Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A compilation of #AdventWord Prayers #HashTagsWithMeaning2017 Every prayer for each day of the season.

Dear Beloved Community !

Happy Boxing Day and your complete and not so #Boxed set of prayers throughout the Advent Season and yesterday!
With love and blessings!

#Awaken is the word

Here is one of my favorite pieces by J.S. Bach to get us started.

Sleepers Wake

Take your time to do this and be prepared to sit quietly in silence after this piece.

Let us pray,

God wake us up out of the silences that make us complicit viewers as violence and hatred surrounds. 
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake us up from out sleep that we may seek to know and serve you more fully.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake us up to be able to speak truth to power and be the voice for the voiceless.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake us up to work for justice and universal human rights.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake us op from the need to be engaged in one upmanship and the pointing of fingers.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake up our spirits so that we may connect with you.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake up our minds so that we may seek what is true and what is right.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake up our hearts so that we may love with Love Energy that will shine your Light to a fragile and broken world.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake up our souls so that we may be empowered to answer your call to new life paths and vocations.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake up our bodies so that we may find ourselves stronger and able to care for the least of these our family members.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake up our lives from times of just casually watching the media on T.V. without being empowered to take action when we see injustice, racism, and hatred.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake up and open our hearts to add our prayers and thanksgivings__________________
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.

God wake us up so that we may be in relationship with you and your Son Jesus whom we lift up our daily prayers in his name.
Awaken our Hearts and voices O, God.. Amen.

God we pray and meditate on the #journeys synonyms-

We pray for all who travel this time of year and our families who are traveling to find a better life.

We pray for all who are refugees who are taking flight into sanctuary and asylum.  We pray that their final destination may be a new home where freedom, security, love, peace, and sanctuary may be found. 

We pray for all who are wandering  and lost without direction  and who may be mentally ill,  that caring and compassionate family members may come to their aid.

We  pray for all who are facing travails in crossing borders, traveling to far away and distant lands where loving welcomes are few and far between. We pray that every where we go we may be welcomed and be treated with Compassion, acceptance, love and mercy We pray to an end to travel bans, walls. We pray that we may build bridges that will become holy crossings.

We pray that we may be pilgrims on a journey daily to you O God of Love. 

We pray that we may be still and know that you are God and that you have placed us on life's journey and not a fixed destination.

We pray that our souls may take flight and be empowered to serve you and the least of these.

We pray that we may continue to put down heart roots ,heart homes, and inner beings that are being expanded as we journey daily into your holy presence O, God.

We pray in the words of the Lords' Prayer reminding us that  the etymology of #journey in Latin means 'Daily Portion' - Tonight we will use the form of the Lords' Prayer as found in the New Zealand Prayer Book

Eternal Spirit, 
Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver, 
Source of all that is and that shall be, 
Father and Mother of us all, 
Loving God, in whom is heaven:

The hallowing of your name echo through the universe! 
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples
of the world! 
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings! 
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom 
sustain our hope and come on earth.

With the bread we need for today, feed us. 
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us. 
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us. 
From trials too great to endure, spare us. 
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.

For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, 
now and for ever. Amen.

Jesus, you are the way through the wilderness: show us your truth
in which we journey, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit be in us
the life that draws us to God. Amen.
(source: F.B. McNutt, The Prayer Manual [London: Mowbray, 1961], p. 29,

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

― Teresa of Ávila

God our rock and refuge: keep us safe in your care and strengthen
us with your grace, that we may pray to you faithfully and love
one another boldly, following the example of Jesus, who with you
and the Holy Spirit lives for ever and ever. Amen.
(source: Veronese Sacramentary)

For Travelers

O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole
creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: Preserve
those who travel [in particular _______________]; surround
them with your loving care; protect them from every danger;
and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer attributed to St. Francis

Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where
there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where
there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where
there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is
in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we
are born to eternal life. Amen.

#Gather is the word we pray the synonyms

God we come together as one family of love into this beloved community. Give us we pray the courage to include everyone into this family whom you have made.

God we pray that the communities in which we live may come together in the spirit of friendship with common goals to affect change wherever we are.

God help us not to be hoarders of your abundance but to give of ourselves and become cheerful givers to all who are in want. 

God take from us all worldly ideas and things that clutter up our minds, homes, and hearts.

God may we come together this night and offer our many prayers that have been requested of us remembering especially________________.

God help us to always to seek and embrace the holy and walk in your holy footsteps in your service.

God help us to meet together in the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.

God give us courage to rally together as the voices of the voiceless and in support of the least of these.

God give us strength to come together and love and comfort all who are ill and are in mourning. Give us we pray the courage to listen quietly and offer our shoulders and arms in loving embraces when needed.

God help us to gather together and resist and protest the evils that are happening in this fragile and broken world. Give us courage to stand up and rally to be peaceful change makers.

God let us pray together the words of the Beatitudes:

Matthew 5:1-12New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

The Beatitudes

When Jesus[a] saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak, and taught them, saying:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
11 “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely[b] on my account. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Let us pray using our #AdventWord #Simplify as we pray this night!

God help us to simplify our lives so that we may find ourselves living lives with more intention.

God give us strength to stop the glorification of busy and keep things simple.

God instill in us thoughtful simplicity so that we may practice conservation of your Cathedral of Life.

God may will live simple lives without attachment to things so that we may follow in your footsteps and travel lightly.

God help us to speak more plainly when we need to speak truth to power.

God help us to learn how to make ourselves easily  understood without becoming defensive.

God help us to simply love simply live, and simply be.

God help us to serve you simply with hope, joy, love, and peace as compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful members of the Beloved Community.

God help us to simplify our lives during this season so that we may remind ourselves the true meaning of the season as we travel to the sacred birthplace where Jesus was born.

God help us to sing your praises in the song "Simple Gifts"

For whom and what shall we pray?

