Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Let us become loving and listening companions one to another as we light our candles and pray!


Good Evening Dear Ones,

Happy Take Care Tuesday! I hope all is well. Tonight we are celebrating the Feast of Timothy and Titus who were companions of St. Paul. What does it mean to be a companion? If these two were living today would they be considered being a part of Paul's bubble? Who are the people in y/our bubble? Why have you selected them? These are your journal questions for the day. It is really interesting to compare both of Paul's letters to Timothy and Titus. What do you see? Today we will ponder a different reading from St. Mark's Gospel so that we can do a time of journaling on what it means to be family. Let us begin with the reading from The Gospel of Mark.

We will use our format from A Disciples Prayer Book for our journaling. 

Reflect and Respond to the Gospel of the Day:

1. What word(s), idea(s), or sentence(s) stand

 out for you in the Gospel of the Day?

2. What is Jesus (the Gospel) saying to you?

3. What is Jesus (the Gospel) calling you to do?

Mark 3:31-35

31 Then his mother and his brothers came; and standing outside, they sent to him and called him. 32A crowd was sitting around him; and they said to him, ‘Your mother and your brothers and sisters* are outside, asking for you.’ 33And he replied, ‘Who are my mother and my brothers?’ 34And looking at those who sat around him, he said, ‘Here are my mother and my brothers! 35Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.’

Here are today's quotes:

"I find Jesus my confidant and companion, brother and savior; our relationship is intimate, vulnerable, demanding yet comfortable and reassuring." ~ Reverend Malcolm Boyd

"Where refugees seek deliverance that never comes And the heart consumes itself as if it would live,Where children age before their time And life wears down the edges of the mind,Where the old man sits with mind grown cold,While bones and sinew, blood and cell, go slowly down to death,Where fear companions each day's life,And Perfect Love seems long delayed.CHRISTMAS IS WAITING TO BE BORN:In you, in me, in all mankind." ~ Howard Thurman

"We wander through this life together in a semi-darkness in which none of us can distinguish exactly the features of his neighbour. Only from time to time, through some experience that we have of our companion, or through some remark that he passes, he stands for a moment close to us, as though illuminated by a flash of lightning. Then we see him as he really is." ~ Albert Schweitzer

"Patience is the companion of wisdom." ~ Saint Augustine

"I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude." ~ Henry David Thoreau

"If you cannot find a good companion to walk with, walk alone, like an elephant roaming the jungle. It is better to be alone than to be with those who will hinder your progress." ~ Gautama Buddha

"I have seen the king with a face of Glory, He who is the eye and the sun of heaven, He who is the companion and healer of all beings, He who is the soul and the universe that births souls." ~ Rumi

"Compassion and justice are companions, not choices." ~ William Sloane Coffin

"Friends given by God in mercy and in love;

My counsellors, my comforters, and guides;

My joy in grief, my second bliss in joy;

Companions of my young desires; in doubt

My oracles; my wings in high pursuit.

Oh! I remember, and will ne'er forget

Our meeting spots, our chosen sacred hours;

Our burning words, that utter'd all the soul,

Our faces beaming with unearthly love;--

Sorrow with sorrow sighing, hope with hope

Exulting, heart embracing heart entire." ~ Robert Pollok

"Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators the creator seeks -- those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

Come let us worship.

You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but citizens together
with the saints and members of the household of God.
Ephesians 2:19

According to the riches of God’s glory, may you be strengthened with the might through the Holy Spirit in your inner being, and may Christ dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge; that you may be filled with the fulness of God. Ephesians 3:16-19

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

From the rising of the sun to its setting my name is great among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name, and a pure offering; for my name is great among the nations, says the Lord of hosts.Malachi 1:11

It is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.2 Corinthians 4:6

Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:1,2

The righteous will be remembered for ever: the memory of the righteous is a blessing. Psalm 112:6; Proverbs 10:7

Light of the World Phos hilaron

Light of the world, in grace and beauty,
Mirror of God’s eternal face,
Transparent flame of love’s free duty,
You bring salvation to our race.
Now, as we see the lights of evening,
We raise our voice in hymns of praise;
Worthy are you of endless blessing,
Sun of our night, lamp of our days

