Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Following in the footsteps Jesus, Anna Alexander and Wangari Maathai! More family members we should know about!

Good Evening Dear Ones!

Happy Take Care Tuesday! Today has been the first Tuesday evening in a very long time that I haven't had a meeting. So that means I'm blogging relatively early. How are you doing with y/our Youth Activist List? I hope you are exploring and learning and giving thanks. Today we remember two remarkable women Anna Alexander and Wangari Maathai. These women responded to God's call in two different lands and have given us much. Today we give thanks to God for them. Our quotes for pondering today come from Wangari Maathai. If you find yourselves seeing climate and environment as themes, you'll know what this week's Ubuntu work is all about. Ubuntu? Remember that? Yes we are still in the season of Ubuntu. So let us us begin.

"You cannot protect the environment unless you empower people, you inform them, and you help them understand that these resources are their own, that they must protect them." ~ Wangari Maathai

"In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. A time when we have to shed our fear and give hope to each other. That time is now." ~ Wangari Maathai

"When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope." ~ Wangari Maathai

"You can make a lot of speeches, but the real thing is when you dig a hole, plant a tree, give it water, and make it survive. That's what makes the difference" ~ Wangari Maathai

"You cannot enslave a mind that knows itself. That values itself. That understands itself." ~ Wangari Maathai

"Every one of us can make a contribution. And quite often we are looking for the big things and forget that, wherever we are, we can make a contribution. Sometimes I tell myself, I may only be planting a tree here, but just imagine what's happening if there are billions of people out there doing something. Just imagine the power of what we can do." ~ Wangari Maathai

"The little grassroots people can change this world." ~ Wangari Maathai

"Human rights are not things that are put on the table for people to enjoy. These are things you fight for and then you protect." ~ Wangari Maathai

"We can love ourselves by loving the earth." ~ Wangari Maathai

"We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own - indeed, to embrace the whole creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder. This will happen if we see the need to revive our sense of belonging to a larger family of life, with which we have shared our evolutionary process." ~ Wangari Maathai

"All of us have a God in us, and that God is the spirit that unites all life, everything that is on this planet. It must be this voice that is telling me to do something, and I am sure it's the same voice that is speaking to everybody on this planet - at least everybody who seems to be concerned about the fate of the world, the fate of this planet." ~ Wangari Maathai

"When you know who you are you are free." ~ Wangari Maathai

"We all share one planet and are one hummanity, there is no escaping this reality." ~ Wangari Maathai

"We owe it to ourselves and to the next generation to conserve the environment so that we can bequeath our children a sustainable world that benefits all." ~ Wangari Maathai

"The living conditions of the poor must be improved if we really want to save our environment" ~ Wangari Maathai

"Quite often when you help poor people, they don't think about the environment. They think about survival." ~ Wangari Maathai

Come let us worship:

We open our time together with this prayer:

A Prayer for Our Time and for the Earth
Dear God, Creator of the earth, this sacred home we share;
Give us new eyes to see the beauty all around and to protect the wonders of creation.
Give us new arms to embrace the strangers among us and to know them as family.
Give us new ears to hear and understand those who live off the land
and to hear and understand those who extract its resources.
Give us new hearts to recognize the brokenness in our communities
and to heal the wounds we have inflicted.
Give us new hands to serve the earth and its people
and to shape beloved community.
For you are the One who seeks the lost,
binds our wounds and sets us free,
and it is in the name of Jesus the Christ we pray.
- The Rt. Reverend Carol Gallagher, Cherokee

Joseph Barth: A Grace

We give thanks for Being;
We give thanks for being here;
We give thanks for being here together.