God we pray that we may de-clutter all the junk that is hindering our relationship with you and our families?
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray for an end to all the junk that divides us and fails to unite us.
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray that we might find our reliance upon you and not things and earthly possessions. 

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray for an end to all forms of violence that there may be peace on the the Earth.
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray for all who are ill and in need of healing of bodies, minds, and spirits remembering especially _______________
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray for an end to _________________

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray for the conservation of God's Cathedral of Life.
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray and give thanks for __________________
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we pray that the leaders of the nations and especially here at home may realize their duty is to lead and care for the least of these no matter who they are. We pray that they may truly practice and live by the words "Liberty and Justice for all!".

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

God we lift up these our prayers to you O God.
God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer

The word is #Heal

God help us to be co-healers with you that we may heal and cleanse the environment so badly in need of renewal and conservation.
God help us to be reconcilers with you so that we may bring all divided family members together in compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy. 
God help us to lovingly respond to all who are ill and in mourning that we may use our heart homes, heart roots, and love energy to be sources of comfort and solace and soulace. 
God help us to be co-healers with you to renew and restore peace to our world, nations, cities, and in our inner beings that violence, terror, bullying, and abuse may be no more.
God grant us courage to help speak out for the voiceless ones who are in need of healing of their bodies, minds, and spirits.
God give us courage to help see you in our family members who are the least of these and heal them by giving of ourselves with a smile, touch, broad shoulder, and any way that we can.
God we pray for the scientists who seek to find cures for orphan and known diseases.
God we pray that we may be healed from the need to be busy all the time and that our hearts may rest securely with you.
God we lift up prayers for healing, restoration, and renewal for_____________
God we lift up thanksgiving prayers for the healing of______________
God we lift up these our prayers in the Holy Name of your Son Jesus who is the Great Physician and Healer of us all. Amen.

Prayers for #Mending!

Restore us O God that we may truly become your children and live in your holy and life giving kindom. 

Knit us together as one holy people who love one another as you love us.

God give us the gifts to help you protect and remake this world a better place in which to live for all beings. We pray that we may become planet, water, animal and people protectors where we will be able to live in health and harmony.

God renew our communities, families, and ourselves daily by giving us that necessary  tap on the shoulder to do the things and serve and answer the call you are calling us to do.

God challenge us daily to become repairers of the breech and be bridge builders and tear down walls that divide us.

God give us the courage to listen and love and help mend broken communities that are divided. Give us courage to be change makers that will renew and restore our communities to wholeness and health.

God give us courage and strength to correct the wrongs and injustices that have been done against all of your creation.

God take from us the arrogance that have set us on a path to destruction and lead us on a path to construction and peace building. 

God  help us we pray to mend, heal, and feed all our beloved community members who are homeless, hungry, ill clad, and on the margins of society.

God we pray that we may help mend all divisions in our community

God we pray that our cities may be awakened to the truth of what is happening in our city and find ways to work together even if it means taking a risk and stepping down from office. 

God help our leaders to put the needs of the people they serve first before unhealthy political ambitions. Heal their hearts and minds so that they may renew their oaths of office and remember they are our public servants not our masters.

God we pray for the mending of_________________

God we celebrate today_____________________

God we lift up these prayers to you so that we may truly  trust in your mending of your world and our lives. Amen.

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and
relieve your sick servants, and give your power of healing to
those who minister to their needs, that those 
for whom our prayers are offered may be strengthened in
their weakness and have confidence in your loving care;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

O God of peace, you have taught us that in returning and
rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be
our strength: By the might of your Spirit lift us, we pray, to
your presence, where we may be still and know that you are
God; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the
Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever.

O Lord our God, accept the fervent prayers of your people;
in the multitude of your mercies look with compassion upon
us and all who turn to you for help; for you are gracious, O
lover of souls, and to you we give glory, Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen

Prayers for #Focus

God help us to be #Focused on you and serving you!
God help us to center ourselves and our lives on what truly matters.
God as we  gather together around this sacred circle may we meet together in Christlike fellowship, and in the breaking of the bread and in the prayers.
God help us when our lives become blurred may we be re-focused in on you and renew our lives with holy clarity.
God  help the communities in which we live get to the heart of the matter when there is perpetual violence,discord, and division.  
God take our complacency away when we find ourselves traveling the way of apathy and be fixed on you and what you are calling us to do and to be.
God help us when we stray to be led back to you as we hear your clear voice calling us back to you.
God remind us everyday that Love is the reason we are here and love is an action word to carry out into this fragile and broken world. 
God  help us to wake up and pay attention when you are calling us to action.
God make our lives focused on compassion, acceptance, love and mercy. May we seek to speak, stand up, focus on universal human rights for all who are on the margins of society.
God may our prayers be focused on this night_________________
God may our thanksgivings be focused on this night_____________
God re-focus our leaders and government to serve the least of these and follow the Matthew 25 pledge "

I pledge to protect and defend vulnerable people in the name of Jesus.

God center us as we pray the beatitudes.
The  Beatitudes  Matthew 5:3–12 

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. (5:3)
Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted. (5:4)
Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the earth. (5:5)
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they will be filled. (5:6)
Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. (5:7)
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see God. (5:8)
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called children of God. (5:9)
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (5:10)

God we lift up these our prayers to you O God as you are our center and reason for being. Amen.

Let us pray using the #AdventWord #Prepare and its synonyms.

Let us respond with : Let every heart prepare Him room. 
We pray this week that our heart homes, heart roots, and inner beings are continually being prepared for your loving and abiding presence O, God.
Help us to make ready in our lives for the changes yet to come and to travel lightly and not be attached to things and anything else that draws us away from serving you and our beloved community family members.
God give us courage to follow through with our list preparations and that we may learn to let go and let God.
God help us to make the necessary plans for our community's safety and change. Help us to make ourselves ready to be the change you want to see in your fragile and broken world.
God make help us to make peace with our enemies by preparing our souls to accept them as our brothers and sisters. Give us courage to see you in them.
God help us during this time of joyful expectation to study your living Word and spread the God News to everyone.
God help us to be co-healers with you and care for the least of these.
God give us strength to get back into physical, spiritual, and mental shape to meet the days ahead. 
God help us to be aware and our shoulders ready for our family members who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder.
God help us to be willing to accept your call and go wherever you lead us. 
God prime and prepare our hearts to receive your son Jesus yet again by being the compassionate, accepting,loving, and merciful children you have made us to be.

