Sunday, May 24, 2015

A whirlwind trip that made the spirit glad! The Rush of a mighty wind to inspire and fuel our spiritual selves.

Dear Family of Love!

I hope we all have had a wonderful weekend. What has been the most inspiring part of this weekend in your lives? Was it the weather, the sermon you heard this morning, the stories of our men and women in uniform, or someone in our family who buoyed you up when you needed it the most?
This weekend started out being one for the record books for me. On Friday I had to decide whether or not to travel a day early for Bishop Steven Charleston's book launch THE FOUR VISION QUESTS of JESUS or do a round trip on Saturday! I decided I better go down to Los Angeles a day early and   I called my favorite hotel and could get in. As I traveled south I passed by the oil spill near Santa Barbara and was heartbroken by the damage to God's precious ecosystems and God's Cathedral of Life as a whole. The smell wasn't at all sweet but terrifying. This weekend as it is Pentecost some churches use incense, this oil smell wasn't at all uplifting as incense. We need to pray for our environment and all those who are working to contain this spill.The environment is our most precious resource. As I traveled further down I realized that we must find a way to reduce our carbon foot prints and fossil fuels. This is apparent when you see all the autos coming and going the highways and byways. When I arrived at the hotel a little after six I felt like I had come home and was looking forward to rest and a little bit of fun. On Saturday I took a necessary and spiritually uplifting Art pilgrimage to The Getty Center and a few of the current exhibits: Italian Illuminated Manuscripts, Degas' Russian Dancers, J.M.W.  Turner Painting Set Free. Each of these art forms were both inspiring and uplifting. I even did a slight bit of singing in one of the exhibit rooms because of the wonderful acoustics! We all need times to uplift our spirits any way that we can this was one of them.  Listen to the song I sung, I hope it will uplift you as well. Enya- How Can I keep from Singing I felt tingly and amazed that I wanted to do this. Finally to hear Bishop Charleston and his talk about his new book at St.John's Cathedral  was the icing on the cake. Many of the things he talked about could have been from this blog but no, they were from the Native American perspective. His words both challenged and inspired. Whose words inspires you? Whose stories empowers you to be  a better person? Whose lives make want to do better just for them and others? These questions pop up from time to time.

Today is the feast of Pentecost and the Rush of the mighty wind that was present at the first Pentecost still inspires, empowers, and fuels our spiritual selves. We always need to find ways to be spiritually fueled. I happen to like art,music, and seeing and  spiritual leaders and prayer waking. With summer fast approaching we need to keep our bodies, minds, and spirits fueled. Take time to find out what that means for you.

Today I invite you to take a slight period of rest and reflection and find peace at the center.
Please select your own music. Take your time and enjoy the quiet.

God we pray that we may feel the rush of the mighty wind may continue to empower, inspire, and uplift our bodies, minds, and spirits. Fuel us for our journey that we may be loving, merciful, and serve all of our family members.

God we pray for all of us who are on a journey to new life paths, employment, enliven our hearts and minds to listen for your still small voice.

God we pray for all who are serving and have served their country.  We remember especially all who have died remembering________________

God we pray for the healing of  the nations, the Earth, and our bodies, minds, and spirits.

God we remember especially this day in our prayers and thanksgivings  ____________________

God we lift up these our prayers in the Name of your Son Jesus. Amen.


Have a wonderful evening! I love you Dear Ones! I give God Thanks for you this night and always!
Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday!

With love always,


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