Proclaim God’s glory to the nations, God’s marvellous deeds to all the peoples. For the Lord is great and highly to be praised. Psalm 96:3, 4

To all to whom I send you you shall go, and whatever I command you you shall speak. Jeremiah 1:7b

Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for thse who abuse you. Do good and lend, expecting nothing in return; for God is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish. 
Be merciful as your father is merciful. Judge not and you will not be judged. Condemn not and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven. 
Give and it will be given to you; for the measure you give will be the measure you receive. From Luke 6:27-38

Jesus said, ‘Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be. My Father will honour the one who serves me.’ John 12:26

If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31, 32

You Lord are all that I have; I have promised to keep your Word. I have sought your favour with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promises. Psalm 119:57, 58

Jesus said, ‘Anyone who has left brothers or sisters, father, mother, or children, land or houses for the sake of my name will be repaid many times over, and given eternal life.’ Matthew 19:29

A Christian is one who points at Christ and says, ‘I can’t prove a thing, but there’s something about His eyes and His voice. There’s something about the way He carries His head, His hands, the way He carries His cross – the way He carries me.’

Frederick Buechner


Lest we forget the great traditions of freedom and faith which are the heritage of humanity; lest we forget the pioneers, the statesmen, the bridge builders, the artists; and lest we forget You, the God of our fore bears who is our God also:

We light this candle of remembrance.

For the hope of a better world, in which righteousness and peace shall prevail among the people of the earth, and to create which is the task of the generations in which we stand, as well as for the courage and faith we shall need if we are to carry on this unfinished work:

We light this candle of consecration.

May the flame upon the altar of free faith shine in our hearts al ways, reminding us of the dark places to which we may carry light and strengthening us in every moment of doubt and discouragement with unwavering faith in You whom we serve and whose we are.

Light of the World Phos hilaron
Light of the world, in grace and beauty,
Mirror of God’s eternal face,
Transparent flame of love’s free duty,
You bring salvation to our race.
Now, as we see the lights of evening,
We raise our voice in hymns of praise;
Worthy are you of endless blessing,
Sun of our night, lamp of our days.

Whichever way we turn, O God, there is Your face
in the light of the moon and patterns of stars,
in sacred mountain rifts and ancient groves,
in mighty seas and creatures of the deep.
Whichever way we turn, O God, there is Your face
in the light of eyes we love,
in the salt of tears we have tasted,
in weathered countenances east and west,
in the soft skin glow of the child everywhere.
Whichever way we turn, O God, there is Your face,
there is Your face
among us.

John Philip Newell
God we lift up our tired spirits and come to you this night with our hearts open and ears ready to hear what you are saying to us. Tonight we make vigil and pray in the light and love of  God. We light our candles and reflect upon this day.

God, we light our candles tonight and pray that we may become the loving and welcoming family of Love/God. We pray for our family members who haven't received warm welcomes in their lives, families, places of work, and worship. We pray that we may become kind to all of your children at any time of the day or night. We pray that we may encircle all of humanity with a warm prayer quilt of welcome and Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy. We pray for peace in this fragile and broken world. We pray that we may listen with kind and non judgmental ears as we welcome our new family members who have been strangers to us and now becoming friends. God lead and show us how to be kind, loving, and welcoming in all that we do each and everyday. Help us always to remember that The Light of Christ in Me Recognizes the Light of Christ in you. Amen.

Our vigil prayer for the week.

God of All Kindness, we light our candles for all of our family members around the world who do not have access to food, clothing,shelter, clean water, and medical care. We pray for all of our family members who do not have a home to return to either by natural disaster or war and terrorist acts. We pray for all the many aid agencies that are struggling to meet the needs of our family members where resources are scarce. We pray that we may rise up and help them to seek and find solutions to the scarcity of programs and unmet needs. We pray for peace in this fragile and broken world and an end to terror, hatred, bullying and abuse. We pray for each other tonight and as God to heal, help, and console us as we struggle with aspects of daily living. We pray for justice and universal human rights for all. We pray that we may follow Jesus by being CALM(Compassionate, accepting, Loving, and Merciful). May we love one another and shine the light of Christ one to another "The Light of Christ in me Recognizes the Light of Christ in you!" May we all have a restful and blessed rest this night and always.

