Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday Follow! Getting to know Therese of Lisieux!


Good Early  Evening Dear Ones!

Happy Friday  on the ancestral land of the Chumash. We are entering our  first vigil and retreat weekend of the month.   I hope and pray that all is well. Today is October 1st and you know what that means? .Tonight we honor Saint Thérèse of Lisieux  ! So let us begin with "The Peace be stills" that we will repeat again later in today's meditation. 

Peace be still.
Peace be.

Peace be still.
Peace be.

Peace be still.
Peace be.


"My vocation, at last I have found it; my vocation is love." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"Jesus does not demand great actions from us, but simply surrender and gratitude." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"I like the monastic life... in the prayer and the praising... this has charged me with new energy, spiritual energy. This is very important for my ministry outside the monastery." ~ Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria

"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be and becoming that person." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"Remember that nothing is small in the eyes of God. Do all that you do with love." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"Monastic life cuts off the distractions and emotional entanglements one becomes involved in, in the lay life." ~ Tenzin Palmo

"Everything is a grace, everything is the direct effect of our Father's love - difficulties, contradictions, humiliations, all the soul's miseries, her burdens, her needs - everything, because through them, she learns humility, realizes her weakness. Everything is a grace because everything is God's gift. Whatever be the character of life or its unexpected events - to the heart that loves, all is well." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"By my monastic life and vows I am saying no to all the concentration camps, the aerial bombardments, the staged political trials, the judicial murders, the racial injustices, the economic tyrannies, and the whole socioeconomic apparatus which seems geared for nothing but global destruction in spite of all its fair words in favor of peace." ~ Thomas Merton

"Perfect love means putting up with other peoples shortcomings, feeling no surprise at their weaknesses, finding encouragement even in the slightest evidence of good qualities in them." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"You know well that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, as at the love with which we do them." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"Monastic life thus became a living protest against the secularization of Christianity, against the cheapening of grace." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"If every tiny flower wanted to be a rose, spring would lose its loveliness." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"Holiness consists simply in doing God's will, and being just what God wants us to be." ~ Therese of Lisieux

"Let us love, since our heart is made for nothing else." ~ Therese of Lisieux


Quotes on Poverty to do a deep dive with this weekend.

"Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings." ~ Nelson Mandela

"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life . . ." ~ Nelson Mandela

"The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens." ~ Jimmy Carter

"Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor." ~ James A. Baldwin

"Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime." ~ Aristotle

"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty." ~ Mother Teresa

"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe." ~ Frederick Douglass

"Poverty is the worst form of violence." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

"Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! - I have as much soul as you, - and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you!" ~ Charlotte Bronte

"I would like to ask all those who have positions of responsibility in economic, political and social life, and all men and women of goodwill: let us be 'protectors' of creation, protectors of God's plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment." ~ Pope Francis

"Live simply so that others may simply live." ~ Mahatma Gandhi


Lovingkindness (Metta) Prayer

May "all beings" be happy, healthy and whole.

May they have love, warmth and affection.

May they be protected from harm, and free from fear.

May they be alive, engaged and joyful.

May "all beings" enjoy inner peace and ease.

May that peace expand into their world and throughout the entire universe.

This prayer is traditionally done for successively wider circles of caring, with “all beings” replaced appropriately. The first round would be for yourself, then those closest to you, then those who you feel neutral toward, then those with whom you have difficulties, and continuing outward until it includes all beings.

Let us begin with our new mindfulness passages:

Let us breathe in peace.
Let us breathe out worry.

Be still and hear the whisper of God in the Wind, in the waves, and in our hearts
Be still and hear the whisper of God in the Wind,in  the waves.
Be still and hear the whisper of God in the Wind.
Be still and hear the whisper of God.
Be still and hear the whisper.
Be still and hear.
Be still.

And this prayer from The Arusha Call To Discipleship

Loving God, we thank you for the gift of life in all its diversity and beauty. Lord Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, we praise you that you came to find the lost, to free the oppressed, to heal the sick, and to convert the self-centred. Holy Spirit, we rejoice that you breathe in the life of the world and are poured out into our hearts. As we live in the Spirit, may we also walk in the Spirit. Grant us faith and courage to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus: becoming pilgrims of justice and peace in our time. For the blessing of your people, the sustaining of the earth, and the glory of your name. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Now let us continue with the Daily Examen.

This is a version of the five-step Daily Examen that St. Ignatius practiced.

