Wednesday, April 27, 2016

It's time to become a family ! Period. Our Season of Prayer Continues.

Good Evening Dear Family of Love!

I have returned from the One Community Action Coalition meeting that was held at the Minami Center down the block from me. It was the most well attended community meeting I have ever attended here in Santa Maria. The meeting focused on how we as a community can stem the tide of violence and build good relationships with each other for the benefit of our youth. We heard from quite a few community leaders in both Spanish and English. I know that might bother you but if we lived in the EU countries and the Middle East we would have to know more than one language. Prayers were said and a memorial candle lighting was done at the start and the families who lost loved ones in the past 7 years due to gang violence brought up a votive candle and placed it on an ofrenda that was in the spirit of El Dia` de los Muertos. One of the attendees who is indigenous did the ceremony of the 4 directions with the blowing of a conch shell and the smudging ceremony with sage. Because Mother Deborah had a scheduling conflict she asked me to to the prayer which was at the end. It was posted earlier this evening and was from Walk With Me On Our Journey. Our family members in attendance really liked it. You know who really liked it was our Mayor Alice Patino! You just never know how God is going to use you each and every day. This was the first time in quite awhile that I have had the privilege of praying one of my original prayers. The first time was long ago at the Daffodil Days Banquet for the American Cancer Society. Today it was in front of our family and you know what ? That's what we truly are! It's time to become a family not just any family but the family of Love of God. Here is the prayer that was said this evening!

Gracious and loving God as we meet in community this evening to pray and light candles let us remember all of our family members who do not have community, family, where loving shoulders and soft places in which to fall are available. We pray for the lost, lonely, and afraid that they may be found and brought into the family of God and wrapped in a quilt of comfort. We pray for our family members who are refugees, asylum seekers, children in foster care, children who are seeking to be adopted and all who are waiting for their forever homes wherever that may be. We pray that we may practice radical hospitality and welcome all of our family members and especially the strangers who are in our midst. We pray that we may keep our eyes on all of our loved ones and pray that no one, not one will fall through the cracks. We pray that a community of CALM (Compassion, Acceptance, Love, and Mercy) may spring up around the world and especially where there is hatred, violence, terror, and division. We pray that peace, justice, and mercy may prevail upon Earth, that we may be be peacemakers and called the Children of God. Amen.

Holy God,as we pray and light more candles let us pray that we may truly and fully become the loving Family of God. God we know that it is time. We know that this journey into family hood won't be easy but we must take time to lay down our, rage, fear, anger, suspicion, hatred, bigotry, terror, and all that seeks to divide us. Give us we pray courage to learn to love one another as Jesus first loved us. Help us we pray to realize that we are one family and that whatever our race, color, creed, gender, and sexual orientation may be we are made in your image and likeness O, God. Tonight we pray for safety in our cities, towns, counties, states, and nations. We pray for all of our family members nearby and far away who have been affected by violence, abuse, bullying, and degradation this day. We pray for their safety and that you'll wrap your loving and holy arms of protection around them. We pray for the least of these who lack clean water, safe and permanent shelter, nourishing food, and warm clothing. Help us to walk the walk and talk the talk and spread your Gospel of Love to this fragile and broken world. Let us be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) people this night and forever more. Amen.

Tonight we are going to spend our time together with a  Time of prayer for the healing of lives, world, nations, and the Earth

Gracious and loving God, we pray for all of our family members this night who are in our hearts and on our minds especially_________________.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all lives who are touched by abuse and violence.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of  all those whose hearts are hardened and feel the need to act violently.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all family members of the animal kingdom that are facing being endangered and extinct.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all of our personal wounds that have kept us from moving on and living lives well lived.

Gracious and  loving God, we pray for the healing of all of those who are mourning losses of  family members and pets. We remember especially those who have lost children.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all children who are suffering from any untimely disease that keeps them from enjoying childhood.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all of our family members with whom we might be estranged. May we lovingly be united once again with them.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of  your Cathedral of Life and that we might be good stewards of  the Earth you made.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all hearts and heart homes who are facing any family holiday alone!

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all divisions that we may be one.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all who have had surgery that they may receive healing and recover fully.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all who are homeless, hungry, and ill-clad that they may find warm shelter, nourishing food, and warm and comfortable clothing.

Gracious and loving God,we pray for the healing of all nations where there are warring factions and terror that peace may prevail upon earth.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all faith communities that they may find common ground rooted in love.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all the hate and rancor in this world.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of all those who are feeling isolated and outcast that they may feel accepted and loved as the beautiful people whom you created that they may see  as you see them.

Gracious and loving God, we pray for the healing of  anything that is being brought to mind this night remembering especially__________________________

Gracious and loving God we pray in the name of Jesus,Your Son. Amen.


Today's wish is this! May you all take time to smell the roses and enjoy God's Cathedral of Life in God's Sunshine of Love.


Good Night Precious Treasures! I love you! You are truly gifts from God and bring us love and joy.Tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Take time to get a new box or Jar we are starting a new thing a Gratitude and Thanksgiving Jar/Box . We are going to begin placing our thanksgivings and things that we are grateful for into the new box.

I love and give thanks for you this day and always!


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