Image result for let every heart prepare him room

God we lift up these our prayers as we"Let every heart prepare Him room" Amen.

#AdventWord Prayers for today's word #Messenger and its Synoyms

God we thank you for sending forth messengers to preach and spread your God News.

God we pray for all modern day prophets who speak your words to a fragile and broken world We pray that they may continue to have unwavering courage to speak truth to power.

God we pray that when you call us to be your messenger we may accept the call with humbleness of heart and listen to what you would have us to say.

God we pray that we may be empowered and enlivened by the Holy Spirit who is the Holy Comforter, Advocate, and Guide.

God help us to be loving ambassadors throughout the world.  

God grant us courage to carry your message and light to our family members who live on the margins and are in dark places.  

God take away fears and anxieties that prevent us from being a daily #messenger to our communities and beyond.

God help us to be bearers of comfort to those who are in crisis, ill, and in mourning.

God help us to bring the message of peace, love, hope, and joy to all this Advent Season.

God  let us be your heralds of the God News to your kindom to our family members who haven't yet heard it.

Open our hearts O God that we may be your #messenger and proclaim the God News of Peace, Love, Justice and Mercy to all and yes even to our enemies and those who wish us harm.

God help us to be a calming presence as we practice being CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful)

God we give thanks to serve you and be your ministers to all of our family members in times of joy and times of sorrow. 

God we pray for ________________

God we give thanks for_______________

God we lift up these our prayers in the name of your Son Jesus who brought your message of Love and Salvation to all. Amen

Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted in a
wonderful order the ministries of angels and mortals:
Mercifully grant that, as your holy angels always serve and
worship you in heaven, so by your appointment they may
help and defend us here on earth; through Jesus Christ our
Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen.

O God, you have made of one blood all the peoples of the
earth, and sent your blessed Son to preach peace to those
who are far off and to those who are near: Grant that people
everywhere may seek after you and find you, bring the nations
into your fold, pour out your Spirit upon all flesh, and hasten
the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and for ever. Amen.

Prayers with today's #AdventWord: #Watch and its synonyms. 

God keep watch over all of us who are preparing for bed time and arising. 

God help us to keep our eyes open and our vision clear to what is required of us daily as we do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with you.

God give us strength and keep awake with you so that we may serve you when you call us out into your kindom.

God help us to attend to the needs of our family members who are in need and who find themselves without food, clothing, and shelter.

God help us to be on guard and listen for the Bridegroom's coming.

God help us to watch and wait in joyful expectation this Advent season.

Give us grace to stay and be in your presence, even when our spirits are weak.

God help us to care and tend for our ill and grieving family members remembering especially.

God help us to remember to practice our daily mindfulness exercises as we now engage in "The Be Stills"
Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know that I am.
Be still and know.
Be still.

God help us to see you in all of our family members of your Beloved Community.

God help us to heed your commandments Love you, our neighbors, our enemies, and ourselves.

God, help us to be beacons of your light, love, joy, and hope tot this fragile and broken world.

God help us to be advocates for the voiceless and those who are on the margins of society.

God we pray for sound governance in this and every land that universal human rights and the respect for every human being may be made sacred and the law of the land.

God we pray that we may keep watch over your precious environment that it may be protected, renewed, and kept from needless exploitation.

God we pray for an end to all forms of violence, bigotry, and hatred and that we all may keep watch to speak out against it.

God we pray for all who are in discernment of any kind. Give us strength to heed your Call and respond with enthusiastic joy.

God we lift up these our prayers to you, your Son, and the Holy Spirit who keeps watch over us in us and through us now and always.Amen.

We come together and lift our #Voices in Prayer!

 Let us respond with: Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God we cry out with loud voices against all the injustices and inhumanity that are occurring at home and abroad.

Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God give us courage to raise our voices when you call us to do so.

Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God help us be the voices of the voiceless at all times and in all places.

Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God challenge us to go out in the world and make you know to all the world.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God take away from us strident voices that hurt and divide your family members.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God help us to speak truth to power when our leaders fail to do so.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God help us preach and carry your message of Love, Mercy, and Peace to those who are nearby and far away.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God give us voices to be advocates for the vulnerable of this world.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God help us to speak out for the conservation of your creation.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God give us grace to use our voices to be the compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful children you have made us to be.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God help us to remember those killed at Sandy Hook tomorrow and raise our voices against gun violence.
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God give us voices to pray for__________________
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God give us uplifted voices to give thanks for_________________
Hear our prayers O God and let our cries come unto thee.

God we lift up these our prayers with voices loud and clear in the name of your son Jesus. Amen.

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

 Optional Prayers

Let us Sow Seeds of:

C= Compassion
A= Acceptance
L= Love
M = Mercy

Let us speak in words that are:

C= Comforting
A= Appreciative
L= Living and Loving
M= Mindful and Matter

Let our deeds be:
C= Caring and Compassionate
A= Admirable
L=  Life giving
M= Mannerly
Let us choose to live a life of Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy. Let choose to speak in words that are courageous, amiable, enLightening, Mannered, and Make sense and don't harm or divide. Let our deeds be all these things.

God of love we pray this night that we may be united in prayer with you and each other.

We pray this night that peace may prevail upon earth and that swords may be beaten into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks and that wars may cease and love and charity may take its place.

We pray for all the refugees that are in need of homes and understanding. Enfold them all with your loving presence and that they may be patient as they await resettlement. 

We pray for all aid agencies who are helping our family members who do not have places to call home especially the homeless, hungry and ill clad in our midst.