1. Become aware of God’s presence.

This is the time when we become aware of our breathing and grounding ourselves. Let us use the "Peace be stills".



Exhale gently.

Pause and repeat!

Peace be still.

Peace be.


Repeat two more times.

2. Review the day with gratitude.

3. Pay attention to your emotions.

4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.

5. Look toward tomorrow.


More help from Ignatian Spirituality

Consciousness Examen

Reflections on the Examen

Examen Prayer Card

Ecological Examen

 A Litany for Peace - Thich Nhat Hanh

As we are together praying for Peace, let us be truly with each other.


Let us pay attention to our breathing.


Let us be relaxed in our bodies and our minds.


Let us return to ourselves and become wholly ourselves.


Let us be aware of the Source of Being common to us all and to all that is.


Evoking the presence of the Great Companion, let us fill our hearts with our own compassion—towards ourselves and toward all living beings.


Let us pray that all living beings realize that they are all nourished from the same Source of Life.


Let us pray that we ourselves cease to be the cause of needless suffering.


Let us pray that we may live in a way which will not needlessly deprive other living beings of air, water, food, shelter, or the chance to live in health.


With reverence for Life and with awareness of the sufferings that are going on around us, let us pray for the establishment of peace in our hearts and on earth.


Come let us worship.

We can do worse than remember a principle which gives us a firm rock and leaves the maximum elasticity for our minds: the principle ‘Hold to Christ and for the rest be totally uncommitted’ Herbert Butterfield   

You Lord are all that I have; I have promised to keep your Word. I have sought your favour with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promises.Psalm 119:57, 58

Jesus said, ‘Anyone who has left brothers or sisters, father, mother, or children, land or houses for the sake of my name will be repaid many times over, and given eternal life.’Matthew 19:29

Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us.Ephesians 5:2a

Those who have clean hands and a pure heart, who have not set their minds on falsehood, or sworn and deceitful oath, shall receive blessing from the Lord and recompense from God their saviour.Psalm 24:4, 5

Proclaim God’s glory to the nations, God’s marvellous deeds to all the peoples. For the Lord is great and highly to be praised.Psalm 96:3, 4

To all to whom I send you you shall go, and whatever I command you you shall speak.Jeremiah 1:7b

If I chose to hide you away, it is for a reason.
I have brought you to this place.
Drink in the silence. Seek solitude.

Listen to the silence.

It will teach you. It will build strength
Let others share it with you.
It is little to be found elsewhere.

Silence will speak more to you in a day than the world of voices can teach you in a lifetime.
Find silence. Find solitude – and having discovered her riches, bind her to your heart.

           Frances J. Roberts

Let us have a time  of sitting quietly in preparation for our candlelight prayer vigil and time of prayer.  10 minutes should do it for this week we will add time as we go along the way. For those of you who have problems with distraction because of white noise you may listen to this piece of sacred music: 
Spem In Alium -Thomas Tallis - The Tallis Scholars

Now take a look at your hands and imagine them in a peaceful position with open palms and unclenched fists. 

Stay there with palms wide open as if you are receiving a gift from God and God's present to you is God's Presence.

Now think on these words as we begin to prepare for  for our time of  prayer vigiling: 

Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the LORD!

And these :
Psalm 141
2 Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,
   and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice. 

Let us build bridges as we pray together in silence and extend our hands, hearts, and selves to one another as a gift of presence in peace. 

God we come to this night with our hearts and hands open as we light our candles and pray as we in the words of Psalm 141
 "Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,
   and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice. 
God may we come to you with a vision clear that this isn't a time of gimme, gimme, gimme or instant expectations but, with hearts full of prayers and thanksgivings not just for ourselves but on behalf of others and this world where there is great need. We pray that with our hands ready to serve you and the least of these we may find this a time of bridge building and peacemaking  We pray that with our open hands we may seek to use them as offerings of help, love, giving, and solace and our word for soothing of our souls, soulace*. We come to you as we lift up our hands in grateful thanksgiving and praise and that they may rise to the heavens in holy and enthusiastic joy and hope. We pray that we may extend our hands in peace to our enemies and those who hate us and offer to them a sign that we are here to build and not destroy. We lift these our prayers and place them in your loving and healing hands O God. We also present the Light of Christ to each other remembering these words as we close our time of prayer "The Light of Christ in Me recognizes the Light of Christ in You!"  We pray these prayers with hands and lights uplifted in Jesus most Holy Name. Amen.

*My word for the  calming of our souls!


