Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bumps along the road and backing into neighbor's truck on a dark street Calm is our key word tonight!

Good evening Dear Family of Love.

I hope everyone had a wonderful and wonder-filled Wednesday. Mine was a mixture and everything was going well until a little while ago when I backed in to my neighbor's truck that was parked across the street. The streets are getting dark and my depth perception due to the chemo and chemo fatigue is a challenge. No one was hurt.. So dear ones we all need to do our due diligence and look behind us and when we open the garage door to see what's parked across the street. I have already called the insurance company and was happy to start the processes. How does this relate to what we meditate on and talk about in our nightly blog? I think it is this , we are all going to have bumps on our journey and it will be all right. We all must take care on our journey and keep watch as God is keeping watch over us. Being vigilant is very important. Don't let it consume you and don't let things like this paralyze you into not driving and doing things. God wants us to have courage and face things head on. So let us be at peace and meet the next few minutes with peaceful hearts and calm nerves. Let's meditate on being calm. No need to do anything fancy but let us be calm and quiet before God. 
Tonight let's do this in silence. 

God we pray this night for all who are restless and their nerves that are shaken. 
Calm our nerves, minds, and spirits God.

God we pray for peace in this your broken world.
Calm our fears, banish hate and let us sew seeds of love and mercy to those whom we fear and hate.

God we pray for all those who have entered into hospice care and are in transition.
Calm their fears and those of their loved ones as they vigil and sit at bedside. We pray for a gentle and peaceful transitioning.

God  we pray for all who are ill and in need of healing.
Give us a sense of calm while we wait for your healing O God.

God give us courage when we make mistakes and admit our wrong doing.
Calm our fears and make us strong as we meet the bumps in the road and along our life's journey.

God we pray for our nation as it goes through many trials and tribulations.
Calm our unnecessary fears and banish all of our phobias, hate, and mistrust.

God we pray for a restful and peaceful night and that we may be rested, relaxed, renewed, and refreshed. 
Give us Calm bodies, minds, and spirits as we rest.

God we pray for all those who ask us for prayer remembering especially__________________ and for ourselves._____________.
Give us calm while we pray.

God we  pray for rain in the drought parched lands. Help us to conserve water and be diligent in conservation of our environment. 

God we pray for all the leaders of the nations around the world that need to feel the power of your love and remember they are ambassadors for peace and that they do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you O god and that they may turn their swords into ploughshares and spears into pruning  hooks and that they may never learn war anymore. 
Calm all this extremism and warring madness. 

God we pray for all who lead the various faith communities and the people with whom they minister. Calm our fears when we meet other family members of God  from other faiths that we may show our love and compassion to them.

God we pray this night for all the least of  these. Keep them safe from harm. 
Calm their fears in the night hours and may they feel your loving and protective arms around them.

God we lift up these prayers in the name of your only Son Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Good Night my dearly loved ones. I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always. May we feel God's calming presence this night and always.

With love and a newly calmed spirit.


Some of my favorite pix !

Can you see in the above picture faces kissing and or a chalice?

Hildegard von Bingen - Voice of the Living Light

Pomerium mix

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