We pray for all of our family members who know only hate and disunity that they may have their hearts tenderized and come to know that love is truly answer to being one with each other on life's journey.

We pray for all who are ill especially _________________may they find solace as they await your healing power O, God.

We pray and give thanks for this day _______________________

We lift up our tender hearts, hands, and feet to you O God that you may use us and respond to your call with a humble but resounding "Yes".

We pray this night for all the least of these that they may be protected and that no one will ever be seen as invisible.

We pray that we may be the voice of the voiceless, speak truth to power, and let justice roll down like an overflowing stream and that we may do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you O. God.

Stay here for awhile and pray for all our family members who have unspoken prayers and remember to pray for all the families of those who seek to do evil that they may find solace and help in time of need. Remember that everyone is not excluded from our prayers even our enemies and those who wish us harm. 
Or these

Now let us pray for peace and unity among all people and nations! 

God who made us and makes us one we pray for unity among all people and nations
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one lead us to put away all hindrances that divide us
May we be one and love one another

God who made us and makes us one give us  the courage to see you in the eyes of all who are our enemies and wish us harm.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for all who are ill in body, mind, and spirit. Heal them and make them whole and may we lovingly respond to their needs.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for the protection of those who are protesting using peaceful non-violence.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for the protection of all our most vulnerable family members. Help us to see ourselves and you in their eyes and love them as you have taught us and to serve them as you have taught us to serve.
May we be one and love one another.

God who made us and makes us one. we give thanks for all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this day.

God who made us and makes us one may we be with those who are pre-grieving and mourning any loss.

God who made us and makes us one we pray for all who are dying and have died may they find loving, joy, and oneness with you in the Thin Places.

God who made us and makes us one we offer these our prayers and thanksgivings in the most Holy Name of your Son Jesus. May we be one and love one another. Amen.

Today's#AdventWord Prayers: #Wilderness 

We pray for all who are fighting wildfires in the #Wilderness that they may be contained and that loss of life and property will be reduced. We pray for all of our family members who have been evacuated and who are at the ready to be evacuated may feel your abiding presence.  God in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

We pray for times of wilderness journeys that we may seek you and find you and in the end find ourselves as your beloved children.

God in your mercy
Hear our prayer.

We give thanks for times of solitude especially during this season of the year. Give us courage to take advantage of these sacred times.

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We pray for all who are feeling lost in their own personal times of wilderness and loneliness that we may lovingly keep watch and with you bring them in to your family's fold.

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We pray for all peoples of the earth who are living on the margins of society that we may be their voices and bring them into our sacred family circle of love. 

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We pray for all who are in discernment of any kind may take time to listen for your still small voice O God and go into the wilderness and seek after your call and find it.

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We pray for all who are ill and in mourning. Help us to respond to their needs accordingly with love and grace. 

God in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We pray for and end to the  development of our wide open spaces that your creation may be cared for and protected. 

God in your mercy, 
Hear our prayer.

We pray for peace in this world and that war, division, inhumanity, and injustice may cease and that we may be brought together into your holy family as children of God.

God in your mercy, 
Hear our prayer.

We lift up these our #AdventWord prays in and out of the #Wilderness to you Jesus so that we may follow in your path this season and beyond. Help us to be Compassionate, accepting, loving and merciful to all our family members and even to those who seek to harm and hate us. 
In the name of God the creator, Jesus our redeemer, and the Holy Spirit Holy Comforter, Advocate and Guide. Amen.

Our #AdventWord Prayers of the day  - #Trust

God we pray that we may put our whole trust in you every nano second of the day and learn to lean on that trust and you.

Hear us O God and Creator of us all.

God we pray that we may daily grow in faith and trust and listen for your still small voice calling us to love, serve, and spread the God News where ever you send us.

Hear us O God and Creator of us all

God we pray that we may help others learn to trust you and lean on you when times are bleak. 

Hear us O God and Creator of us all.

God we pray for a renewal of trust among all of your children and that a spirit of inclusion and unity may prevail.

Hear us O God and Creator of us all.

God give us courage when we loose faith and trust. Help us to remember it is okay to be your Mustard Seed kind of people.

Hear us O God and Creator of us all.

God help us with confidence as we continue on in our Advent Journey to have the necessary patience with our family members.

Hear us O God and Creator of us all.

God help us to speak truth to power and trust the words you would have us say and do the things you would have us do to bring peace, love, mercy, and justice to this fragile and broken world.

Hear us O God and Creator of us all

God we pray that we may become the compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful family members you have made us to be. May we lean on you and  your sure and certain hope as we strive for justice and peace and respect the dignity of every human being.

Hear us O God and Creator of us all.

God we pray for_____________

God we give thanks for_______________

God we remember_________________

God we celebrate_____________

Hear our prayers O God as we put our trust in you! Amen.

#AdventWord Prayer of the day with #Among

Respond: Come Among Us and Warm our hearts with love.

God help us to celebrate the diversity you created in this world and not be afraid.
 Come Among Us and Warm our hearts with love.

God we pray for all the most vulnerable who are struggling to survive in any season of the year. Help us to serve them as you abundantly serve us.
 Come Among Us and Warm our hearts with love.

God take away from us all hatred,envy, suspicion and bigotry against all of our family members.
 Come Among Us and Warm our hearts with love.

God we pray for all who are ill and mourning. Give us courage to be the loving and caring caregivers you call us to be.
 Come Among Us and Warm our hearts with love.

God help us to rise up and follow you into the world with voices loud and clear and speak peace, justice, love, and mercy to all. Help us to rise up and not be afraid to speak for the voiceless. Take away from us any inaction and apathy that paralyzes us from serving you.

 Come Among Us and Warm our hearts with love.

God we pray for all who are fighting fires, responding to natural disasters, and engaged in trauma ministries. Help us to ready ourselves to be of service.
 Come Among Us and Warm our hearts with love.
Let us pray the Alternative form of the Lord's Prayer as found in the New Zealand Prayer Book
Eternal Spirit,
Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,
Source of all that is and that shall be,
Father and Mother of us all,
Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!
The way of your justice be followed by the peoples
of the world! 
Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!
Your commonwealth of peace and freedom
sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.
In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.
In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.
From trials too great to endure, spare us.
From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love,
now and for ever. Amen.

