Sunday, May 31, 2015

Finding Joy in Rest!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday. I did! I decided that since I walked almost every day this past week, I would let my legs and feet rest. I was glad that I did  Sometimes we need to do this. I found joy in resting and watching a Harry Potter Marathon. We always need reminders that we are human beings not human doings. We need to stop the glorification of busy not just on Sunday but daily as part of our self-care routine. God and Jesus were and are good role models for this, and all we need to do is find our haven of rest, our own personal rest routine, and know that it is okay not to be on the go all the time. Tonight we will take time to do our breathing exercises using our old familiar form:

Inhale the Holy Spirit.

Exhale Love. 

Inhale the Holy Spirit.

Exhale Love.

Inhale the Holy Spirit.

Exhale Love.

Think and visualize peace and feel God's presence and love.

Now let us find Joy in resting by listening to : Peter Hope - Momentum Suite . An interesting fact about Peter Hope is that he wrote the Mexican Hat Dance!  Remember this ? Mexican Hat Dance
Interesting things one finds out when listening to Classical KUSC!

Let's spend  a little bit of time in prayer:

God we thank you for this day and all the joy, love, peace, and many blessings you brought into our lives.

God we pray for our family members nearby and far away and those with whom we are estranged.

God we pray for the homeless, hungry, and ill clad that they may be safe from harm this night.

God we pray for all who are mourning the loss of loved ones, animal family members, employment, and relationships.

God we pray for all who are living with chronic illnesses of the body and mind. We pray especially for ourselves and those who have asked us to pray for especially__________________.

God we pray for peace in our hearts and peace in the world. 

God we pray for all who are victims of violence, abuse, terror, and in justice.

God we pray that we  may become voices for the voiceless, speak truth to power whenever necessary, and do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.

God we pray for_________________

God we give thanks for______________

God we remember___________________

We lift up these our prayers and thanksgivings in name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Have a blessed and restful night filled with joy and peace. Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday. I give God thanks for you this night and always!

With peace, love, prayers, and God's blessings!


St. Patrick's Breastplate

Gather us In

Shepherd Me, O God

Psalm 23, Bobby McFerrin

Common Threads- Bobby McFerrin

The Summons

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Balancing our bodies, minds, and spirits, by meditating and praying.

Dear Family of Love!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Self-Care Saturday! I hope that you took good care of yourselves and do something nice for you. Tonight is Trinity Sunday eve and the number 3 has been in my head these days! Tonight I did the Whole Holy #3 and was thinking about how important these walks have been and are for our Trinity of Being (Body, Mind, and Spirit) Walking 3 miles has become necessary for creating balance in my life and my body, mind, and spirit. We all need to find and make and find time to for balance.  Finding balance is not just limited to Self-Care Saturday but always. Tonight as we prepare for Sabbath Rest Sunday  we need to take time to begin centering and balancing our bodies, minds, and spirits by meditating and praying. We do this by doing our breathing exercises and meditation routine. Let us take time to breathe and close our eyes and then pray.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit.

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit.

Exhale love.

Breathe in the Holy Spirit.

Exhale love.

Now close your eyes and listen to this:

Vangelis -Journey to the Universe  or this Andreas Vollenweider -1984 White Winds

Now  let us be at prayer.

God we thank you for this day and pray that we may always remember to practice good self-care for ourselves.

God we pray for those who are ill and in need of healing of their bodies, minds, and spirits.

God we pray for all the least of these who are in need of shelter, nourishing food, and clothing.

God we pray for peace in our hearts and in our nation and the world.

God we thank you for our many blessings especially____________________

God we add our prayers for ourselves on behalf of others_______________

God we pray for good conservation of  God's Cathedral of Life______________

God we pray for and lift up our fears, anxieties, and and anything else that keeps us from fully being with you ______________.

God we lift up these our prayers and thanksgivings in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Good Night Dear Ones! I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always. Take time for additional self-care as you enjoy Sabbath Rest Sunday!

With love, blessings, prayers, and peace,


Friday, May 29, 2015

It's our monthly reminder that we need to have fun! Yes Fun! Time to make our life and living list!

Dear Family of Love!

Sorry this is late! I decided it was time for a little bit of fun! Do you remember that here at Walk With Me On Our Journey we encourage fun! That even includes your blogger and prayer walker. Tonight after I walked 6 miles I came home and decided I needed dinner and didn't have anything I liked here at home so I showered, put on makeup, got dressed up and went to Shaw's Steakhouse and Tavern. I had salmon and it was delish. After dinner tried to find a hopping place in which to socialize. Nothing doing in my neck of the woods! Then I remembered that we have the Elk's Rodeo this weekend and the action was at the Elk's Lodge! I wasn't going to go over there so I came home. So what does that have to do with us and having fun? Not a whole lot except, we all must strive to get out of our ruts sometimes. This includes spiritually, socially, and mentally! As part of our preparation for Self-Care Saturday and Sabbath Rest Sunday let us remember to take time to get out of our various ruts and find something novel and new to do. Tonight along with putting our worries, anxieties, fears into our Worry/Sabbath box, let us make a life and living list for this weekend. Don't forget today is also and still is for a little while Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting. 
What is a life and living list? It is what you would like to do for fun and as an energy boost to get you out of the ruts you are in physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Gentle people get out your pen and paper and start making that list! After you complete this task then take time for a period of quiet. You may add music as you wish. Here is tonight's musical selection:
Vangelis Portraits Full Album 

God help us to remember to have fun and to rest, relax, and renew our bodies, minds, and spirits on a regular basis.

God we pray for all who are living without proper nourishing food, clothing, and shelter. We pray for all the panhandlers on our streets that they may find the help they need.

God we pray for all our family members either human or furry who are ill that they may be healed ant that we may have peace of mind as they are going through challenges as caregivers.

God we pray for peace in our hearts and in the nations of the world.

God we pray this night for all who travel that they may arrive safely at their destination. 

God we pray for__________________________________

God we give thanks for_____________________________

God we remember this day___________________________

God we lay down our worries, burdens, fears and anything else that will prevent us from taking our slumber.

We pray lift these our prayers in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you May you have a blessed and restful night. I give God thanks for you this night and always!

