Sunday, October 2, 2016

Holding hands and praying together!

Good Evening Dearly Loved Family Members!

Happy Sabbath Rest Day! Let us look in to the eyes of each other and hold out our hands in unity as we pray this night. No talking about things just prayer time. 

Let us begin with the prayer of St. Francis:

Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where
there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is
in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we
are born to eternal life. Amen.

Let us enter into prayer time and light candles for each other in unity and love.

As this is still  Sabbath weekend let us listen to Moses The Lawgiver Theme- Ennio Morricone

The prayers for tonight come from last year's blog: Tonight From the City of Roses

Let us be at prayer: 

We pray this night for all family members who have been made by God and are brothers and sisters of God and Abraham. We pray and seek to be loving and united as one.

We pray this night and in the daylight hours for peace in our hearts, lives country and the world.

May we live justly, be merciful, and walk with God with gentle and loving steps in humility and grace.

We pray for our family members who are ill that they may be healed comforted, and relieved of pain and suffering.

We pray for the banishment of hate, fear, indifference and cruelty.

We pray for all who are traveling and we remember especially those who are alone and afraid waiting in all transit areas.

We pray for all who mourn that they may be relieved and comforted.

We pray for all who are pre-grieving that they may find solace in you and their family members.

We pray for all who are dying and have made that sacred journey into the Thin Places where they may find joy, light and wholeness.

We offer our prayers for ourselves and on behalf  of others.

We give thanks and praise for all that you have done for us God. We offer our thanks to you this night with love , joy, and with grateful hearts.

We lay our bodies minds, and spirits and take our rest that we may greet the day with joy, love. and a willingness to serve you in your kingdom. We lift up our prayers in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.

For those of you prefer praying with a list format here it is!

We pray this night for:
Peace in the world and in the war torn areas God's broken and fragile world.
For all troops, emergency aid workers, and all those who protect and serve us at home and throughout the world.
For all those suffering from Zika and all new viruses.
For Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors.
For continued A.I.D.S research and care for patients.
For the Outcasts of this world.
For the dying and the those who have entered the Thin Places.
For those who mourn.
For those who are newly born.
For those who face challenges of daily living. The least of these and the under and unemployed.
For and end to hate in all its forms.
For all children who are ill and abused that they may be relieved and comforted.
For all Caregivers. 
For sound Government and our President and all leaders of the nations of the world.
For Justice, equality, and acceptance for all God's People not some.
For God's Cathedral of life  and all creation.

For our needs and all of our family members.
For those who travel 
For The least of these.
For our enemies and those who hate us that we may love and care for them without reservation and fear.
For refugees, victims and survivors of abuse of any kind,  victims of human trafficking and slavery, captives, political prisoners. 
For the many aid agencies that bring comfort, support, and assistance. We remember Child Help, Episcopal Relief and Development, CALM, Pacific Pride, GLAAD, and all others that are on our hearts.
For all that we are thankful for.
For all indigenous peoples and especially those fighting the DAPL Pipepline

We lift up these and many more concerns in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love. May you find rest for your weary souls and lay down all your worries and burdens. Take time to rest, refresh, relax, and enjoy all the blessings and abundance God has given us. 

With Love and kindness,


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