Thursday, January 15, 2015

Meditating on being Thoughtful and Thankful! Today is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Family of  Love!

I am beginning to feel a bit better! I have been able to go out and do a few things and my appetite is returning! I know that God is doing a wonderful thing. I feel my energy is returning and I have God and you to thank for this. I appreciate the love and prayer support. Tonight let's meditate on being Thoughtful and Thankful for this is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Let us ask ourselves what being thoughtful and being thankful means to us? Does this change us our our family members? Can we change the world by doing this? I will not share my answers today but will do so tomorrow! Keep the faith you will receive an answer? Here is our music for meditation: Yo Yo Ma plays Ennio Morricone- 

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing ,we give thanks for our many blessings as we pray to you this night.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, we pray for those who are ill and in pain may they be relieved and healed of all suffering of body,mind, and spirit. May they feel you healing and loving balm permeating throughout.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing  give us courage to speak for the voiceless ones and help promote justice for all and respect for every living being on this your fragile planet Earth.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing,  help us to be forgiving and accept the forgiveness of the wrongs that have been done to us and and as we have done to others.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, take our hands, feet, voices, and all our whole beings and make them holy and fit to serve you and the least of these our family members who are in need.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, we pray for peace in the world and that wars and enmity may cease and that we may all be of one mind, one heart, one body, one spirit, one family of God and through our sacred family tree through Abraham.  May our branches grow strong and be rooted in you O God who are Love.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing,  we pray this night for all who mourn that they may be comforted.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, we pray for all who are dying and those who have died today that they are lovingly being borne into the Thin Places by your most warm and merciful arms. May eternal joy be upon them and through them.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, give us courage to love boldly, fearlessly, and with great joy. May we model our love after you and see you in the eyes of all your children.

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing we pray and give thanks especially for__________

Gracious God of Love, Compassion, and Healing, accept these our prayers with hearts full of love and compassion in the Name of Jesus Your only son. Amen. 

A special wish for us all: May we never cease to be loving, joyful, hopeful, peaceful, thankful ,and thoughtful beacons one to another and to the world around us. 


Good Night Dear Sisters and Brothers of Love! I love you dearly and pray that you may find rest tonight. May you feel God's and my arms lovingly enfolding you and speaking to your heart homes gently and peacefully saying "You are precious and I love you! Do not fear!"  Lean on God and lean on each other for our shoulders as an entire family are wide and strong. 

Love, peace, and joy be always yours,


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