Sunday, August 7, 2016

A time of gentle prayer together!

Good Evening Dearies!

I hope everyone had a blessed and restful day! I have been thinking about how important being family is when we pray together and that we must represent the Kindom of God not Kingdom of God on Earth and to each other! Here at Walk With Me On Our Journey we use the word Familyhood as an equivalent for kindom. We all live together in this world as family members and yes it can be difficult but we must keep working through difficult times and challenges together. The best way to do this is to pray.

Tonight let's get started with a period of reflection and taking time to find peace at the center. Here is tonight's musical selection :Ludovico Einaudi -Divenire Mix

As we take time to reflect and listen to the music and find our hearts made still and may we be made ready for prayer.

God as we wind down our weekend and face another week we light our candles together for a gentle time of prayer and togetherness. We pray for all who are facing changes to their life paths and are afraid. We pray for all parents who are beginning the journey towards a new year of schooling for their children. We pray for an end to division and hatred. We pray that love and light may be the key to affecting change. We pray for peace in our bodies, minds, spirits, and the world at large. We pray for a time of careful listening with our family members as we travel towards a time of elections. We pray that we may discern who is the right fit for sound governance. We pray this night for all who have died due to violence and terror. We ray that our hearts may be set on fire with love energy. We pray this night that we may carry the light of our candles as a holy beacon to the world and shine your light into the dark places and hearts and wherever it is needed. We pray and give thanks for_____________. We pray that we may be  the CALM (Compassionate, accepting, loving, and Merciful) children with broad shoulders, gentle hands, kind words, loving hearts, and soft places in which to fall. The Light of Christ in Me , Recognizes the Light of Christ in You! Amen.

Gracious Jesus, we come to you with heavy hearts that need to feel your presence. Help us to send a message of peace to God's broken world.

Loving Jesus, we  pray for all of the war torn areas of the world remembering Israel and Gaza, Syria, The Ukraine, Libya,  Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, The United States, Turkey, Iraq, France, Belgium, Germany, Central America where there are drug cartels. Nigeria, Sudan , South Sudan, Rwanda, and The Darfur region.

Merciful Jesus, we pray for all of our family members throughout the world that we may be united in love, mercy and justice and that we may be ready to become members in  your family.

Healing Jesus, we pray for all those who are a ill in body, mind, and spirit. We remember this night all of  the many children who are ill.

Courageous Jesus, Help us we pray to seek justice and equality in your world and that everyone may be afforded dignity no matter who they are and what their circumstances are.

Peaceful Jesus, help us to lay down our burdens and go to the other side to spend time resting and praying.

Joyful Jesus, may we always remember you in the breaking of bread and in the prayers. Help us to feel your presence wherever we go and especially in our weekly celebration with our families of faith.

Tender Jesus, may we remember all of the least of these and not look down on them and make them feel invisible. Help us to know and remember they are family too.

Occasionally Angry Jesus, may we learn and have courage to speak truth to power and to help set things aright.

Broken Jesus, We thank you for your willingness to go to the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins may we have and attitude of forgiveness and mercy towards all our family members.

Jesus in the Tomb, may we remember and feel what our lives would be with out you and may we never take You and your gift of salvation for granted.

Risen Jesus may we remember all those who have died and have risen in glory and now reside in the Thin Places.

Watchful Jesus, Watch over all your children and all of creation this night as we rest gentle in your arms.

All this we ask in the Holy Name of  Jesus Christ the Anointed  One. Amen.

Or these!

God we thank you for this day and all the wonders and blessings you brought into it. 

God we pray that we as your adult children may find each day that we live, move, and just be that childlike sense of wonder.

God we pray that we as adults may never hurry our children to grow up and become "Mini-Mes"

God we pray that we all remember that we are all developmental beings who need to go at the right pace in time and space.

God we pray that we may take time to walk with you in your Cathedral of Life. and help conserve the riches of creation so that the generations that may follow us may have a healthy planet in which to  live.

God we pray that we may cease worry and lay down our burdens at your feet feel you arms lovingly enfolding us as we rest. 

God we pray for an end to violence in our cities and towns and that we may return to having our parks, playgrounds, and neighborhoods  places where childhoods may be fostered and protected.

God we pray for each one of our family member on the planet as we remember that they are your children too. Help us to love them more dearly, see you in them more clearly and walk with them peacefully and ever so nearly day by day.*

God we pray for peace in this fragile and broken world.

God as we enter into this weekend of Self and Sabbath Care we pray for____________________
and offer these our petitions and thanksgivings in the Name of Jesus your Son. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! May God's abundant blessings be upon you all ! I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always.

With love and blessings!


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