Book of Common Prayer: Forgive Us, O God

Forgive, O God, those national sins which so easily beset us: our wanton waste of soil and air and water; our desecration of natural beauty; our heedlessness of those who come after us, if only we be served; our lust for money; our contempt for what is small and worship of what is big. For wrongs done to our land, our people, our heritage, and our future, as well as for things left undone, forgive us, O God.

Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love?' These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will be many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.
Henri Nouwen

A Smudging Prayer

 Creator, our Father in heaven, we come to you as your children. We confess that we are weak and broken images of you. We pray for the forgiveness and healing you give in Jesus Christ. May his Spirit clean our spirits, minds, hearts, and bodies. We pray that your Holy Spirit will help us to worship in spirit and truth. We pray in the name of Jesus, so that his Spirit will carry our prayers to you. Amen.

We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust. We must dissent from a nation that has buried its head in the sand, waiting in vain for the needs of its poor, its elderly, and its sick to disappear and just blow away. We must dissent from a government that has left its young without jobs, education or hope. We must dissent from the poverty of vision and the absence of moral leadership. We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better." - Thurgood Marshall

A prayer from The Arusha Call to Discipleship

Loving God, we thank you for the gift of life in all its diversity and beauty. Lord Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, we praise you that you came to find the lost, to free the oppressed, to heal the sick, and to convert the self-centred. Holy Spirit, we rejoice that you breathe in the life of the world and are poured out into our hearts. As we live in the Spirit, may we also walk in the Spirit. Grant us faith and courage to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Jesus: becoming pilgrims of justice and peace in our time. For the blessing of your people, the sustaining of the earth, and the glory of your name. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.


Tú eres mi otro yo.
You are my other me.
Si te hago daño a ti,
If I do harm to you,
Me hago daño a mi mismo.
I do harm to myself.
Si te amo y respeto,
If I love and respect you,
Me amo y respeto yo.
I love and respect myself.

Luis Valdez

I LAY BEFORE YOU - Howard Thurman

The concern which I lay bare before You today is:

Whatever disaffection there is between me and those who are or have been very close to me— I would seek the root or cause of such disaffection, and with the illumination of Your mind, O God, to understand it.

I give myself to Your scrutiny that, whatever there may be in me that is responsible for what has happened, I will acknowledge.

Where I have wronged or given offense deliberately or without intention, I seek a face-to-face forgiveness.

What I can undo I am willing to try; what I cannot undo, with that I seek to make my peace.

How to do these things, what techniques to use, with what spirit— for these I need and seek Your wisdom and strength, O God.

Whatever disaffection there is between me and those who are or have been very close to me, I lay bare before You.

Psalm 78
Part I Attendite, popule

1 Hear my teaching, O my people; *
incline your ears to the words of my mouth.

2 I will open my mouth in a parable; *
I will declare the mysteries of ancient times.

3 That which we have heard and known,
and what our forefathers have told us, *
we will not hide from their children.

4 We will recount to generations to come
the praiseworthy deeds and the power of the Lord, *
and the wonderful works he has done.

5 He gave his decrees to Jacob
and established a law for Israel, *
which he commanded them to teach their children;

6 That the generations to come might know,
and the children yet unborn; *
that they in their turn might tell it to their children;

7 So that they might put their trust in God, *
and not forget the deeds of God,
but keep his commandments;

8 And not be like their forefathers,
a stubborn and rebellious generation, *
a generation whose heart was not steadfast,
and whose spirit was not faithful to God.

9 The people of Ephraim, armed with the bow, *
turned back in the day of battle;

10 They did not keep the covenant of God, *
and refused to walk in his law;

11 They forgot what he had done, *
and the wonders he had shown them.

12 He worked marvels in the sight of their forefathers, *
in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan.

13 He split open the sea and let them pass through; *
he made the waters stand up like walls.

14 He led them with a cloud by day, *
and all the night through with a glow of fire.

15 He split the hard rocks in the wilderness *
and gave them drink as from the great deep.

16 He brought streams out of the cliff, *
and the waters gushed out like rivers.

17 But they went on sinning against him, *
rebelling in the desert against the Most High.

18 They tested God in their hearts, *
demanding food for their craving.

19 They railed against God and said, *
"Can God set a table in the wilderness?

20 True, he struck the rock, the waters gushed out, and the
gullies overflowed; *
but is he able to give bread
or to provide meat for his people?"

