Monday, May 16, 2016

Let us begin this week with a time of refreshing silence and prayer.

Dear Family of Love and God!

Happy We All Matter Monday! I hope everyone intentionally sought to make our brothers and sisters feel welcome and that they mattered. If  you haven't, I invite you to try and not just try but do. In order to do this we need to begin this week with a time of refreshing silence and prayer. Let us take time to go off the grid for a period of time. Please place your devices away and set your timer for a period of 15-20 minutes and close your eyes and breathe.  If you are not accustomed to this period of silence select a musical selection that will make your hearts and souls soar and give you delight and peace.


Come Holy Ghost our Souls Inspire

Now breathe, close your eyes and quiet your bodies, minds, and spirit!

God we come before you this night to light our candles, pray, give thanks, and be still and know that you are God and that you are Good. We pray this night that we may seek to be refreshed, renewed, and reacquainted with you, each other, and ourselves. We pray that we may be freed from the need to be drawn into the snares of fear, hatred, bigotry, and all things that divide us from you and each other.
We pray this night for all the gifts of the Holy Spirit that draw us near to you and carry us out into the world to serve and love all of our family members. We pray this night and give thanks for the gift of pain and struggle that remind us of our sisters and brothers who are enduring many things beyond all of our knowledge. We pray that love, joy, hope, and peace may spread across this nation and the world like the rush of  that famous mighty wind on Pentecost and we may find ourselves wrapped in the Spirit's Comforting and Healing quilt. Draw us near to one another through Jesus' love and mercy. Let us light our candles as we take them out into the world and vanquish all darkness, hate, and division. We add our prayers and thanksgivings and offer this moment of silence in memory of all who have died in any act of violence  this day and those who are suffering at the hands of verbal and violent acts of terror and abuse. God hear our prayers and petitions and the cries of our hearts and spirits this night and always. Amen.

Let us pray.

Dear God and creator of all things we offer these prayers to you this night.

We pray for seasonable weather all over the world. We pray especially for rain in the drought parched areas of our state, country, and world. 

We pray for all our family members who are on our hearts and in our minds at this very moment. We remember especially _________________

We pray for our family members who are suffering illnesses of any kind and help them and us know that your healing hands and arms are around them even though we may not see it right away.

We pray for conservation of your planet Earth and may we be given to greater and responsible stewardship of all natural resources. May we be mindful of how we use them.

Help us always to remember to be thankful and thoughtful always and especially on Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday.

God may we take our rest in your loving arms this night without worry but with the calming sense of your presence.

All this we ask in your Most Holy Name and  in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.

Or these

Dear God we give thanks to you this day for all that you have given us and your loving and compassionate presence that sustains each of us.

We pray for all of our Family Members who are in the hospital and for their family members who wait at bedside. 

We pray for all caregivers of every stripe that they may practice self-care and ask for help. 

We pray for the girls in Nigeria and that they may be returned to their families safe and unharmed.

We  pray for those who have placed in our hearts the many prayer requests. May each one of these persons be healed and comforted.

We pray for an end to all violence of every kind and that this world may be at peace and that swords may become plowshares and spears into pruning hooks.

We pray that  you O God will take away any and all anxieties and fear that separates us from filling ourselves with you and your love.

We pray that each one of us may lead courageous and authentic lives with you as our leader and guide.

We pray for peace at the center of our being this night and that w may find ourselves lovingly held in your arms and feel the warmth of your presence.

God we pray for ______________________________

God we give thanks for__________________________

God we Celebrate this day_________________________

We pray and remember O God those who are dying and those who have died today especially we remember ___________________________ and we pray for all those who mourn their loss.

God we lift up these prayers to you in the Name of your Son Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Good Night Lovies! May you all have a blessed night and peaceful sleep that renews, refreshes, and  relaxes body, mind, and spirit.

I love you and you bless me each and every day  by your presence in my life,


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