Friday, August 12, 2016

Today we must start being God's loving children in words and in deeds! God and the world can't wait for this to happen!

Good Early Evening Dear Family!

Happy Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting! There have been quite a few things rolling around in my mind of late and here is the important thing we have forgotten to do and be.
We have forgotten how to be God's loving children. When we have become so hollow and not holy people who do not know what harm we can cause others. God calls us to be holy not holey! God calls us to be a people without fear and hatred in our hearts, lives, and in disunion with each other. We need to stop the hate ! We must stop the hate! We must love! We must care! We must bear each other's burdens! We must be a united family! We must be the CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) Children of God, God Calls us to Be! Got It? 

Remember today we usually place our anxieties, fears, and what ever is rubbing us the wrong way and place them in our Worry/Sabbath box. Today I want us to add our sins and whatever negative thoughts we keep harboring into this jar/box/ journal and begin to spend time in conversation with God to become reconciled and renewed with Abba, each other, and the world. We must do this so that we may truly be holy not holey and wholly God and wholly a family. 

Take time to begin to do this so that we may seek to be loving and that love energy my empower us to do great things in this world for God, each other, and ourselves. We owe this to honor and remember the Orlando 49 who died two months ago. 

After we do our self-examination work in the above let us take time to open our heart homes with "The Be Stills"

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.


God we pray that we may be wholly yours and that we may hallow this time of vigil by the lighting of a single candle in unity with you, each other, ourselves, and the world that you lovingly created.
God we pray that we may get back to the basics and love you and each other as you have commanded us to do. God help us we pray to return to being the holy family you breathed in us to be. Help us this day to learn what it means to speak words, sentences, and phrases sensitively without hatred or slander. God turn our anger into loving words and deeds in service to your children who are our family members. Light up our hearts and spirits with empowering love energy that we may go forth and spread the good news of the Gospel that Jesus keeps telling us to do and follow. Help us we pray that as we follow Jesus we may not lie fallow, that the words and deeds we hallow may not ring hollow, and that we my be holy not holey. Transform us this day into your Soular powered people and that we may bring to this world loving and comforting solace and Soulace! The Love of God in me see the Love of God in you! Amen. 

God help us to be empowered with your love energy towards all we meet.
God hear the prayers of your children.

God we name before you our sin and omission list______________________
God hear the prayers of your children as we ask for forgiveness that we may be renewed to serve and start again.

God help us to remember all of the precious ones who have died in the acts of terror remembering especially the Orlando 49 two months ago.
God hear the prayers of your children as we mourn and grieve.

God we pray for all who are dealing with any kind of illness and pain that they may be healed and comforted. 
God hear the prayers of your children as we cry out for healing. We ask your special blessing upon their loved ones and caregivers.

God we pray for the peace of  our hearts, souls, and world that we may be bridge builders and children who seek to unite and not divide.
God hear the prayers of your children as we seek and  long to be peacemakers.

God we pray that we may learn to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us.
God hear the prayers of your children seeking to love more fully and without fear.

God we pray this night for all who are in danger especially all the war torn areas of the world. 
God hear the prayers of your children as we long for safety and security.

God we pray for all of the LGBTQ, African Americans, Latinos, disabled, Muslims,women, children, and indigenous people who are being discriminated against and who know hatred, bigotry, abuse, and terror.
God hear the prayers of your children as we seek to know, equality,  unity, justice, and universal human rights.

God hear the prayers of your children as we add our own prayers and thanksgivings___________

God hear our cries in crisis and that may we find comfort in your loving and gentle arms. 

God we lift up our prayers and pray that we may be wholly yours and be the holy people of God you call us to be. Amen.

Good Night Dear Ones! Have a blessed and restful night! I give God thanks for you this day and always. Remember this night we prepare for our self -care and Sabbath rest retreat this evening!

Love and blessings,


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