21 When the Lord heard this, he was full of wrath; *
a fire was kindled against Jacob,
and his anger mounted against Israel;

22 For they had no faith in God, *
nor did they put their trust in his saving power.

23 So he commanded the clouds above *
and opened the doors of heaven.

24 He rained down manna upon them to eat *
and gave them grain from heaven.

25 So mortals ate the bread of angels; *
he provided for them food enough.

26 He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens *
and led out the south wind by his might.

27 He rained down flesh upon them like dust *
and wingèd birds like the sand of the sea.

28 He let it fall in the midst of their camp *
and round about their dwellings.

29 So they ate and were well filled, *
for he gave them what they craved.

30 But they did not stop their craving, *
though the food was still in their mouths.

31 So God's anger mounted against them; *
he slew their strongest men
and laid low the youth of Israel.

32 In spite of all this, they went on sinning *
and had no faith in his wonderful works.

33 So he brought their days to an end like a breath *
and their years in sudden terror.

34 Whenever he slew them, they would seek him, *
and repent, and diligently search for God.

35 They would remember that God was their rock, *
and the Most High God their redeemer.

36 But they flattered him with their mouths *
and lied to him with their tongues.

37 Their heart was not steadfast toward him, *
and they were not faithful to his covenant.

38 But he was so merciful that he forgave their sins
and did not destroy them; *
many times he held back his anger
and did not permit his wrath to be roused.

39 For he remembered that they were but flesh, *
a breath that goes forth and does not return.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9,20-25

4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone.* 5You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. 6Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. 7Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. 8Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem* on your forehead, 9and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

20 When your children ask you in time to come, ‘What is the meaning of the decrees and the statutes and the ordinances that the Lord our God has commanded you?’ 21then you shall say to your children, ‘We were Pharaoh’s slaves in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand. 22The Lord displayed before our eyes great and awesome signs and wonders against Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his household. 23He brought us out from there in order to bring us in, to give us the land that he promised on oath to our ancestors. 24Then the Lord commanded us to observe all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our lasting good, so as to keep us alive, as is now the case. 25If we diligently observe this entire commandment before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us, we will be in the right.’

A Song of the Wilderness
Isaiah 35:1-7,10
The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, *
the desert shall rejoice and blossom;
It shall blossom abundantly, *
and rejoice with joy and singing.
They shall see the glory of the Lord, *
the majesty of our God.
Strengthen the weary hands, *
and make firm the feeble knees.
Say to the anxious, “Be strong, do not fear! *
Here is your God, coming with judgment to save you.”
Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, *
and the ears of the deaf be unstopped.
Then shall the lame leap like a deer, *
and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy.
For waters shall break forth in the wilderness *
and streams in the desert;
The burning sand shall become a pool *
and the thirsty ground, springs of water.
The ransomed of God shall return with singing, *
with everlasting joy upon their heads.
Joy and gladness shall be theirs, *
and sorrow and sighing shall flee away

Matthew 11:25-30

Jesus Thanks His Father

25 At that time Jesus said, ‘I thank* you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; 26yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.* 27All things have been handed over to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.

28 ‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.’

A Song of the Spirit
Revelation 22:12-17

“Behold, I am coming soon,” says the Lord,
“and bringing my reward with me, *
to give to everyone according to their deeds.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, *
the beginning and the end.”
Blessed are those who do God’s commandments,
that they may have the right to the tree of life, *
and may enter the city through the gates.
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to you, *
with this testimony for all the churches.
“I am the root and the offspring of David, *
I am the bright morning star.”
“Come!” say the Spirit and the Bride; *
“Come!” let each hearer reply!
Come forward, you who are thirsty, *
let those who desire take the water of life as a gift.

