker of all things, ruler of all nations,
grant of thy mercy unto us thy servants
steps up to heaven.

2 Send thine archangel Michael to our succour;
peacemaker blessed, may he banish from us
striving and hatred, so that for the peaceful
all things may prosper.

3 Send thine archangel Gabriel, the mighty;
herald of heaven, may he, from us mortals,
drive every evil, watching o'er the temples
where thou art worshiped.

4 Send from the heavens Raphael thine archangel,
health-bringer blessed, aiding every sufferer,
that, in thy service, he may wisely guide us,
healing and blessing.

5 May the blest mother of our God and Saviour,
may the celestial companies of angels, 
may the assembly of the saints in heaven
help us to praise thee.

6 Father Almighty, Son, and Holy Spirit,
God ever blessèd, hear our thankful praises;
thine is the glory which from all creation
ever ascendeth.

Michaelmas Mix

Let us Pray,

Holy God you sent angels to be messengers of hope, health, healing and good news to all who need it, may we become angels and messengers in human form so that this world may know you, your love, and the gifts you bring to us through the voices and actions of many. Help us we pray as we answer your call to be daily messengers of Good News as we respond in the words of this mini litany. 

Will you be an angel in human form to help bring peace to this hurting world?
I will with God's help.

Will you be an angel in human form spreading the Good news daily in both words and deeds?
I will with God's help.

Will you be an angel in human form comforting and loving  our enemies when they need it the most?
I will with God's help.

Will you  be an angel in human form seeking to be peace makers and children of God?
I will with God's help.

Will you seek to be a messenger of hope?
Yes, Loving and hope bearing God, every day that I live, move, and just be! May my words and deeds be loving reflections of you .

Will you seek to be a messenger of love?
Yes, Loving God who is Love, every day that I live, move, and just be! May my words and deeds be loving reflections of you .

Will you seek to be a messenger of joy?
Yes, Loving God and bringer of Joy, every day that I live, move, and just be! May my words and deeds be loving reflections of you .

Will you seek to be a messenger of comfort?
Yes, Loving God and Holy Comforter ,every day that I live, move, and just be! May my words and deeds be loving reflections of you .

Will you seek to be a messenger crying out for Justice, mercy and unity?
Yes, Loving God of Justice, mercy, and unity, every day that I live, move, and just be! May my words and deeds be loving reflections of you .

Will you seek to be a messenger of healing and voice for the voiceless and marginalized?
Yes, Loving God and healer of us all, every day that I live, move, and just be! May my words and deeds be loving reflections of you .

Will you strive to do these things for God and our family members?
Yes, Loving God, every day that I live, move, and just be! May my words and deeds be loving reflections of you and to our family members throughout the world. 

For Additional Prayers Please see last year's blog: It is time to lay down the weaponry of hate and division and begin to love everyone! We are called to be messengers of peace and love!

Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! May you take time to take care tomorrow. Go out into the world tomorrow and become voices to the voiceless and practice random acts of kindness to all of our family members nearby and far away. I hope I don't have to tell you who our family members and neighbors are. Do I?  

With love and peace this night and always!
