Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Prayer walking pilgrimage Day 2 -Tuesday in Holy Week.

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey !

We have completed Prayer Walking Pilgrimage Day 2 on Tuesday in Holy Week. I hope everyone is settling in to the Holy Week Rhythm, if not take it slow and easy and mark each day with prayer and meditation. We still can use our Pebbles, Ripples, and Ripple Edge meditations if we would like to but, since this is a time of pilgrimage on our way through the many sights, sounds, and emotions of Holy Week I decided that we needed to go back to our old favorite and prayer walk. Prayer walking I find during Holy Week reminds us that everything that Jesus, his Disciples, his women benefactors, and all the others were walking through this week sometimes separately and most often together. So we lace up our shoes and take a walking journey through time back to Jerusalem and the events of Holy Week and beyond. Tonight we pray that our feet, minds, and hearts may be fixed upon each day that we walk this holy pilgrimage. But first let us take time to listen to Taize Mix

Holy God, we thank you for giving us feet to walk and bear witness to the events of Holy Week.

Holy God, set our feet upon the pavement and lead us through the city and keep watch for our family members who are in dire need of prayer and help.

Holy God, give our feet and voices the energy and grace to spread the Good News of this the Holiest Week of  the Church Year.

Holy God, we pray for all who are disabled and cannot walk, may we reach out to be of loving help to them and not see them as invisible.

Holy God, enrich our minds so that we may take everything that you are bringing into our lives this week.

Holy God, make our minds ever fixed upon you and that we may listen for your still small voice and hear your call.

Holy God, give our minds the ability to be open to you and your expansive love and grace for all  of our family members.

Holy God, give our minds the peace that they need to be open to new possibilities and  and pathways.

Holy God, tenderize our hearts to give and receive love that is to the brim and overflowing.

Holy God, help us to widen our hearts and heart homes to be accepting and inclusive of all.

Holy God ,take away any hardness in our hearts that separate us from you and each other.

Holy God, we pray for peace in our hearts that we may use that peace to be peace makers to this fragile and broken world.

We pray and give thanks for this night especially for____________________

We lift up our hearts, minds, prayers, thanksgivings to you holy Jesus! Amen.

Good Night Dear Ones ! I  love you and you are in my heart and prayers! May you know that you matter and that God calls you precious and beloved. I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

With love, prayers, and God's blessings,


Views and Vistas from tonight's Prayer Walk.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday in Holy Week Our Holy Week Pilgrimage Continues - Preparing our bodies for the journey.

Dear Family of Love,

Happy You Matter Monday and Monday in Holy Week.  Our Holy Week Pilgrimage Continues as we continue to place one foot in front in front of the other as we approach the Upper Room, The Garden, The Pavement, Golgotha, The Cross, The Tomb, and beyond We are in the early stages of this yearly Holy Pilgrimage and we are in the place where we are being prepared for what is to come and that means we have to take time to spiritually, physically, and emotionally get ready. Tonight we are preparing ourselves physically and that means we need to treat our feet with kindness, make sure we are well hydrated, and our bodies well nourished, and as our mothers and their mothers before them kept telling them and us "Don't forget your jacket!" Speaking of  our physical selves, this is my final reminder for all of us during the final days of Colon Cancer awareness month! Get your screening colonoscopy if you are age 50+ and maybe earlier if you have genetic risk factors for Ovarian and Breast Cancer. End of PSA! Speaking of PSA, dear brothers get your PSA levels screened so that you may live a long life and the women and men in your lives won't have to nag you.
What is today's prayer focus ? If you haven't guessed it already we are going to pray for our physical selves and our relationships  to and with God.

Dear God we pray this night for the health of our bodies, minds, and spirits.
Make us strong and healthy to serve with you and for you in your kingdom daily.

God we pray for the health of all children that they may receive medical care, proper nourishment, and the necessities of life in order to thrive.
Make them strong and healthy so they may be ready to be our present and our future leaders and be able to care for us and the earth.

God we pray for the health of all elderly family members that they may age healthily in body and in mind.
God make them strong and healthy so that they may be able to live their days in peace and without pain.

God we pray for the health of all women who are being denied adequate health care.
God make all women strong and healthy and courageous to fight for adequate health care,not just for themselves but for all women.

God we pray for the health of all men who sometimes find it hard to go to the doctor and be honest about what is troubling them.
God make all men strong and healthy to be courageous and get help for all their medical and physical needs.

God we pray for the health of all disabled family members that they may receive adequate benefits so that they may remain healthy get the care they need. 
God make them strong and healthy to live with their disabilities.

God we pray for the health of our world and especially in areas that have been stricken by disease and famine.
God make these areas strong and healthy again so that our family members may thrive and live in safe living conditions.

God we pray for the health of our nation where their is great poverty of body, mind, and spirit. 
God make our nation strong and healthy to  promote justice, vanquish poverty, and strive to end all areas of inequality.

God we pray for the health of ourselves and our family members.
God make us strong and healthy and heal our bodies, minds, and spirits and that we may honor what our bodies and You O, God are telling them today.