The Beatitudes Matthew 5:3–12 

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. (5:3)

Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted. (5:4)

Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the earth. (5:5)

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they will be filled. (5:6)

Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. (5:7)

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see God. (5:8)

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called children of God. (5:9)

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (5:10

#AdventWord prayers for #Light

God empower us to be your beacons of light and hope in this fragile and broken world.

God help us to shine your peace, love, justice, and mercy in those places where darkness is the order of the day and may your healing light be shed upon them.

God we pray for all who are in need of light therapy as Winter approaches. Help us to keep watch over our loved ones who need our loving light and presence as they cope with depression. 

God open wide our heart homes, nourish our heart roots with the necessary light, and radiate our inner beings with your presence from the inside out.

God help us to remember that your "yoke is easy and your burden is light!"

God make our lives lighter as we take time to live more simply.

God shed light upon all forms of violence, extremism, abuse, bigotry and hatred that we we may speak truth to power and stand for universal human rights.  

Give us courage to shine the light of truth to places where falsehood and danger are present.

Give us courage to stand with the vulnerable as we enfold them with compassion, acceptance, love and mercy. May we seek to work in our communities where injustice and apathy need the necessary light to make changes wherever and whenever necessary.

Let us remember That the Light of Christ in Me Reflects the Light of Christ in You.

May we shine the light of the Gospel to all who are in need of hearing and being shown the light of your love, the light of your mercy, and the light of your justice as we follow you O God. Amen.

Let us pray using today's #AdventWord -#Dazzle

God help us not to be #dazzled by the lights of this season but to be #dazzled by the light and love of Christ.

Light of Christ illumine our hearts with love energy so that we may serve you in your kindom daily.

God we pray for all who have become attached and bedazzled by the materialism of this world an have forgotten what matters most.

Light of Christ may we seek to be unattached to things but attached to you and where you lead us. May we find ourselves walking with you and covering ourselves in your dust.

God we pray for all who are lonely this time of year and all the dazzling sights and sounds become hurtful not helpful to them.

Light of Christ may we lovingly respond to our family members who are lost, lonely, alone, neglected and who may feel invisible. Give us courage to seek out the lost and bring them back into your fold and our family with loving acceptance.

God we pray for all refugees, immigrants, victims of abuse, terror, disaster, human trafficking and discrimination. 

Light of Christ help us to shine the light on injustice and do in the words of the Prophet Micah "To do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God" and let justice roll down. May this light shine everywhere and into the hearts of tyrannical leaders who do not know or want to learn how to serve and govern the peoples whom they serve.

God be-stir our hearts once again on Christmas so that we may carry your message of love and the God News to everyone who need it or may need to hear it again.

Light of Christ may we shine your love light and Love News to the world with voices loud and clear and without fear. 

God we pray for_________________
God we remember_________________
God we give thanks for_______________
God we  Celebrate_________________

 Christ the light of our hearts  receive these our prayers and thanksgivings in your Holy Name. Amen.

Today's #AdventWord Prayers with our word of the day #Open

God open our hearts, minds, and spirits as we await your coming with joy and love.
God give us open minds to inclusiveness and diversity and celebrating each other's differences and similarities in joy and not fear.
God open the minds of governments who seek to do harm to their citizenry by passing unjust laws that are inhumane and are in violation of human rights.
God open our hearts to invite our family members who are new to us into our midst. We pray for all who are on the margins of society remembering especially all immigrants, refugees, victims of human trafficking and abuse, the homeless, the hungry, the ill-clad and those who have been bullied, hated, and emotionally terrorized. 
God open wide our hearts to new possibilities to where you are calling us to go.
God open the minds of scientists and researchers to find cures and compassionate treatment for those suffering from rare and chronic diseases.
God open our hearts and voices to speak for the voiceless remembering especially the planet's life forms remembering the land, the animal kingdom, the waters, the air, and the oxygen producing plants and trees. Help us to be the voice for our voiceless family members who do not have strength to raise their voices and be the change in this fragile and broken world.
God open our hands freely so that we may praise you, serve you, and help the least of these.
God help us to keep open to your presence and allow more time in conversation and listening with you. 
God we pray for__________
God we remember________
God we celebrate______________
God we give thanks for_________
God we lift up our prayers with open and loving hearts to you ! Amen.

We turn now to prayers featuring our  #AdventWord  for today, #Embrace :

God we pray for all of your children who do not know a loving and warm embrace and who are in need.
God we pray for an end to senseless violence that people everywhere might embrace one another with  compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy.
God we pray this night that we may have the courage to embrace diversity with heart homes, heart roots, and our inner beings fixed on you and your ways.
God encircle us with your loving and merciful power  in this time of trial that we may come to rely upon you fully.
God may we continually embrace your teachings ans showings of love so that we may not falter and our faith may be strengthened.
God remind us daily to embrace everything as holy and not take anything for granted. 
God help us each new day to seek to see you in others with out fear or hatred, only love.
God we pray that we may embrace the calls you have given us and go and do and spread your God news daily.
God help us to remember the words of the hymn There's A Wideness in God's Mercy.

1 There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
like the wideness of the sea;
there’s a kindness in his justice,
which is more than liberty.
There is welcome for the sinner,
and more graces for the good;
there is mercy with the Savior;
there is healing in His blood.
2 There is no place where earth's sorrows
are more felt than up in heaven;
there is no place where earth's failings
have such kindly judgment given.
There is plentiful redemption
in the blood that has been shed;
there is joy for all the members
in the sorrows of the Head.
3 For the love of God is broader
than the measure of the mind;
and the heart of the Eternal
is most wonderfully kind.
If our love were but more faithful,
we should take him at his word;
and our life would be thanksgiving
for the goodness of the Lord.
Frederick William Faber, 1814-1863
God let us embrace one another with our additional prayers.
We pray for_______
We remember_________
We celebrate_________
We give thanks__________

And these may be added as well. 