134 Ecce nunc

1 Behold now, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, *
you that stand by night in the house of the Lord.

2 Lift up your hands in the holy place and bless the Lord; *
the Lord who made heaven and earth bless you out of Zion.

God of all love we come together tonight to accept your call to light our candles and pray. We pray this night to be loving towards one another. We pray this night for guidance in how we can best serve you in the world. We pray that we may be more giving of ourselves to others. We pray that we may be able to be hopeful and hope-filled to this fragile and broken world. We pray that we may shine your light and help people out of the dark places they find themselves in. We pray that we may be supportive in what ever decisions people make,  We pray for the least of these who struggle with the day to day issues of living. We pray that everyone will be lovingly included and not excluded and invisible. We pray that we may be peacemakers and children of God. We pray that we may "Strive for justice, and respect the dignity of every human being"* We pray that we may build bridges and tear down walls. We pray for the courage to speak truth to power. We pray for an end to hatred, violence and terror. We pray that we may use our voices not to hurt but to heal. We pray this night that we all may be one and that we may continue to pray for Syria, ,Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Palestine, and all places where terror and violence have occurred even when the media fails to report it. May we all be one with those who mourn and stand vigil for the peace of the world and in the places where there is danger. God we lift up these prayers to you with hurting hearts, open hands up lifted, with loving care and voices. Amen.

Tú eres mi otro yo.
You are my other me.
Si te hago daño a ti,
If I do harm to you,
Me hago daño a mi mismo.
I do harm to myself.
Si te amo y respeto,
If I love and respect you,
Me amo y respeto yo.
I love and respect myself. 
Luis Valdez

A Smudging Prayer

 Creator, our Father in heaven, we come to you as your children. We confess that we are weak and broken images of you. We pray for the forgiveness and healing you give in Jesus Christ. May his Spirit clean our spirits, minds, hearts, and bodies. We pray that your Holy Spirit will help us to worship in spirit and truth. We pray in the name of Jesus, so that his Spirit will carry our prayers to you. Amen.

God you have called us into community with each other and made us into a special kind of family that is based on love. Help us as we pray to light candles and pray for our communities and family members who reside in them.

We light our first candle and pray for our family members we grew up with . We pray that if we have become estranged we may build bridges back in love and familyhood.

God hear our prayer.

We light our second candle and pray for our chosen families that have helped us along the way and that we no longer have to feel alone. We pray that we may continually be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful)

God hear our prayer.

We light our third candle for our neighborhoods wherever they may be and pray for safety and the courage to get to know our neighbors with love and kindness.

God hear our prayer.

We light our fourth  candle for all those who work for social justice in our communities and pray that their outreach to the community may foster unity and build bridges.

God hear our prayer.

We light our fifth candle for our cities, towns, hamlets, villages, and rural areas that each of these communities may be safe from harm, their leaders may do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you  O God. We pray that there may be peace in our streets, neighborhoods, justice in our courts, and social services to meet the needs of all our citizenry. 

God hear our prayer.

We light our sixth candle for our counties and parishes that we may learn  from one another and listen so that we may respect our differences without respect for geography. We pray for all who lead our counties and we pray for all law enforcement and emergency rescue personnel. We pray for justice in our superior courts and that justice may roll down.

God hear our prayer.

We light our seventh candle and pray for our nation and the nations around the world and all the leaders who have been called to govern. We pray that they may govern with empathy, courage,and in the words of the Baptismal Covenant Strive for justice and peace and respect the dignity of every human being. We pray that every citizen in every land may be afforded equality, equity, universal human rights, dignity, respect, and acceptance no matter who they are.

God hear our prayer.

We light our eighth candle for the communities that make up those who are on the margins of society that they may find acceptance, care , love, and inclusion. We pray especially for the least of these and all who are in need of food, clothing, shelter, health care, and financial aid. 

God hear our prayer.

We light our ninth candle for all religious communities here and around the world that we may foster understanding, build bridges, and learn to love one another with  the love energy that God  our creator instilled and breathed in us at our birth. May our souls be filled with love so fully that we may see God in each others eyes and connect with all that is holy in our hearts. 

God hear our prayer.

We light our tenth candle and pray for unity among all of us who are God's children and family members who were made in God's image and likeness. May we seek to build bridges with listening hearts, listening ears, compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy. 

God hear our prayer.

A simpler form of vigil and meditation. Or this may be added as well.