The Lord’s Prayer or the alternative is said. (From A New Zealand Prayer Book)
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.
Eternal Spirit,
Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples
of the world!
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love,
now and for ever. Amen.

O God, who called Anna Alexander as a deaconess in your Church: Grant us the humility to go wherever you send, and the wisdom to teach the word of Christ to whomever we meet, that all may come to the enlightenment which you intend for your people; through Jesus Christ, our Teacher and Savior. Amen.


O God, you called Anna Alexander as a deaconess in your Church, and sent her as teacher and evangelist to the people of Georgia: Grant us the humility to go wherever you send, and the wisdom to teach the word of Christ to whomever we meet, that all may come to the enlightenment which you intend for your people; through Jesus Christ, our Teacher and Savior. Amen.

Prayer Attributed to St. Francis of Asissi
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where
there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is
in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we
are born to eternal life. Amen.

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

― Teresa of Ávila

A Song of Christ’s Goodness
Anselm of Canterbury
Jesus, as a mother you gather your people to you; *
you are gentle with us as a mother with her children.
Often you weep over our sins and our pride, *
tenderly you draw us from hatred and judgment.
You comfort us in sorrow and bind up our wounds, *
in sickness you nurse us and with pure milk you feed us.
Jesus, by your dying, we are born to new life; *
by your anguish and labor we come forth in joy.
Despair turns to hope through your sweet goodness; *
through your gentleness, we find comfort in fear.
Your warmth gives life to the dead, *
your touch makes sinners righteous.
Lord Jesus, in your mercy, heal us; *
in your love and tenderness, remake us.
In your compassion, bring grace and forgiveness, *
for the beauty of heaven, may your love prepare us.

Ecclesiastes 3 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Everything Has Its Time

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to throw away;
a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.

Jesus, you are the way through the wilderness: show us your
truth in which we journey, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit be
in us the life that draws us to God. Amen.
(source: F.B. McNutt, The Prayer Manual [London: Mowbray, 1961], p. 29,

The Beatitudes

When Jesus[a] saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely[b] on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Merciful God, who places all of your children in families, we
confess that those whom we love the most are often strangers to us.
Give to all parents and children, we pray, the grace to see one
another as they truly are and as you have called them to be. All this
we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our only mediator and advocate.

God of all goodness, come into our heart this night and stay with us when the night is dark and the day is ending.
Let us shine your vesper light to each other and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness, help us to Lovingly Respond to the needs all of us your Children who are the least of these.
Let us shine your vesper light to each other and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness, may we give the gift our presence to all who are mourning any loss.
Let us shine your vesper light to each other and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness, we pray that we may lovingly care for your Cathedral of Life and each other.
Let us shine your vesper light to each other and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness, we pray for all who are dying and have died today may they enter or have entered the Thin Places with joy and peace. 
Let us shine your vesper light to each other while we are living and when are in the Thin Places and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness, take away all fears, hate, and dis-ease that keeps us from being united as your family of love.
Let us shine your vesper light to each other and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness, give us courage to speak truth to power and the strength to fight injustice anywhere and be a voice for the voiceless.
Let us shine your vesper light to each other and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness, we offer our additional prayers remembering especially_______________
Let us shine your vesper light to each other and reflect your loving image to one another.

God of all goodness we lift up our prayers in the name of your only son Jesus the Christ, our redeemer, brother, and friend. Amen.

Prayers to God in Time and Space
God of time and space help us to see each nano-second that we live,move, and be as holy times fit with love, hope, joy, and peace and that we always may feel your presence and dwell with you.
God of time and space, we pray for all those who are dying and are in transition and preparing for their heavenly journey to the Thin Places. We pray this night for Marcus Borg who has joined you.
We pray for all who mourn losses and are also pre-grieving.
God of time and space, we pray that peace in this world of yours may prevail and be accomplished in our lifetime so that we may be truly united as your loving family.
God of time and space, we pray for all who are in need of stable employment and transitioning from new jobs and life paths.
God of time and space, we pray that your gracious and healing hands may be upon those who are ill this night and that they may be returned to health.
God of time and space, we pray that we may be mindful of our vulnerable family members who are in dire need of housing, food, and clothing. We pray for their safety this night and always.
God of time and space, take our bodies, minds, and spirits and lead them to serve, love, and protect our family members nearby and far away.
God of Time and space, we pray and give thanks for______________
God of Time and space we pray for our mentors by name ______________ And we give thanks for their contributions to our lives and the lives of others.
God of Time and space we pray these our prayers in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 

