Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Taking it off the beaten path or a delightful diversion

Good Evening Fellow Journey People!

What a good time to walk! It started out sunny and then the marine layer gradually crept in. This evening I decided to go off the beaten path and travel down Camino Colegio (College Road) and then went on to McClelland St. This is one of the oldest areas in town with varying homes.  I went by Casa Encantada one of my all time favorite houses, it looks like a castle to me,  and the old Coca Cola Bottling Plant. Lots of history on this block This evening the music was as eclectic as the walk. Tony Bennett Duets II, Paul Winter Celtic Solstice, and English Renaissance by the Canadian Brass.When you take your walks don't be afraid to change up your route a little. Lots to see here in town or where ever you may be. But be careful of the wild pavement. Did you make your list of what you needed to let go of? It will help believe me. I challenge everyone to do something different for the remainder of the week. Change up what ever is routine. All except taking medication. It's a glorious time to be outside and feel God's presence and to take time for prayer and thanksgiving. I guess it is time for photos and a music sampler! I love you ! Remember I walk for life, health, joy, peace, energy and to feel God's presence in the out of doors. Get outside people. Have a blessed evening.

Love to all and peace of mind!


 Paul Winter Solstice -Triumph

Golden Apples of the Sun

A mellow down before we go for our daily walk!

Good Evening!

Our walk will be soon! Here a relaxing piece of music for you to enjoy while you wait for my blog tonight!

The Promise of Living

Good Morning !

Good Morning!

I hope all of you are ready to start a new day! I challenge everyone to take time to get outdoors! It will help get rid of the cobwebs that Wednesday brings!  I wish everyone a good day and know that I love you and want you to be healthy!

Love and peace of mind,

Today's Morning Music Sample Click the link below

All Breathing Life Bach

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Our Lord said", Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you."

Good Evening Fellow Walkers on our Journey:
Tonight's music was from "Cats," 'Songs in the Key of Disney" and, "England, My England Hymns from the English Church", Tonight I was fascinated by door ways and roads. A lot of the door ways and buildings were around Santa Maria High School. These doors to these buildings hold a lot of memories. As I stared at these paths and doorways I came to the realization that memories can be held onto like Super Glue. As part of self-care ask yourself what memories do I hold onto like Super Glue? Can I let some of these memories go, and not be ruled by the past? This evening take time to meditate and think on this portion of Luke's Gospel that we had on Sunday last ", Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you." Tomorrow's challenge is to make a list of things, thoughts, or ideas that are keeping you from being motivated. New life and new beginnings begin with just a footstep and a willingness to do it. Won't you make the first step to get healthy? Please remember why I walk. I walk for life, health, joy, and peace of mind and to feel God's presence in the out of doors. Blessings fellow journey-people.
 I love you.
 Have a good night!
Love, Blessings, and Peace of Mind, 

 Samples from tonight's musical journey!
Spem In Alium