Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Resiliency, prayer, and faith Part II! Our Season of Prayer Continues!

Dear Family of Love and Prayer Pilgrims!

Wow Wednesday is drawing to a close! Where did this week go? Are you ready for our weekend retreat and time for self- and Sabbath Care? I hope so. We all must take time to wind down weeks and in our own lives. I can't get over how fatigued I feel tonight! I guess that's part of being a person with 3 levels of illness. But my faith is strong! I'm asked constantly how do I keep the faith when life seems as thought it is falling apart ? The word I like to use is resiliency. Being resilient in faith keeps me strong. Does that mean that I'm Miss Pollyanna with Rose Colored glasses and playing the Glad Game over and over? Of course not. I meet every situation in my life with a non panicky attitude. Yes I do panic from time to time but I don't let it consume me like a raging fire. I like to think that we people of faith need to consider looking towards Moses and The Burning Bush and find ourselves on Holy Ground and not being Consumed by the major fires in our lives. Each day we all need to allow ourselves to take deep breaths, periods of just sitting and emptying our minds, and being mindful. Wherever we go we must take these tools with us.  I also believe that my faith in God who is compassionate, accepting, loving, and merciful helps set the tone in my life. As a member of the Jesus Movement and follower of Jesus I find my strength in His Strength. I look to Jesus as a role model when I am called to love , serve, and care for the least of these and even my enemies who just happen to be family members. We aren't let of the hook and if we think we are, we need to think and pray again ,and think again and pray some more. I hope you noticed that I didn't use the word Christian to describe myself and the reason is this, right now the word Christian isn't used correctly and has begun to take on a bad reputation and has been used to divide and separate us one from another. When we begin to be more united in love, care, and not use it to divide God's family then I will return using the word Christian. Yes, I do strive to be Christlike but not Christian in today's terms. 

Dear Ones it is time to meet God and spend time with God in our heart homes so that we may be refreshed with love energy and become rested, refreshed, revived, and renewed to meet the minutes and days ahead. Or at least this evening!

If you missed last evening's blog here it is:

Let us Put on the Mantle of Resiliency!

Let us continue in silence and mindfulness. Don't forget to inhale and exhale until you find yourselves at peace.

Peace be still and renew and revive me by your love O God.
Peace be still and renew and revive me by your love
Peace be still and renew and revive me.
Peace be still and renew and revive
Peace be still and renew
Peace be still
Peace be.

Holy and Loving God we come before you yet again to light our candles and be at prayer and remember our family members who were injured and killed at Columbine High School 17 years ago. We remember and pray for all the refugees who lost their lives at sea in the Mediterranean. We pray for our family members who are continuing be facing struggles and great sorrows. We pray this night for peace throughout the world and that we may join a movement where we strive to be peace makers and those who will respect every family member by promoting justice and universal human rights.
We come before you O, God with our prayers and thanksgivings as we take time to recount today's event's and how we saw You and Jesus in others. We pray that we may lay our bodies down and take our rest and know that we are forever in your loving arms and we haven't anything to fear or anxious about. We remember that we must always be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) Help us to Love more, serve more, be united as your family more, and to care for the least of these more. Help us we pray to do these thing God more, more, and more. Help us not just to do but to just be. "The Light of Christ in Me, Recognizes the Light of Christ in you! This night and always. Amen.

A gentle reminder!

We minister to our family members not  only with our prayers as we pray in place or prayer walk but with our kind words and smiles. I never look away I always smile and look at our family members in their eyes. This is my recognition of them as Children of God and seeing God in their eyes.  Tonight let us keep our meditative thoughts on those keywords: Endurance, Faith, Courage, and Resiliency !  When we pray tonight let us slow down and meet God in every word we pray and say. 


Let us be infused with God's love and the Holy Spirit's fire as we pray.

God infuse our bodies, minds, and spirits with love and compassion for our family members with whom we disagree.

God infuse our bodies, minds, and spirits with strength and good health so that we may boldly stand for the least of these our family members and do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with You O, God of Love.

God infuse the bodies, minds, and spirits with your healing  power to all of our family members who are ill and suffering from any illness either chronic or short term. We pray for all newly diagnosed family members and those especially having surgery. 

God infuse the tender emotions of all who grieve the courage to mourn boldly and with the knowledge that it is ok to go through the grieving process and not to have please others and look happy and be expected to back to normal.

God infuse the leaders of this world with the knowledge that peace is the only way and that wars, violence, terror, and injustice serve no one. May peace prevail upon earth. We pray that we may be united in love and not divided by hate.

God infuse those who care for children the knowledge and courage to be real caregivers who will protect and keep them from harm. We pray for an end to child abuse in all of its forms.

God infuse all women with courage to get out of violence and abusive situations that they may find safety and make with confidence sensible escape plans. We pray for all women's and children's shelters.

God infuse our lives with love, peace, hope, and joy!

God infuse our hearts with love, mercy , and compassion to pray and give thanks for________________ 

God infuse our bodies with strength so that we may live healthy lives and practice good habits.

Jesus we thank you and others for being good role models of  being prayer pilgrims , prayer walking, justice, love, mercy, and inclusion. We give thanks for your dying on the cross to save us once and for all and that we no longer need to fear or be ashamed. All these our prayers and thanksgivings we lift up to you in your most Holy Name. Amen. 


Good Night Dear  Ones ! May you find rest this night and that each of you may know that you matter. I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always! Take time to ready yourselves for Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday tomorrow.

With love and blessings always,


Tonight's listening music is this! 

Spanish Guitar

Ralph Vaughan Williams Mix

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