God we pray this night in the name of Jesus the Great Physician and Healer of us all! Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you and Give thanks to God for you this night and always!  Tomorrow is Take Care Tuesday! Time to take care of ourselves and others.

Here is the prayer (Collect) for Monday in Holy Week from the BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER:
Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

With love and prayers and in thanksgiving for your presence on our journey,


I Sing The Body Electric- Fame

Sunday, March 29, 2015

A Palm Sunday Prayer Walk Without Having to Leave Home or get your shoes on! Lots of Photos taken in past few days!

Dear Family of Love!

Blessed is He comes in the Name of the Lord!
Hosanna in the highest!

A  blessed Palm Sunday to you all ! I hope you all had a day of reflection, rest, and refocusing your Lenten energies towards Holy Week. In the Ripple Edge meditations we have been praying that we prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for our Holy Week Journey. Well dear ones we are already here and we must begin to have our minds "Set like a flint" towards Holy Week's emotionally charged events as we remember Jesus' last days and Resurrection. So we begin here with a prayer walk with photos from last evening and hopefully you will be ready to Walk With Jesus On His Journey to the Cross and beyond.

Gracious, loving and merciful God we pray that as we walk this Holy Week Journey with you, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit we may be drawn evermore closely to you and each other.

May we feel your presence like our shadows that go with us in every step we make.

We pray that whether our paths are smooth or crooked we may always be walking with you in the Light and in Your Presence.

Helps us as we walk this journey to remember that we must be weak sometimes in order to be strong.

Help us to to be courageous as we follow your Son through the Orbit of Holy Week and not stray from the path.

We pray that we may be connected to the Waters of Life and feel them coursing through our veins.

May these waters make us thirst after you and your life's lessons

We pray that the Sun never sets upon  our love for you and that we may always love you and one another.

We pray that we may always looking after the least of these your children and our family members whatever road and path we travel.

Gracious God we thank you for the gift of  your beautiful art work you place in Your Cathedral of life.
 We pray for all who travel from place to place and that your holy angels may protect them.

 We thank you for the beauty of the earth and all that it is in it. May we ever be in tune with nature and practice the art of conservation.

God we pray that we may give the littlest ones among us roots and wings and to stand tall in your love, grace, and mercy. May they be protected from harm.

We pray for all of our family members who are fighting injustice and those who are voiceless and cannot speak truth to power for themselves. We pray for universal human rights.
Ring out the bells of freedom, equality, justice, and peace.

We pray for sound government in all nations, cities, and towns. We pray especially for law enforcement officers that they may do justly, love mercifully, and walk humbly with you O, God.

Jesus may we walk with you again as you enter Jerusalem and sing praises and loud Hosanna's to you.
 Jesus may you always shine your light upon us and may we shine your light upon others.

Help us to walk in the light even when we have have our darkest days.
 Give us courage to minister to our family members no natter what time of day it is.

 We pray for all who are homeless, hungry, and ill clad that they may have safe places to walk and find safe shelter.
 Jesus we forgive us when we hit bumps in the road and that we may always return to you as the Prodigal Son did. 

We pray for all who are ill that they may be healed of their illnesses and be restored to health and see your beautiful artwork outdoors.

We pray for all who are going through rough patches and that they may find them made smooth by faith and relationship with you.

God we pray for all who are in peril and especially, the refugee, the captive, the victims of abuse and human trafficking. We pray for an end to violence, terror, abuse, and bullying.

 God we pray for all who mourn and those who are  pre- grieving any loss and may find comfort in you and all of us.

God we pray for all who are dying and who have died today and that the sunset of their earthly life was joyful and peaceful and their birth into Eternal life was Joyful and light filled.

God we pray for_____________________

God we give thanks for_______________________

 God help us to seek the wonder and see your hand in all that we see everyday.

Help our footsteps be ordered by you and that we may listen for your still small voice.

God of Love may we seek to be the earthly messengers of your Good News and Love and that we may seek you in each other.

God give us courage to wait in the Garden of Gethsemane ,at the Foot of the Cross. and in the Upper Room.

May we all find our paths this week sure footed as we carry  our crosses with you. May we know that your "Yoke is Easy and your Burden is Light!"

 We pray that as we complete this journey that we may find our souls enlightened and that we may find you at the center of our hearts and that we may radiate your love that is within and without to all our family members and that "They will know we are Christians by our Love!"

We pray these our prayers in the name of Jesus who taught us to walk and pray! Amen.

Good Night Dear Family! I love you ! I give thanks to God for you this day and always. Tomorrow is You Matter Monday and Monday in Holy Week. 

Here is the prayer (collect) for tomorrow from THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: Almighty God, whose most dear Son went not up to joy but first he suffered pain, and entered not into glory before he was crucified: Mercifully grant that we, walking in the way of the cross, may find it none other than the way of life and peace; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

This was today's prayer (Collect) for Palm Sunday! Lots of Walking imagery :
Almighty and everliving God, in your tender love for the human race you sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take upon him our nature, and to suffer death upon the cross, giving us the example of his great humility: Mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and also share in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Love, peace, prayers, and blessing as we walk this holy journey together,


King's Weston

Holy Week, Sacred Music for Meditation