For the Human Family
O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us
through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole
human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which
infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us
unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and
confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in
your good time, all nations and races may serve you in
harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ
our Lord. Amen.(BCP)

God we pray for peace your broken world.
May peace and love prevail.

God we pray for women and children and the most vulnerable who are in danger or abuse.
May peace, love, and compassionate care prevail.

God we pray for our enemies and our enemies' family members who are caught in war's cross hairs.
May peace and love prevail.

God we pray for all refugees, captives, and all who are victims of human trafficking. 
May they be set free to live in safety and may peace and love prevail.

God we pray for  all of our leaders that they may stop legislating cruelty and be aware that when they are hurting another human or living being they are hurting and doing violence to you.
May justice roll down and may peace and love prevail

God we pray for all of us who are struggling to live out in the open as the beautiful children whom God has made.  May we not be afraid to live authentically into our own truth.
May we have strength and courage to be ourselves and may peace, justice, equality, and love prevail.

God we pray for all who are ill in body mind and spirit may they be healed of all their infirmities!
May health and healing take place and may love and peace prevail in our bodies, minds, and spirits.

God we pray for all who are in mourning over any kind of  loss.
May love ,comfort and peace prevail in their hearts.

God we pray this night for all who are homeless, hungry, and ill clad.
May we lovingly respond to their needs and may they find shelter from the cold and nourishment for their bodies.

God we add our thanksgivings, thoughtful thoughts, and additional prayers________________
Let us lift these our prayers in the Name of Jesus, our brother, friend, savior, teacher, and  healer. Amen.

The Wisdom of God
the Love of God
and the Grace of God
strengthen you
to be Christ’s hands and heart in this world,
in the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen.
(source: Celtic)

Live without fear: your Creator has made you holy, has always
protected you, and loves you as a mother. Go in peace to follow
the good road and may God’s blessing be with you always. Amen.

(source: from Saint Clare)

Good Night Beloved Family Members. I love you and Give God thanks for you this night and always. Tomorrow is Wisdom Wednesday and my follow up from surgery! Please stay tuned.

With love and gratefulness!

P.S. If you so desire you may add this to your meditation!

Tonight let us take a journey back and do a virtual labyrinth walk and enjoy letting our fingers and mouse do the walking as we allow ourselves to rest deeply and go deeper into contemplation with God. Every time you make a turn on one of the curly ques say "I let all my worries and anxieties go to you O God!

Choose your labyrinth!

Now let us join together in prayer:

Gracious and loving God we pray for a peaceful rest this night and that we may awaken refreshed and renewed in the morning
We pray for the healing of your broken and fragile world. We pray for an end to violence and terror of any kind.
We pray for all of our vulnerable family members remembering those who have been abused and persecuted.
We pray for all who are ill and in need of healing of bodies minds, and spirits.
We pray that we may continue to knit a circle of love, justice, mercy and peace around each of us this night and that we may lovingly encircle our family members as God encircles us with God's love.
We pray for seasonable weather and that God's Cathedral of life may receive much needed rain in all the drought parched areas of the world and especially in California.
We pray for all who protect us from harm and all emergency rescue personnel.
We take these moments to pray and give thanks and lift up these our prayers in the most Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.



Other Sources as Noted
Prayers of Power
Book of Common Prayer
Enriching our Worship
Walk With Me On Our Journey
Quote Sites for Prayers
A to Z Quotes
A New Zealand Prayer Book

Satucket Lectionary for our Lessons and Saint of the Day: Anna Alexander

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