Sunday, July 28, 2013

Today's Walking reflection: Going in reverse or giving someone the slip!

Today's Walking reflection: Going in reverse or giving someone the slip! 

Well folks tonight I did my walk taking the reverse route due to a potential bothersome man on a bike who made the circle just to see me! So, just to be safe I decided to double back and do the route in reverse. A good time tonight just to see the difference. Wow! Very pretty. Pretty wonderful. We have so many vistas even in a circle around town. Tonight I walked to the "Devil Wears Prada" sometimes I feel like Anne Hathaway glad I didn't have to wear stilettos on my walk. Yikes that would've hurt, but I digress. My introspection or the final walking selections were Walton's Coronation 'Te Deum, and Clarke's Trumpet Tune. Today was a joyous walking time especially following the Obon festival. Oh, by the way another guy crossed the street to tell me 'Hi" glad I have earphones! Ok, men on my friends list on FB, I have a question for you and any of my new family members too! Am I pretty or as in the words in Camelot's Guinevere "Do my looks repel you?' I can take it. The smells on the Miller side of my walk were of laundry detergent and dryer sheets on the Broadway side all the restaurants. What amazes me more is that we in Santa Maria are blessed with the city we have. All cities have their probs 
but these nights walking have proven that we do have an"All America City' for the most part. Try getting out and waking the route I walk sometime and you'll find how wonderful
our town is. If you see a  video called "Geico Pig or Me?' It is a Vine Video and please turn down the volume it's a little loud. Take care my friends. Walking continues tomorrow! I love you!

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