Saturday, May 2, 2015

Our Spring/Summer Self-Care reminders and a gentle meditation.

Dear Family of Love,

I only took a Whole Holy #3 mile walk today! My legs started to bark like a dog, so they needed less work on the pavement. This morning I had a skin cancer screening and it went well. I'm clear skin wise . I guess it is time for our Spring/ Summer health reminders tonight! We always have at least one of these along with our usual meditation.  Here are the reminders:

Get caught up with and up to date with your medical tests and appointments Don't be afraid to go to the doctor! If you are get someone to go with you!.If you don't know what you should have please check with your primary care doctor.  My top and important ones are:
Hemoglobin A 1 C, 
Pap smear for women
 PSA and Testicular exam for men. 
Vision check  
Know your numbers!

Make a point to wear sunscreen, hats, sunglasses,  and protective clothing.

Drink plenty of water or non caloric liquid. Watch the caffeine and limit the sodas.

Get plenty of sleep.

Exercise at least 150 minutes per week to start.

Eat nutritious foods and pay attention to the labels on foods.

Make a point to pursue cultural pursuits.

Make sure your walking shoes are in good condition.

Ask for help if you are in the serious business of  lovingly being a caregiver.

Remember we are all to keep watch over children and if respond if they are in need of help.

Get to know your neighbors/family members.

Unplug when you need too! More often than not!

Today was international Labyrinth Day so tonight I'm bringing the labyrinth to you for our online and virtual meditation! Use your mouse to follow the path!  While you do here is tonight's musical meditation: The Best of Einaudi _Album

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe we pray for peace in this troubled world that you made out of and in love. 

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe , we pray that wars and violence may cease and love, goodness, and unity may take their place among all of your children our brothers and sisters.

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe, we pray for all the least of these from all the four corners of this world that we may lovingly respond and come to their aid. We pray for safe shelter, clean water, nourishing food for their bodies, minds, and spirits, and clothing and shoes to protect them from harm  and the affects of climate change. 

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe, we pray for all who are mourning losses of any kind that their hearts will be comforted and that we may with you lovingly respond with deep and abiding love and compassion.

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe, we pray for ourselves and those who have come to us seeking and requesting prayers, especially______________________

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe, we pray for  those who are dying and those who have died today.

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe, we pray for all those who are preparing for worship and are in this three day worship cycle as they come to you and spend time in Holy Sabbath Rest of body, mind, and spirit.

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe, we pray for all of our most vulnerable family members remembering the elderly, all races, creeds, the bullied,  memory challenged and mentally ill, abused women and children, refugees, immigrants,  children, the disabled, the LGBTQ community, and all of our animal family members who face extinction and being endangered species.  God may we remember that these may be us from time to time and that we need to make these faces, persons, and living things come alive and reside in our hearts and heart- homes as an awareness of how far we must go to become truly united in love and see You in them. 

Healing and life giving God and creator of the universe, we lift up these our prayers in the Name of Jesus your son this night and always. Amen. 


Good Night dear ones! Rest Gentle in God's arms. Know that you are loved by God, each other, and me. I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always!

With love and blessings,


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