Tú eres mi otro yo.
You are my other me.
Si te hago daño a ti,
If I do harm to you,
Me hago daño a mi mismo.
I do harm to myself.
Si te amo y respeto,
If I love and respect you,
Me amo y respeto yo.
I love and respect myself.
Luis Valdez

Let us say together the Phos Hilaron:

Light of the World Phos hilaron

Light of the world, in grace and beauty,
Mirror of God’s eternal face,
Transparent flame of love’s free duty,
You bring salvation to our race.
Now, as we see the lights of evening,
We raise our voice in hymns of praise;
Worthy are you of endless blessing,
Sun of our night, lamp of our days.

Lest we forget the great traditions of freedom and faith which are the heritage of humanity; lest we forget the pioneers, the statesmen, the bridge builders, the artists; and lest we forget You, the God of our fore bears who is our God also:
We light this candle of remembrance.

For the hope of a better world, in which righteousness and peace shall prevail among the people of the earth, and to create which is the task of the generations in which we stand, as well as for the courage and faith we shall need if we are to carry on this unfinished work:
We light this candle of consecration.

May the flame upon the altar of free faith shine in our hearts al ways, reminding us of the dark places to which we may carry light and strengthening us in every moment of doubt and discouragement with unwavering faith in You whom we serve and whose we are.

Let us pray and respond with these words: I see the face of Jesus in all our family members and I love them.

God we pray for our incarcerated family members.
 I see the face of Jesus in all our family members and I love them.

God we pray for our family members who are on death row.
 I see the face of Jesus in all our family member sand I love them.

God we pray for our family members who have been paroled and are seeking new lives.
 I see the face of Jesus in all our family members and I love them.

God we pray for all our family members whose relatives have been incarcerated and feel lost, lonely, alone, and isolated.
 I see the face of Jesus in all our family members and I love them.

God we pray for all our family members who have been victims of crime. Help us to be their soft places in which to fall and a gentle shoulder to lean on. We also extend this to our family members who have committed crimes as well.
 I see the face of Jesus in all our family members and I love them

God we pray for all our family members who serve in correctional facilities that they may do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.
 I see the face of Jesus in all our family members and I love them.

God we pray for all our family members who have been victims of police violence and who have lost their lives. You may speak their names now______
 I see the face of Jesus in all our family members and I love them.

Let us pray the Smudging Prayer

our Father in heaven,
we come to you as your children.
We confess that we are weak and broken images of you.
We pray for the forgiveness and healing you give in Jesus Christ. May his Spirit clean our spirits, minds, hearts, and bodies.
We pray that your Holy Spirit will help us to worship in spirit and truth. 
We pray in the name of Jesus, so that his Spirit will carry our prayers to you. Amen.

Prayers from Black Elk


"Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth 
and lean to hear my feeble voice.
You lived first, and you are older than all need, older than all prayer.
All things belong to you -- the two-legged, the four-legged, the wings of the air, 
and all green things that live.
"You have set the powers of the four quarters of the earth to cross each other.
You have made me cross the good road and road of difficulties, 
and where they cross, the place is holy.
Day in, day out, forevermore, you are the life of things."
Hey! Lean to hear my feeble voice.
At the center of the sacred hoop
You have said that I should make the tree to bloom.
With tears running, O Great Spirit, my Grandfather,
With running eyes I must say
The tree has never bloomed
Here I stand, and the tree is withered.
Again, I recall the great vision you gave me.
It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives.
Nourish it then
That it may leaf
And bloom
And fill with singing birds!
Hear me, that the people may once again
Find the good road
And the shielding tree.


Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.
And I say the sacred hoop of my people was one of the many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy...
But anywhere is the center of the world.
Prayer to The Four Directions by Chief Seattle

Great Spirit of Light, come to me out of the East (red) with the power of the rising sun. Let there be light in my words, let there be light on my path that I walk. Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day. And never let me be burdened with sorrow by not starting over again.

Great Spirit of Love, come to me with the power of the North (white). Make me courageous when the cold wind falls upon me. Give me strength and endurance for everything that is harsh, everything that hurts, everything that makes me squint. Let me move through life ready to take what comes from the north.

Great Life-Giving Spirit, I face the West (black), the direction of sundown. Let me remember every day that the moment will come when my sun will go down. Never let me forget that I must fade into you. Give me a beautiful color, give me a great sky for setting, so that when it is my time to meet you, I can come with glory.