God of many names we come to you seeking unity, peace, and understanding. Help us we pray to embrace one another as your holy children who have been made in your image and likeness. Take away from us any thought, word, or deed that seeks to divide us one from another and You  O God. We pray this night for an end to all terrorists acts and those that are being planned. We pray that those who are contemplating such acts may be prevented from doing so and that they may feel your not so gentle tap on their shoulder as a reminder of what they shouldn't be doing.  God may we join our hands together in compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy and that we may encircle this fragile nation and world with your light and love as we pray and seek to serve you at all times and the places where you send us. Amen.

God We pray that we may embrace the holy at all times with these affirmations:

I embrace the holy by acknowledging that everything that God created is holy.
I embrace the holy by showing my love for all of my family members.
I embrace the holy by speaking out for the voiceless and invisible.
I embrace the holy by loving my enemies and those who hate.
I embrace the holy by practicing peaceful non-violence.
I embrace the holy by accepting and including everyone into our family of love.
I embrace the holy by being an ally for all those who are seeking universal human rights.
I embrace the holy by being a good steward of God's Cathedral of Life.
I embrace the holy by accepting God's call.
I embrace the holy by following Jesus and being his sister, friend and walking the walk and talking the talk as He Does everyday in our lives.
I embrace the holy by remembering to pray daily.
I embrace the holy by walking with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit on life's path and journey.

We embrace the holy this night in prayer and in the stillness , in the longing, and seeking to be in your loving presence O God. 

Holy God we give thanks for the rain, we pray for the safety of all people in the wake of the storms.   May we feel you upholding us safely in your loving embrace.

Holy God we give thanks for your holy creation and the beauty of your Cathedral of Life. May we feel your presence as we breathe in the air that embraces us in and through our bodies.

Holy God we give thanks for your gift of peace. May peace prevail upon earth and within ourselves. Help us to embrace all people who differ from us with compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy.

Holy God we give thanks for our family of love. Lovingly enfold your arms around them this night if they are having any worries, anxieties, or fears.God give us courage to embrace our fragile and mentally ill family members with love and understanding.

Holy God we give thanks for our voices that we may speak truth to power and be the voice of the voiceless. God give us the strength to embrace social justice causes that are near and dear to you and that we may do as you command us to do.

Holy God we give thanks for your healing power that you are doing in the lives of  those who are ill  in body, mind, and spirit.  We pray especially for ____________
God Help us to lovingly embrace all who are ill and come to their aid and help them with a genuine and sincere heart. 

Holy God we give thanks for everything you have given us so abundantly.
 Help us to give thanks and embrace what we truly need and not all the extravagant wants.

Holy God we give thanks for ears and hearts to hear your still small voice.
Help us to embrace the small things in life.

Holy God we give thanks for the least of these as a reminder that we may never become hard, cold, or complacent.  God help us to embrace our fragile family members with warmth, comfort, God centered compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy.

Holy God we give thanks for the lives of those who now reside in the Thin Places. We pray for all who mourn and may we step up and lovingly respond with comfort and compassion. God embrace with your never failing love those who are dying and who have died today and enfold the grieving with your loving and consoling arms.

Holy Jesus we lift up these our prayers in love, peace, joy , and hope in your most holy Name. Amen.

We pray in the words of our #AdventWord - #Renew

God we pray for the renewal of our bodies, minds, and spirits and that we as we await with joyful expectation we may wholly be yours  in your most sacred presence.

God we pray that our planet's resources may be healed and renewed.

God we pray for all who are ill this time of year that they may be renewed and made whole to enjoy this special season of family time.

God we pray for a renewal of energy towards finding solutions to houselessness, hunger, income inequality, and all injustices that plague your world and your beloved children.

God we pray that we may continually renew our commitment to loving you, our neighbors, our enemies, and ourselves.

God we pray that we may continually renew our focus and speak truth to power and let justice roll down.

God we pray that we may continue to be renewed and reawakened to the call and path you have set our holy feet upon.

God we renew commitment to "Strive for justice, and peace, and respect the dignity of every human being" by standing for universal equality and human rights throughout the world.

God renew our energy to fight hatred, bigotry, abuse and governmental injustices that oppress and neglect the least of these.

God renew our hearts as we add these our own prayers:

We pray for_____________________

We remember____________________

We celebrate_____________________

We give thanks___________________

We lift up these  our prayers as we are renewed in the name of God the Creator, Jesus our Redeemer. and the Holy  Spirit our Advocate and Guide. Amen.

 A Prayer of Self-Dedication

Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to thee, so
guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our
wills, that we may be wholly thine, utterly dedicated unto
thee; and then use us, we pray thee, as thou wilt, and always
to thy glory and the welfare of thy people; through our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Let us pray in the words of our #AdventWord -#Greeting

God we pray that we may greet one another in love this season.

God help us to greet the least of these as if we are seeing you in them.

God help us we pray to find ways to receive healing greetings from those with whom we have differences.

God help us to learn how to say Merry Christmas in new and exciting languages.

God give us courage to speak and say "Hello" to the strangers within our midst.

God may greet the days ahead with patience, expectation, and a renewal of our commitment to serve the least of these.

God help us to shout from the roof tops on Christmas Morning "Christ is born", "Emmanuel is with us"

God help us to greet people with a calm spirit and remember that we are all in this together.

God we pray these prayers as we greet you warmly as we sit at your feet and in your presence this night and forever more. Amen.

God to enfold me,

God to surround me,
God in my speaking,
God in my thinking.

God in my sleeping,
God in my waking,
God in my watching,
God in my hoping.

God in my life,
God in my lips,
God in my soul,
God in my heart.

