Sunday, May 3, 2015

Etched in the pavement! Who are our family members whose names I see every day on the prayer walking trail?

Dear Family of Love,

How many of you take walks and see designs etched in pavement. I'm always interested, in who are our family members whose names I see every day on the prayer walking trails. What do you do when you see these names etched in the pavement?  I used to blatantly ignore them but not anymore because they represent a person with feelings and either someone living or departed and most of all someone's family member who is also a human being.  I suggest that these names become etched in our mental pavement as a way to connect our feet to the many people we pray for. Let's add them to our daily prayers as we walk. Take pictures of these names and initials so they may become real to you and to us. I will do that tomorrow! Here are a few names I see on my walk each night:

Jerry Mohler,
MW or WM

Tonight let's etch our own names, those whom we will pray for, and anything else we want to pray for in this virtual pavement: Choose your pavements that you want to etch your prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances and celebrations: 
Using your mouse like an etching tool, let's begin etching and praying as our form of meditation this day and then have a short prayer time. 

Tonight's musical selections are : 

Light from Assisi

Transformation at Assisi

God we thank you for etching us in you and you in us. 

God etch in us love that will last eternally and love that will uplift and sustain us all our earthly lives long.

God etch in our hearts the willingness to help the least of these our family members.

God etch in our minds the knowledge that we don't have anything to fear but to meet with courage that will make us the resilient children you made us to be.

God etch in those who govern the knowledge that their responsibility is to govern with a holy blindfold  on see everyone on an equal and just footing. 

God etch in the lives and hearts of our family members in their inner beings that they matter and aren't invisible.

God etch in the lives of our family members who are grieving losses of any kind that they may feel your loving arms and compassionate strength around them and that we may with you become their soft places to fall. 

God etch in the world peace that will prevail and that violence and war may be no more.

God we pray these our prayers that and concern that are etched in our hearts in our hearts daily as we lay them at the feet of Jesus to take care of them. May we never be afraid to ask and pray and lay our burdens on God who is loving and compassionate.  Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! You are etched and live in my heart and heart home this night and always. I give thanks to God for you this night and always as well. Remember tomorrow is You  Matter Monday!

Etched in my heart with love,


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