Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A warm welcome to all of our new readers on Wonderful and Wonder-Filled Wednesday! A Walk With Me On Our Journey Praying in Place Primer for all of our family members who are new and a few reminders for everyone.

Dear Family of Love,

I hope all is well with everyone! I wanted to welcome everyone who is a new reader and family member to Walk With Me On Our Journey and also let everyone who reads this blog, prays the prayers, and does the meditations how much I welcome and we welcome your presence here among us. Hospitality is always necessary when you invite people to read a blog, pray a prayer, and do a meditation. I invite everyone to participate at any level .  I also am inviting you to join in prayer walking if that should be your thing. Today I had to honor my body because it told me I needed to rest. Rest is sometimes necessary in order to kick start our faith and give us continuing energy to take our temples on walks. So tonight we return to our plan B which is praying in place.  We used this when I was undergoing cancer treatment and my feet were plagued by neuropathy during chemo. This form of prayer and meditation is quite easy and doesn't require any special skill set. 

For our new readers here is the framework and if you are an already established reader this is a healthy and gentle reminder:

First let us decide where we are going to pray and meditate. I suggest somewhere quiet and that doesn't have a lot of distraction. 

Second let us find a comfortable place to sit. Make sure it supports your backs and bodies well.

Third let us make sure we are wearing comfortable clothing. You may go barefoot.

Fourth: Decide how long you want to pray; Use a timer, album length, or your own inner timer.
Tonight we are going to do a flexible sit with music. You may continue to listen  after your  meditation time has concluded.

Tonight's music is from Taize: Taize Mix 8 videos

Let us begin:

Start by taking a few deep and cleansing breaths. Breathe in The Holy Spirit and Exhale Love Do this as many times as it takes for you to feel relaxed.

For this meditation tonight you may close your eyes or keep them open.

Now  let us use this to find our way into the center :

Repeat this several times.
Now if you should desire turn the music off and go into silence and be still and listen for God's still small voice. Stay there just as we do with the virtual labyrinth at the center: Here is the picture for this if you are new to Walk With Me On Our Journey. We do virtual labyrinth walks with our mouse as part of our meditations.  If you have time, I invite you to give it a try. 

Now is the time dear family of love  to enter into our nightly conversation with God  as we pray.

\God we welcome and embrace all our new readers and family members to Walk With Me On Our Journey. We give thanks for their presence here. We also continue to welcome all who have been with us on our journey and give thanks for them as well.

God we pray for peace in this world and in our hearts. We pray especially for the many concerns that make our hearts tender remembering  the peoples of  Burundi, Baltimore, Nepal, and those in the Amtrak Rail derailment in Philadelphia. We pray for all injured and have lost their lives. 

God we pray for all who are ill and in need of healing. We remember those who are on our hearts and who have come to mind as we pray_______________

God we pray for all who are seeking meaning in their lives and on their life's journey.

God we pray for all of our family members who are victims of violence, terror, and abuse that they may be comforted and that love, mercy, peace,kindness, and unity may prevail over all things that seek to destroy and tear down.

God we pray for all who are walking in life's journey of grieving that they may find comfort and support systems who will walk lovingly with them.

God we pray for all of our family members who have died and are in transition towards the Thin Places.

God we pray for our family members who are the least of these who are in need of  safe shelter, nourishing food, and warm clothing. 

God give us courage to speak truth to power, be the voice for the voiceless, and help spread the message that we all are entitled to justice, equality, and universal human rights. 

God we pray these our additional prayers and thanksgivings ________________and lay them in your Son Jesus' arms. Amen.

Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you and Give God Thanks for you always! Don't forget that  we still take your prayer requests on the Prayer Walks and when we pray in place! To do this please send them in on Facebook when I post for Requests, Send me a Tweet on Twitter. If they are too private please PM me on Facebook or Direct Message me on Twitter if you follow me. Send me a comment to a blog. If you are interested in a one on one with me we can do this through Facebook Chat or Skype. Don't forget that the prayer and love line is always open. Remember tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday. Let's get our attitudes of gratitude  going and practice random acts of kindness. 

With love, blessings, and thanksgivings for you always,


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