Dear Family of God and Love Let us Light Our Candles tonight and pray that we may all learn to love  each other and see God in the all of our family members nearby and far away. We pray that we may learn to accept the rich diversity of God's creation as a gift and not a hindrance. May we come to seek common ground with love and joy as we get to share our diversity with each other in wonderful and positive ways.

Here are our meditation lessons for this evening with accompanying prayers.

I'm about to give you a plan or suggestions to help us find common ground and connect with one another.

First: make a list of things that we all have in  common.
What makes us the same?
Pray.look to see God in the eyes of all, love, and embrace our family members

Second: leave that list on the table for meditation.
Pray, look, to see God in the eyes of all, love, and embrace our family members.

Third: What are the things, concerns, and situations that divide us? Make another list.
Pray, Look, at yourself , do you see God in your own eyes? let go of all negatives and let God heal all of us from these things.

Fourth: Look at that list and take them off the table and place them in our Worry/ Sabbath Box.
Pray, Look, at yourself , do you see God in your own eyes? Let Go, and be free to look  with love and be with our family members.

Fifth: Keep repeating all the prior steps until all we do are steps one and two and remember to Love God, Neighbor/ Family Member and ourselves. 

Let us meditate on the above.Listen to this from  The Call from Ralph Vaughan Williams

The Call - George Herbert

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life:
Such a Way, as gives us breath:
Such a Truth, as ends all strife:
Such a Life, as killeth death.

Come, My Light, my Feast, my Strength:
Such a Light, as shows a feast:
Such a Feast, as mends in length:
Such a Strength, as makes his guest.

Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:
Such a Joy, as none can move:
Such a Love, as none can part:
Such a Heart, as joys in love.

Now let us pray for peace and unity among all people and nations! 

God who made us and makes us one we pray for unity among all people and nations
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one lead us to put away all hindrances that divide us
May we be one and love one another

God who made us and makes us one give us  the courage to see you in the eyes of all who are our enemies and wish us harm.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for all who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. Heal them and make them whole and may we lovingly respond to their needs.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for the protection of those who are protesting using peaceful non-violence.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for the protection of all our most vulnerable family members. Help us to ourselves and you in their eyes and love them as you have taught us and to serve them as you have taught us to serve.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one. we give thanks for all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this day.

God who made us and makes us one may we be with those who are pre-grieving and mourning any loss.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for all who are dying and have died may they find loving, joy, and oneness with you in the Thin Places.

God who made us and makes us one we offer these our prayers and thanksgivings in the most Holy Name of your Son Jesus. May we be one and love one another. Amen.

Today's wish: Connect with all that is good and holy in every person you meet. Love boldly and fearlessly! I love you!

The Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

God hear our prayer.

Psalm 112:1-9

Beatus vir

Hallelujah! Happy are they who fear the Lord *
and have great delight in his commandments!

2 Their descendants will be mighty in the land; *
the generation of the upright will be blessed.

3 Wealth and riches will be in their house, *
and their righteousness will last for ever.

4 Light shines in the darkness for the upright; *
the righteous are merciful and full of compassion.

5 It is good for them to be generous in lending *
and to manage their affairs with justice.

6 For they will never be shaken; *
the righteous will be kept in everlasting remembrance.

7 They will not be afraid of any evil rumors; *
their heart is right;
they put their trust in the Lord.

8 Their heart is established and will not shrink, *
until they see their desire upon their enemies.

9 They have given freely to the poor, *
and their righteousness stands fast for ever;
they will hold up their head with honor.

2 Timothy 1:1-8

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, for the sake of the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus,

To Timothy, my beloved child:

Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am grateful to God-- whom I worship with a clear conscience, as my ancestors did-- when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. Recalling your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you. For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you through the laying on of my hands; for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.

Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power of God.

A Song of the Wilderness

Isaiah 35:1-7,10

The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, *

the desert shall rejoice and blossom;

It shall blossom abundantly, *

and rejoice with joy and singing.

They shall see the glory of the Lord, *

the majesty of our God.

Strengthen the weary hands, *

and make firm the feeble knees.

Say to the anxious, “Be strong, do not fear! *

Here is your God, coming with judgment to save you.”

Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, *

and the ears of the deaf be unstopped.

Then shall the lame leap like a deer, *

and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy.

For waters shall break forth in the wilderness *

and streams in the desert;

The burning sand shall become a pool *

and the thirsty ground, springs of water.