Great Spirit of Creation, send me the warm and soothing winds from the South (yellow). Comfort me and caress me when I am tired and cold. Unfold me like the gentle breezes that unfold the leaves on the trees. As you give to all the earth your warm, moving wind, give to me, so that I may grow close to you in warmth. Man did not create the web of life, he is but a strand in it. Whatever man does to the web, he does to himself. 


Aleph Beati immaculati

1 Happy are they whose way is blameless, *
who walk in the law of the Lord!

2 Happy are they who observe his decrees *
and seek him with all their hearts!

3 Who never do any wrong, *
but always walk in his ways.

4 You laid down your commandments, *
that we should fully keep them.

5 Oh, that my ways were made so direct *
that I might keep your statutes!

6 Then I should not be put to shame, *
when I regard all your commandments.

7 I will thank you with an unfeigned heart, *
when I have learned your righteous judgments.

8 I will keep your statutes; *
do not utterly forsake me.

Judith 8:1-8

The Character of Judith

8Now in those days Judith heard about these things: she was the daughter of Merari son of Ox son of Joseph son of Oziel son of Elkiah son of Ananias son of Gideon son of Raphain son of Ahitub son of Elijah son of Hilkiah son of Eliab son of Nathanael son of Salamiel son of Sarasadai son of Israel. 2Her husband Manasseh, who belonged to her tribe and family, had died during the barley harvest. 3For as he stood overseeing those who were binding sheaves in the field, he was overcome by the burning heat, and took to his bed and died in his town Bethulia. So they buried him with his ancestors in the field between Dothan and Balamon. 4Judith remained as a widow for three years and four months 5at home where she set up a tent for herself on the roof of her house. She put sackcloth around her waist and dressed in widow’s clothing. 6She fasted all the days of her widowhood, except the day before the sabbath and the sabbath itself, the day before the new moon and the day of the new moon, and the festivals and days of rejoicing of the house of Israel. 7She was beautiful in appearance, and was very lovely to behold. Her husband Manasseh had left her gold and silver, men and women slaves, livestock, and fields; and she maintained this estate. 8No one spoke ill of her, for she feared God with great devotion.

122 Lætatus sum

1 I was glad when they said to me, *
"Let us go to the house of the Lord."

2 Now our feet are standing *
within your gates, O Jerusalem.

3 Jerusalem is built as a city *
that is at unity with itself;

4 To which the tribes go up,
the tribes of the Lord, *
the assembly of Israel,
to praise the Name of the Lord.

5 For there are the thrones of judgment, *
the thrones of the house of David.

6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: *
"May they prosper who love you.

7 Peace be within your walls *
and quietness within your towers.

8 For my brethren and companions' sake, *
I pray for your prosperity.

9 Because of the house of the Lord our God, *
I will seek to do you good."

Acts 2:42–47

42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Life among the Believers

43 Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. 44All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds* to all, as any had need. 46Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home* and ate their food with glad and generous* hearts, 47praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

133 Ecce, quam bonum!

1 Oh, how good and pleasant it is, *
when brethren live together in unity!

2 It is like fine oil upon the head *
that runs down upon the beard,

3 Upon the beard of Aaron, *
and runs down upon the collar of his robe.

4 It is like the dew of Hermon *
that falls upon the hills of Zion.

5 For there the Lord has ordained the blessing: *
life for evermore

Luke 21:1-4

21He looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury; 2he also saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. 3He said, ‘Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them; 4for all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.’

Luke 12:33–37

33Sell your possessions, and give alms. Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Watchful Slaves

35 ‘Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit; 36be like those who are waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks. 37Blessed are those slaves whom the master finds alert when he comes; truly I tell you, he will fasten his belt and have them sit down to eat, and he will come and serve them.

134 Ecce nunc

1 Behold now, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, *
you that stand by night in the house of the Lord.

2 Lift up your hands in the holy place and bless the Lord; *
the Lord who made heaven and earth bless you out of Zion.

The Lord’s Prayer or the alternative is said. From A New Zealand Prayer Book.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.    Amen.


Eternal Spirit,
Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:

The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples
of the world!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth.

With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.

For you reign in the glory of the power that is love,
now and for ever.    Amen.

Gracious Father, who called your servant Thérèse to a life of fervent prayer, give to us the spirit of prayer and zeal for the ministry of the Gospel, that the love of Christ may be known throughout all the world; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

From the Northumbria Community

Show me, Lord, what it means to live in the night of unbelief, so that my life in the light of faith may help unbelievers to attain to the joys of Your grace. With Thérèse I pray, ‘What does it matter that I should catch no glimpse of heaven’s beauties here on earth, if that will help poor sinners to see themselves in heaven.’ Amen.