God in my sufficing,
God in my slumber,
God in mine ever-living soul,
God in mine eternity.
(Ancient celtic oral traditions - carmina gadelica)

You are the peace of all things calm
You are the place to hide from harm
You are the light that shines in dark
You are the heart's eternal spark
You are the door that's open wide
You are the guest who waits inside
You are the stranger at the door
You are the calling of the poor
You are my Lord and with me still
You are my love, keep me from ill
You are the light, the truth, the way
You are my Saviour this very day. 
(celtic oral tradition - 1st millennium)

 We pray in today's #AdventWord #child

God we pray for all children who are in need and especially those who may be separated from their families due to unjust immigration laws.

God we pray for all children who have become victims of violence, degradation, and injustice. We pray for a renewal of the CHIP program and all programs that help needy families who do not have access to resources. We pray and give thanks for Episcopal Public Policy Network and Episcopal Peace Fellowship that shine a light on injustice and lead us to act on our needy family's behalf. Give us voices for the voiceless children.

God we pray for all children and families who are refugees and seeking new homes where they may live safe from harm. We pray especially for the Episcopal Migration Ministries.

God we pray for all children who are ill during the holidays. We pray especially for those who are in hospitals and NICUS. We give thanks for medical teams who minister to their needs.

God we pray for all youth ministers, ministers of youth music that they may show our young ones how exciting it is to serve God in God's Church.

God we pray for that we may truly become Children of God by speaking and being peace makers to a fragile, broken, and unjust world.

God we pray for all parents and siblings who are mourning losses of children, brothers, and sisters this time of the year and those who will celebrate their first holidays without them. Give them comfort and may they feel your loving and abiding presence.

God we pray for all children in our community who find themselves walking down dangerous paths that they may be diverted and given opportunities where they may grow, develop, and are kept away from gang and at risk activities.

God we give thanks for all children and parents this night who are traveling during this holy season. Help us to remember Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem.

God we pray these prayers in the name of your Son Jesus who was once a child just like us. Amen.

The word is #Believe

The Affirmation of Faith

You, O God, are supreme and holy.
You create our world and give us life.
Your purpose overarches everything we do.
You have always been with us.
You are God.
You, O God, are infinitely generous,
good beyond all measure.
You came to us before we came to you.
You have revealed and proved
your love for us in Jesus Christ,
who lived and died and rose again.
You are with us now.
You are God.
You, O God, are Holy Spirit.
You empower us to be your gospel in the world.
You reconcile and heal; you overcome death.
You are our God. We worship you. (New Zealand Prayer book)

God help us when our belief in you falters and that we may seek you again.

God we pray for a loving acceptance for all of God's children.

God help us to do what is right in your sight and help the least of these.

Give us strength to hold, believe and honor your commandments to love one another.

Give us strength to "Be Still and Know that You are God" and also when we are stressed  out to engage in "The Be Stills!"

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am.

Be still and know.

Be still.


God instill in us this night peace, hope, and joy, and love of others and shine your
light into this fragile and broken world.

Let us pray in the silence of our hearts for ___________________

We lift up these our prayers to you God. Amen.
Or these.
God we pray that we may not only believe in you but the courage to believe in ourselves.

God we pray, for all of our family members who are feeling invisible right now. Help them to see how beautiful and loving we are.

God we pray, for the healing of all of our family members who are ill that their bodies, minds, and spirits may be returned to health and wholeness.

God we pray for peace in the world's war torn areas and that divisions may cease and that they may be united in heart and spirit.

God of our being help us to move from fear into faith as we tell our stories from our hearts. Help us to find the ways to be believed.

God of our being help us to listen to the stories of our family members without judgement and fear and listen with our heart's ears.

God of  mercy help us to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with you and  speak truth to power by sharing our stories of injustice, inequality, and invisibility.

God of all creation we pray for all living things in  Your Cathedral of Life and that we begin to tell the story of the destruction of the resources on this Planet Earth Our Island Home.

God of all Goodness and love may we look into the mirror and see you with loving eyes, smiles, and tender glances. May we see your reflection in us and and in the eyes of our family members.

God help us when we waiver in our beliefs the courage to continue to seek you.

God we pray for ourselves and on behalf of our family members remembering especially________

Come Lord Jesus and accept our prayers in your most Holy Name. Amen.

Or these prayers may be said:

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised we pray for all of our family members who  are feeling invisible. May they be given courage to help effect change so that justice may roll down and everyone will have equality and human rights.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all of the least of these who will be spending the night in the cold and without shelter. 

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all people who are suffering with mental illness and those who care for them.

God of the lonely, lost , and disenfranchised, we pay that we may rise to help all of our family members who are in need. 

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, take away all bitterness, strife, and division that infect our hearts that we may be loving, united, and steadfast in proclaiming liberty, justice, and peace to all.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we  pray for all living things that they may be protected from harm and that we may become good stewards of God's Cathedral of life.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray that we all may have the courage to live authentically as our true selves without fear, violence, and abuse.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all refugees, undocumented immigrants, captives, political prisoners, victims of violence, abuse, terror, and human trafficking.

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for  all children of the world that they may be protected from harm, abuse, and bullying. We pray for all of our orphaned family members may find loving and forever homes!

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we pray for all of our LGBTQ family members that they may be afforded all human rights that that we may give them dignity and respect as Jesus did to all whom He came into contact with. 

God of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised, we offer our additional prayers and thanksgivings for ourselves and one behalf our all of our family members, remembering especially_____________

Jesus, our Redeemer, reconciler, healer and friend of the lonely, lost, and disenfranchised we pray these prayers in  Your most Holy Name. Amen.

 A Prayer attributed to St. Francis

Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is
hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Let us pray and remember  and #Celebrate #HashTagsWithMeaning2017 !

God thank you for helping us to #Awaken our spirits from complacency and apathy towards your fragile and broken world.

God we give thanks and #celebrate this year's Advent #Journey to celebrate your Son's arrival here on Earth.

God help us to #Gather together in peace, love, and compassion and serve on another nearby and far away.

God help us to remember to #Simplify our way of living so that we may learn to not to be focused on things but on you.