The ransomed of God shall return with singing, *

with everlasting joy upon their heads.

Joy and gladness shall be theirs, *

and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Titus 1:1-5

Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the faith of God’s elect and the knowledge of the truth that is in accordance with godliness, in the hope of eternal life that God, who never lies, promised before the ages began— in due time he revealed his word through the proclamation with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our Savior,

To Titus, my loyal child in the faith we share:

Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

I left you behind in Crete for this reason, so that you should put in order what remained to be done, and should appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.

The Song of Mary Magnificat

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,

my spirit rejoices in you, O God my Savior, *

for you have looked with favor on your lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed: *

you, the Almighty, have done great things for me,

and holy is your name.

You have mercy on those who fear you *

from generation to generation.

You have shown strength with your arm *

and scattered the proud in their conceit,

Casting down the mighty from their thrones *

and lifting up the lowly.

You have filled the hungry with good things *

and sent the rich away empty.

You have come to the help of your servant Israel, *

for you have remembered your promise of mercy,

The promise made to our forebears, *

to Abraham and his children for ever.

John 10:1-10

Jesus said, "Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but climbs in by another way is a thief and a bandit. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. They will not follow a stranger, but they will run from him because they do not know the voice of strangers." Jesus used this figure of speech with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them.

So again Jesus said to them, "Very truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and bandits; but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

A Song of the Spirit

Revelation 22:12-17

“Behold, I am coming soon,” says the Lord,

“and bringing my reward with me, *

to give to everyone according to their deeds.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, *

the beginning and the end.”

Blessed are those who do God’s commandments,

that they may have the right to the tree of life, *

and may enter the city through the gates.

“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to you, *

with this testimony for all the churches.

“I am the root and the offspring of David, *

I am the bright morning star.”

“Come!” say the Spirit and the Bride; *

“Come!” let each hearer reply!

Come forward, you who are thirsty, *

let those who desire take the water of life as a gift.

God be in my head, and in my understanding;
God be in my eyes, and in my looking;
God be in my mouth, and in my speaking;
God be in my heart, and in my thinking;
God be at my end, and at my departing.

From A New Zealand Prayer Book
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.    Amen.

Eternal Spirit, 
Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver, 
Source of all that is and that shall be, 
Father and Mother of us all, 
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe! 
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples
of the world! 
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings! 
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom 
sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us. 
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us. 
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us. 
From trials too great to endure, spare us. 
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, 
now and for ever. Amen.

Collect of the day

Almighty God, who called Timothy and Titus to be evangelists and teachers, and made them strong to endure hardship: Strengthen us to stand fast in adversity, and to live godly and righteous lives in this present time, that with sure confidence we may look for our blessed hope, the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

We Praise You, O God Te Deum laudamus
We praise you, O God,
we acclaim you as Lord;
all creation worships you,
the Father everlasting.
To you all angels, all the powers of heaven,
the cherubim and seraphim, sing in endless praise:
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might,
heaven and earth are full of your glory.
The glorious company of apostles praise you.
The noble fellowship of prophets praise you.
The white-robed army of martyrs praise you.
Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you:
Father, of majesty unbounded,
your true and only Son, worthy of all worship,
and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide.
You, Christ, are the king of glory,
the eternal Son of the Father.
When you took our flesh to set us free
you humbly chose the Virgin’s womb.
You overcame the sting of death
and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.
You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.
We believe that you will come to be our judge.
Come then, Lord, and help your people,
bought with the price of your own blood,
and bring us with your saints
to glory everlasting

Collect for the Third week of Epiphany

Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

it is night.
The night is for stillness. 
Let us be still in the presence of God.
It is night after a long day. 
What has been done has been done; 
what has not been done has not been done; 
let it be.
The night is dark. 
Let our fears of the darkness of the world and of our own lives 
rest in you. 
The night is quiet. 
Let the quietness of your peace enfold us, 
all dear to us, 
and all who have no peace.
The night heralds the dawn. 
Let us look expectantly to a new day, 
new joys, 
new possibilities.
In your name we pray.
Amen. (ANZPB)

Reconciliation and Forgiveness

 God of compassion, you have reconciled us in Jesus Christ who is our peace: Enable us to live as Jesus lived, breaking down walls of hostility and healing enmity. Give us grace to make peace with those from whom we are divided, that, forgiven and forgiving, we may ever be one in Christ; who with you and the Holy Spirit reigns for ever, one holy and undivided Trinity. Amen.

