Friday, September 9, 2016

A season of prayer for social justice: Approaching the 15th year commemoration of 9/11.

Good Evening Dear Family!

Tonight we are going to keep this short. My hands are in pain and we need to begin our preparations for our weekend retreats for Self-Care and Sabbath Rest. Tonight or tomorrow please take time to place the worries and all other things that are bothering you and are struggling with into the Worry/Sabbath Box, Jar, or journal. This weekend we are preparing to commemorate the 15 year since 9/11. This is a good time to pray and be still and not only that but reconnect with all that is holy and life giving. Also it is the perfect time to reunite with all of our brothers and sisters who make up the rich diversity of this world. We pray this weekend that we may become a solid family of God and also children of Abraham. We pray for outstretched hearts, hands, and minds that seek to be compassionate, accepting, loving , and merciful. 

Here we light a single candle in-memorium  

Tonight's meditation music is Diane Arkenstone - Kiva Ceremony   or Ah Nee Mah-Ancient Voices- Full Album , Tonight take time to breathe and be at one with the holy and find peace, love, and listen for the still small voice. Take all the time you need.  When you are ready, slowly begin to pray these words 

Gracious Spirit, we come to you with heavy hearts in need of healing. We offer our tender beings to you for the healing of our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Gracious Spirit we pray this night for and end to bullying and persecution of our LGBTQ youth and adults who are not lovingly accepted in our family May we love them and make for them a soft place in which to fall.

Gracious Spirit, We pray for an end to domestic violence and abuse of men, women and children that all those who have been affected this way may find necessary help and safe shelter,

Gracious Spirit, we pray for our family members who are lonely, homeless, and hungry. May they find compassionate company, safe lodging, and be feed with good food.

Gracious Spirit, protect all of our immigrants, refugees,prisoners, captives, that they may receive necessary care, justice, secure shelters, be led to freedom and liberty. 

Gracious Spirit we pray that we may be good stewards of God's Cathedral of  Life and protect the land that God has given us.  May we conserve and learn to live simply out of Gods's abundance.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for rain in the drought parched areas of the world and for our family members who are affected by severe weather.

Gracious Spirit, We pray for all those who are suffering from mental illness and depression and especially our family members who are feeling low in mind, spirit, and energy. Heal them and may they know that they are loved, precious, and accepted fully into God's Family.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all of our family members who lost their lives on 9/11 and we remember those who continue to mourn their loss. 

Gracious Spirit, we pray for our family members who may be contemplating taking their own lives may they courageously ask for help and feel your encircling love around them.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for our family members who are suffering from Ebola, the respiratory viruses, A.I.D.S. and any other illnesses that are life threatening.

Gracious Spirit, heal and console all of our family members who have Cancer, Diabetes, and all autoimmune, and chronic illnesses. We pray for their caregivers.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for an end to terror and that as our nation is drawn into another conflict our prayers may rise for our President, Congress, and Troops, as they face the days ahead.  May we knit a prayer circle  of  love  around our country  where we may sew seeds of love, hope, joy,justice, peace, acceptance,and mercy, and that hate, bigotry, and division may cease. May we all be one!

Gracious Spirit, may we add our prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations for ourselves and on behalf of others at this time. 

Gracious Spirit we give thanks for all those who are completing cancer treatment and pray for those who are continuing their chemo or radiation treatments. We pray for minimal side effects and that they may have loving and compassionate medical teams. We pray for mindful caregivers who will lovingly support them.

Gracious Spirit, we pray for all who are grieving losses of any may we with God's help lovingly and with compassion step up care and meet their needs and knit a prayer circle of love around them.

Gracious Spirit, We pray for all children that they may be protected from abuse in its many forms, bullying, self doubt, violence, and that those who are in foster homes may find love and compassion and acceptance. We pray for all children needing a forever home that the right parental match may be found.

Gracious Spirit, encircle this world with love, peace, and unity. We pray for an end to violence and terror. May we make peace and show love to our family members who feel it necessary to harm and kill for extreme religious reasons. We pray for all who persecute those who aren't of their faith community. May we see God in all people and reflect God's light in our eyes to theirs.

Gracious Spirit, help us to learn to love ourselves and celebrate each moment that we live and move and just be,

Gracious Spirit, give us strength,courage and resilience to serve You, God, and Jesus in everything we do and may our lives be a shining light of love to the least of these and those who are feeling invisible and insecure.

Gracious Spirit, we lift up our hands in prayerful and celebratory praise this night as we offer our prayers, celebrations, remembrances, and thanksgivings for ourselves and on behalf of others in Jesus our Loving Redeemer's Name. Amen.


Good Night Lovely Family! I love you, you matter, please take care of yourselves and others with love, compassion, and mercy. Remember it is sometimes necessary to do GPS (Gentle Priority Shifting). Remember if you have to make changes in your life,do it. As I keep saying Live your truth, follow your bliss, and you don't have to explain yourself. Remember I accept everything about you no matter what and I loyally and lovingly have your backs. I give God thanks for you this day and always. 

Love, hope, joy, peace, and blessings be always yours,


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