God we pray for peace your broken world.
May peace and love prevail.

God we pray for women and children and the most vulnerable who are in danger or abuse.
May peace, love, and compassionate care prevail.

God we pray for our enemies and our enemies' family members who are caught in war's cross hairs.
May peace and love prevail.

God we pray for all refugees, captives, and all who are victims of human trafficking. 
May they be set free to live in safety and may peace and love prevail.

God we pray for  all of our leaders that they may stop legislating cruelty and be aware that when they are hurting another human or living being they are hurting and doing violence to you.
May justice roll down and may peace and love prevail

God we pray for all of us who are struggling to live out in the open as the beautiful children whom God has mad
e.  May we not be afraid to live authentically into our own truth.

May we have strength and courage to be ourselves and may peace, justice, equality, and love prevail.

God we pray for all who are ill in body mind and spirit may they be healed of all their infirmities!
May health and healing take place and may love and peace prevail in our bodies, minds, and spirits.

God we pray for all who are in mourning over any kind of  loss.
May love ,comfort and peace prevail in their hearts.

God we pray this night for all who are homeless, hungry, and ill clad.
May we lovingly respond to their needs and may they find shelter from the cold and nourishment for their bodies.

God we add our thanksgivings, thoughtful thoughts, and additional prayers________________
Let us lift these our prayers in the Name of Jesus, our brother, friend, savior, teacher, and  healer. Amen.

Or this

A Prayer for Hospitality
EVER-LOVING GOD, who having loved us loves us still, help us to hear again your word, “By this shall they know you are my disciples; that you love one another.” Turn our hostility into hospitality and our callousness into care. Through Christ, we pray. Amen.

– Rueben P. Job and Norman Shawchuck

God we thank you for welcoming us into your family.
May we welcome all of our family members and be lovingly welcoming.

God we thank you that we feel your loving presence each day.

May we give all of our family members the gift of our presence.

God we thank you that you for the joy you give us as we welcome new family members with love.

May we give all of our new family members a welcome filled with joy and love.

God we thank you that you are always on the journey with us.

May we hold hands together as we journey on as true family members united in peace, joy, justice, and equality.

God we thank you that you give us sensitive hearts, empowering spirits, and minds to think.
May we have empathy, sympathy, zest, and intelligence to be the beautiful people of God that you created.

God we thank you for opportunities to serve and care for the least of these.

God we thank you for opportunities to care for the caregiver.

God we thank you  for courage to be a voice for the voiceless, to speak truth to power, and to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you .

God we thank you for the tenderness to  care for our family members who are ill and lovingly with compassion shepherd those who are mourning who are going through their grieving process.

God we thank you and pray for___________________

Accept these our prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.  

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”
― Teresa of Ávila

“Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things.
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.” 
― Teresa of Ávila

The Song of Simeon Nunc dimittis
Luke 2:29-32
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, *
according to thy word;
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, *
which thou hast prepared before the face of all people,
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles, *
and to be the glory of thy people Israel.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: *
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

The Wisdom of God
the Love of God
and the Grace of God
strengthen you
to be Christ’s hands and heart in this world,
in the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen.
(source: Celtic)

Live without fear: your Creator has made you holy, has always
protected you, and loves you as a mother. Go in peace to follow
the good road and may God’s blessing be with you always. Amen.

(source: from Saint Clare)

The Light of Christ in me Recognizes the Light of Christ in you!" 
I hold holy space for you during this time of prayer, vigil, and meditaion. 

Or this closing adaptation:

The Light of Christ in me Recognizes the Light of Christ in you!"
I hold holy space for you in love and peace this day and always!
Let us remember the CALM principles:
Let us Sow Seeds of:
C= Compassion
A= Acceptance
L= Love
M = Mercy
Let us speak in words that are:
C= Comforting
A= Appreciative
L= Living and Loving
M= Mindful and Matter
Let our deeds be:
C= Caring and Compassionate
A= Admirable
L= Life giving
M= Mannerly

Good Night Dear Ones! I love you and give thanks to God for you this day and always! You are loved and you matter. Love God, Your Neighbor, and Yourself! 

Peace, love, prayers, and God's blessings!


Enriching Our Worship
Northumbria Comunity
In Lak 'Ech - Luis Valdez
Quote sites for prayers
Walk With Me On Our Journey
Satucket Lectionary

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