God help us as we pray to remember these words from Pete Seeger as our prayerful response :

When we see injustice being wrongfully committed in your Name O God help us to remember:
When we se the least of these being harmed in any way let us have courage and be empowered by the Holy Spirit to keep these words in mind:
God help us to be peace makers and to do justly, love, mercy and walk humbly with you and do the following;
When we are afraid and unsteady help us to lean on your courage and remember:
God empower us to serve you in this the Beloved Community that you have brought together and when situations arise and we see times of dis-ease let us remember : 
God we pray for all who are in dire situations that are causing great turmoil and heartbreak to remember the words of this famous hymn:
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I am tired, I am weak and I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light

Take my hand
Precious Lord
Lead me home

When my way grows unclear
Precious Lord, linger near
When my light is almost gone
Hear my cry, hear my call

Take my hand
(Take my hand)
Precious Lord
Lead me home

When the darkness appears
And the night is drawing near
And the day is almost gone
At the river I'll stand
So guide my feet and hold my hand

Take my hand
(Take my hand)
Precious Lord
And lead me home

-Thomas A. Dorsey

Let us offer our prayers aloud or silently as we remember and speak the precious names in the holy presence of God _________

His Eye is On the Sparrow

Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heaven and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

I sing because I’m happy,
I sing because I’m free,
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.
“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Civilla Durfee Martin
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel

There's a Sweet Sweet Spirit in this Place

There's a sweet sweet spirit in this place
And I know that it's the spirit of the Lord

There are sweet expressions on each face
And I know that it's the presence of the Lord

Sweet Holy Spirit
Sweet heavenly dove
Stay right here with us
Filling us with your love
And for these blessings
We lift our hearts in praise (hearts in praise)
Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived
When we shall leave this place

Doris Akers

Tonight we close our time together with Celtic prayers and blessings.

May the blessing of light be on you - light without and light within. 
May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire, 
so that stranger and friend may come and warm himself at it. 
And may light shine out of the two eyes of you, 
like a candle set in the window of a house, 
bidding the wanderer come in out of the storm.
And may the blessing of the rain be on you, 
may it beat upon your Spirit and wash it fair and clean,
and leave there a shining pool where the blue of Heaven shines, 
and sometimes a star. 
And may the blessing of the earth be on you, 
soft under your feet as you pass along the roads, 
soft under you as you lie out on it, tired at the end of day; 
and may it rest easy over you when, at last, you lie out under it. 
May it rest so lightly over you that your soul may be out from under it quickly; up and off and on its way to God. 
And now may the Lord bless you, and bless you kindly. Amen.

Scottish Blessing
 If there is righteousness in the heart,
If there is righteousness in the heart,
there will be beauty in the character.
If there is beauty in the character,
there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home,
there will be order in the nation.
If there is order in the nation,
there will be peace in the world.
So let it be.

(Scottish Blessing)

You are the peace of all things calm
You are the place to hide from harm
You are the light that shines in dark
You are the heart's eternal spark
You are the door that's open wide
You are the guest who waits inside
You are the stranger at the door
You are the calling of the poor
You are my Lord and with me still
You are my love, keep me from ill
You are the light, the truth, the way
You are my Saviour this very day. 

(celtic oral tradition - 1st millennium)

I arise today
Through a mighty strength:
God's power to guide me,
God's might to uphold me,
God's eyes to watch over me;
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to give me speech,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to shelter me,
God's host to secure me.

(first millenium - bridgid of gael)
Circle me, Lord.
Keep protection near
And danger afar.
Circle me, Lord
Keep hope within.
Keep doubt without.
Circle me, Lord.
Keep light near
And darkness afar.
Circle me, Lord.
Keep peace within.
Keep evil out.
(david adam)

Blessing, light, and glory surround us 
and scatter the darkness of the long and lonely night.
Good Night All! I love you! Have a blessed night as we make vigil for our Beloved Community and all Communities! I love you. 

With love and peace,



A to Z Quotes
Book of Occasional Services 

Northumbria Community

Satucket Lectionary Page (NRSV)
Book of Common Prayer
Enriching our Worship 1 and 2
A New Zealand Prayer Book
Walk With Me On Our Journey
Metis Aboriginal Ministries

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