Friday, April 1, 2016

Let's unwind and be at prayer and a special meditation on abundance!

Dear Family of Love and Prayer Pilgrims!

Since it is Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting and the First week in Easter that calls for us to pray and celebrate. Some days praying can be very heavy an d feel like one is carrying a heavy burden and there isn't much light. Tonight we are going to change that up a bit too. We all need to keep breathing and lay down our burdens and place all of the week's junk into our Worry/Sabbath box.

Let's start off slow and breathe and go to our happy places. I have to do that quite a bit when I have my treadmill training with my trainer. I have a strange bit of rapid heart rates that we are trying to get into proper range. Praying requires fitness and a little bit of  de-stressing too.

Take each of the below slowly one action at a time.




Peace be Still.





Peace be still.





Peace be still.


Let us light our candles and be at prayer. Tonight we continue to pray for the people and nation of Burundi. We pray for all the troubled places in the world and in our own country. We pray for peace and an end to all forms of violence. We pray that we may use our words, thoughts, and actions for the good of all. We pray that we be Compassionate, Accepting, loving, and merciful 1440 minutes a day and 525,600 min a year  to all our family members in the household of God. We pray that we may serve God through our service and kind deeds to others. We pray that we may remember to keep the faith fearlessly without fretting and take this time before our Self-care and Sabbath rest weekend to lay down our worries, fears, mads, anxieties, and yes even those moments of anger and hatred into our Worry/ Sabbath box so that we may go on retreat with God and enjoy peace and quiet to find God in our heart homes. Amen.

Here is tonight's song for meditation. It comes from the Broadway Musical "Rent"

Seasons of Love- Rent

Tonight let us meditate on the word and concept of Abundance. Take time to do this and give your fears, anxieties and anything else that is troubling you. God gives us abundantly more than we can ask or even deserve. God's love is abundant. God's mercy is abundant. Jesus' forgiveness is abundant, God's grace is abundant! What do we do with all of this abundance?  Pray and meditate on these things!

The Promise of Living

Hymn 661 They Cast their Nets  

God of Love and Abundance ,we pray this night for our family members who have little and who have more than enough that we may share from our abundance lovingly with great mercy and kindness.

God of Love and Abundance, we pray this night for our family members who have not learned  your message of  Love and inclusion.

God of Love and Abundance ,we pray this night for our family members who are feeling lost and alone without any support. May we rise up and go to them and show and give them love abundantly to the brim and overflowing.

God of Love and Abundance, we pray for peace in this your fragile world that love and peace may encircle those places where violence, war, hate, and division pervade the lives of our family members who find themselves defenseless.

God of Love and Abundance, we pray for all of our family members who are in need of healing and grace. May we with you lovingly help them with love and from our heart-home's abundance. 

God of Love and Abundance, we pray for all of our family members who mourn and those who have entered into the Thin Places. 

God of Love and Abundance, we add our prayers and thanksgivings with love from the depths of our heart homes and pray on behalf of all those who have asked us for our prayers remembering _____________

God of Love and Abundance, we lift these our prayers in the Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen. 


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Have a blessed night. You bless me abundantly with your presence in my life. I give God Thanks for you always! Tomorrow is Self-Care Saturday! Time to care for our bodies, minds, and spirits. 

With love to the brim and overflowing!


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