Saturday, January 10, 2015

Finding and seeing glimpses of God when you need to rest! Finding Soulace* and Solace for our bodies, minds, spirits, and souls.

Dear Family of Love,

Today has been one of those days when I just didn't have the energy I was hoping I would have. I decided it would be a rest day for me and that's a good thing because it is Self-Care Saturday. These days are gifts from God. Instead of having the abrasive and guilt ridden feelings of not being able to do things, God gently taps me on the shoulder and lets me know that it is okay to rest. I find these days as a way to connect with God and holy rest. Not  with fireworks but in the still small voice and the loving and enfolding arms of the divine. I'm now in my new room that was my parents. I feel at peace in this room. It is like I'm with them. I can actually sleep well. This room also is where my mother entered the Thin Places on March 5, 2005. This isn't a scary place for me. I see and feel God's presence like I have never had before. This hearkens back to the blog I wrote a few weeks ago and the question : Where do you go to find solace? For a refresher here is  the blog I'm referring to.
  Where do you go when you want to find solace, peace, and renewal? I go into my heart home, look to the hills and ocean. Smelling the sea air is incense for my soul!  
Let's do a refresher course on finding soulace* and solace for our bodies, mind, spirits, and  souls. We all need to do this every day as part of celebrating our lives every day. Let us go deeper and  and find peace , solace, and soulace. Here is our meditation and listening music for tonight. Narada Decade

God may we see you and find you as we pray

God may we see you  and find you in times of rest and renewal.

God may we  see you and find you in times when we feel down and discouraged. May we feel your loving and abiding presence.

God may we see you and find you in the eyes of all  of our family members . God let us sew seeds of love, hope, joy, and peace.

God may we see you and find you in our heart homes and be warmed by your love. May we shine the light of  your love with the love that comes from our heart homes.

God may we see you and find you in all your living creatures and in your Cathedral of Love and Life.

God may we see you and find you in  your still small voice of calm.

God may we see you and find you in the faces of all of our most vulnerable and fragile family members who are crying out for help and  seeking universal human rights, justice, equality, and acceptance.

God may we see you and find you in all those who practice medicine and the arts of healing. We pray for those who are ill and in need of healing of their bodies, minds, and spirits.

God may we see you and find you in the light of all children's eyes and that they may be protected and loved.

God may we see you and find you in times of peace and quite.

God may we see you and find you in places of memories  and family history.

God may we see you and find you in all of our loved ones who now reside in the Thin Places as we  remember them and hold them in our heart homes.

God may we see you and find your presence in our heart homes as we grieve any kind of loss.

God may we see you and find you as we pray for ourselves and  our family members who have requested prayers on our behalf remembering especially____________________

God may we see you and find you in the daily celebration of our lives and in celebration of____________

God we pray these our prayers and may we see you and find you answering them in the Name of your only Son Jesus the Christ who knocks at the doors of our heart homes. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love ! May you find soulace *and solace as you feel God's loving and enfolding arms around you as you take rest this blessed night. I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always.

With love, peace, joy , hope and lot of soulace* in your heart homes this night,


*Soulace is my word for place of comfort for one's soul.

David Lanz Return to to the Heart

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