God help us to #Heal the brokenhearted, the lonely, the lost, and the afraid this time of year and always as we offer the gift of our presence and love.

God help us to #Mend broken relationships and be reconciled one to another.

God. help us when we lose #Focus to return to your holy hearth and what matters most.

God help us to continue to #Prepare our heart homes, nourish our heart roots, and enliven our inner beings not just at Advent but throughout the year.

God.help us we pray to continue to be your light shining #Messenger to a world who is in desperate need of your God News.

God help us we pray to keep #Watch over and protect the most vulnerable so that they may feel loved, safe, and secure.

God give us a #Voice to sing, to protest, and to speak truth to power when you call us to do so. Embolden our voices with strength and courage.

God we give thanks for times of being in the #Wilderness so that we may listen to you and hear your still small voice.

God we help us to  put our whole #Trust in you as we did at our baptism.

God  we thank you that you chose to come #Among us as Jesus and experience what it is to live here on earth, in a family, suffer, and ultimately give up your life on the cross.

God help us to continue with you and Jesus to be the #Light and carry it to all who are in need of brighter days.

God take from us any reason to #Dazzle and live simple and CALM (Compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful) lived.

God  continue to help us be #Open to new calls and life paths with #Open minds, hearts, and spirits.

God give us courage to #Embrace all of our family members who come from diverse backgrounds. We pray for our family members who continue to be marginalized by any means. We remember the many examples Jesus gave us.

God may we continue to #Renew our commitment to you , each other, and the least of these.

God may we continue to hear and follow the many angel's #Greeting as we remember these words "Do not be afraid". Help us to lose the fear, the hatred and #Embrace everyone with love, joy, hope, and peace.

God We give thanks for The Christ #Child born this day to heal us, save us, make us free, and show us the lighted pathway with love and God news.

God thank you for giving us this time to #Celebrate and remember that is okay to have fun and be with our family members and join as one in your Beloved Community. We lift up these #HashTagsWithMeaning2017 prayers to you in Jesus'The Christ #Child's Name. Amen.

God of..........

God of Love we give thanks today for all of our family members all over the world may they be sustained by your loving grace.

God of Joy remind us everyday to celebrate life in its fullness and seek to find joy in all  things.

God of  Kindness, we pray that we may be kind to one another and never take anyone for granted and may we always remember to show kindness and a loving and gentle touch to the least of these.

God of Generosity,  may we seek to give cheerfully from our hearts and may we always be ready to give of ourselves.

God of all Gentleness may we always remember to treat our family members who are ill with a gentle touch and a kind word.

God of all Patience and Self Control ,may we seek to wait upon you and rein in our actions that we may find ourselves running headlong into without thought or discernment.

God of all  Faithfulness, May we ever be faithful in word and deed and that we may follow you wherever you are leading us. May we never lose sight that  our faith is a beacon of the Light of Christ to all of our family members.

God of Peace may we pray for peace in this Your broken and fragile world . Help us to become peace makers. 

God of all Goodness, we pray that we may learn what it means to be good  and carry that goodness into the world and to  others.

God of healing mercy and grace we lift up these our petitions to you especially for___________________

Gracious God we celebrate Walk With Me On Our Journey. May it continue to expand our hearts, enliven our spirits, quicken our steps, and may the Waters of Life continue to course through our veins as your response to Love, care, welcome all in your Name. Amen.

Stations of the Creche

I. Mary receives word that she is to bear the Christ child.
"Be it unto me according to your Word"
Lord may we say yes to your call and walk with you in love and not fear.

II. Mary Tells Joseph her news!
"Do not be afraid Joseph to Take Mary as your wife"
Help us to not be afraid when God presents us with difficulty. May we seek to have faith and resiliency.

III. Joseph receives word about needing to go to Bethlehem to be enrolled
Lord help us to remember that we are all written in your Book of life and that we are precious to you and every hair on our heads are counted.

IV. Mary and Joseph set out on the road to Bethlehem.
Lord God we pray for all who travel and pray for safe passage wherever we go this season.

V. Mary and Joseph seek shelter as Mary goes into labor. 
Lord God we pray for all who seek shelter this night and for all women who are in labor. We pray for safety for all who  are the least of these our family members. May we offer our homes and hearts as shelters from any kind of storm.

VI. Mary and Joseph take shelter in a manger
Lord God it is good to be in this manger as a reminder that all living things are precious to you and that we all must eat the Bread of eternal life in new mangers as we feast with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist at God's Holy Table set with Bread and Wine.

VII. Jesus is Born 
Come let us adore him and give thanks that Jesus came into God's world to redeem, heal, and teach us how to be brothers and sisters one to another. We give thanks that on that most holy night we were no longer strangers but the Family of Love.

VIII. Angelic Hosts tell the Shepherds "Do not be afraid"! Follow the Star to the Manger and greet with joy the birth of the Messiah. 
Lord God may we never be afraid to come and meet and greet our Lord in all persons, places, and situations.

IX. The Magi Visit Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Lord God, teach us to be giving of our time, talents, treasures, and ourselves. Help us to give and receive the Gift of presence from you and others.

X. Herod sets out to kill the Holy Innocents.
Lord God, we pray for peace in the world and an end to violence against all your children , young and old. We pray for your holy and loving protection  to surround them wherever they may be.

XI  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph take flight into Egypt.
Lord God, we pray for all refugees who are fleeing wars, economic situations, religious persecution, and political uncertainty. We pray that they may return to their homes and livelihoods and if they are to stay where they have taken flight to that they may be welcomed not as strangers but as members of the family of love.

XII. Jesus, Mary and Joseph return home to Nazareth.
Lord God we pray that as we return home from work or travel that our homes may be havens of peace and places of refreshment for all of our family members.



Enriching our Wosrhip
Walk With Me On Our Journey
Quote Sites for Prayers and quotes
A New Zealand Prayer Book
Book of Common Prayer
Enriching our Worship

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