Thursday, October 30, 2014

The light at the end of chemo's tunnel and so a new life begins!

Dear Family of Love,

Well today we finally got to see the light at the end of Chemo's tunnel and the beginning of  survivorship and a new life after cancer treatment. Today the nurses sang to me "Happy Last Chemo To You!: I nearly lost it. I didn't because God was with me and helped me get this party started. It can be a sad time when one completes this kind of odyssey but when I look at all the cumulative experiences these past several months I see only God and you uplifting me as my family of Love.
I see much, much more that is truly heartfelt and all good. Do you realize how blessed we are to have each other on this journey? I hope you do. We are here to uplift and support one another ! No this is not an advertisement for The 18 hour Bra or Girdle or Spanx for that matter. Uplifting and supporting is what a family does everyday without counting the cost and expecting something in return. That is the supreme act of unconditional love and what my friend Sister Janet calls heartitude. I hope everyone today remembered that it is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. Being thoughtful and thankful requires love and heartitude. It's that time of the week where we make out our gratitude list and pray it. Let's do both a gratitude list and a celebration list. Alternate between Gratitude and Celebration. Take your time. If you desire you may use your timers, mindfulness apps, and  music. Tonight's meditation music is  A Loreena McKennitt Mix

Tonight I'm grateful for and celebrate these many things.

I'm grateful for God's healing, loving, and embracing presence.
I'celebrate new life with all of its promises and newness.

I'm Grateful for family members who uplift and support me by their love, presence, and prayers.
I celebrate the power of prayer and it's amazing miraculous qualities.

I'm Grateful for Times of rest and renewal.
I celebrate all the refreshing life giving properties of rest.

I'm grateful for having a loving and grateful heart.
I celebrate living, loving, and laughing.

I'm grateful for a home.
I celebrate having a home and a heart that is is my soul's home.

I'm grateful for being a live!
I celebrate Life every minute of the day and may every moment holy.

I'm grateful for all the ancient wisdom that our elders imparted to us while they were living among us.
I celebrate the gifts of all of our elderly family members brought into our lives.


God of all goodness we pray this night in gratitude and in celebration for all the many blessings you bestowed up on us this day.

God of all healing we pray for all who are in need of healing of any kind.  We name those in need of healing now before you___________________

God of all comfort, bring comfort to those who mourn the losses of any kind. We remember the many plane crashes and senseless acts of violence that caused loss of life today.

God of all mercy, keep watch over all the least of these this night that are in need of food, clothing, shelter, and loving comfort.

God of  Peace, we pray for peace int his troubled world. May the leaders of all these fragile and broken hot spots  do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you.

God and Creator of  your Cathedral of life we pray for rain that it may heal and cleanse your drought parched areas of the world.

God of all Joy, may we celebrate with joy our lives, our loves, our many blessings, our healings of body, mind, and spirits. 

God we lay all of our prayers and thanksgivings that we name now _________________ and in the name of your only Son Jesus. Amen.


A time for celebration has begun! Put on your favorite party music and celebration tunes. This is your choice. 
Find some of your favorite fizzy and bubbly drinks to raise a glass to anyone or anything you'd like to celebrate.
Put on your dancing shoes and join in the festival  and celebration of new life.
Get out your favorite celebration eats remembering it is okay to feast and celebrate all that is good in our lives even during hard times.
Take time to enjoy life and celebrate with gladness that God is Good. that I'm well and that we are now on the  journey of survivorship.
Raise a Glass and give thanks to God for God's healing.
Rejoice, be glad,, dance and sing for a new day has come.

Good Night Family of Love! I love you all and give thanks to God for you this night and always. May God Bless you, keep you, and may you feel God's loving presence in your hearts and surrounding you this night. Remember tomorrow is Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly without fretting.  Do not be afraid for God is with you!

Love, prayers, peace, and joy be always yours,


Yo Yo Ma

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