Friday, April 15, 2016

Taking time out of our busy day to pray and think of many things. Our Season of prayer continues!

Good Evening Dear Ones!

Happy Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without Fretting! I hope everyone has been preparing once again for our Self-Care and Sabbath Rest Weekend. Today we remember that we get our Worry/Sabbath Box or Jar out to fill it with our mental junk so that we may be able to have a time of contemplation and drawing us in to the holy. Today we remember in our prayers the people of Japan who have had terrible earthquakes, Boston as they remember the Boston Marathon acts of terror 3 years ago, and what ever else is on our prayer hearts. Every day we need to take time out to pray and think on many things that are causing us stress.  I see each one of us carrying many burdens and sometimes they aren't light. That is when prayer comes in especially tonight. Fridays from now on are going to be a shorter blog than usual so that we can rest and be mindful. Let us begin and center ourselves in the presence of God.

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know .
Be still.

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know .
Be still.

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know .
Be still.

God of Many Names and Faiths we come to you this night and light our candles before you as we pray for our family members all over the world who do not know how to live united in love, peace, prayer, and unity. We pray for all faiths who have entered into holy times of Sabbath Rest and prayer.
We pray that we may learn from each other's faiths and no be given over to judgment and hate. We pray this day to continue to stop the hate, bigotry, and division. We pray that we may be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) We pray this night for all of our family members in Japan who have been affected by earthquakes, Burundi, Central America, South Sudan, Nigeria, The Middle East and all places where there is war and strife. We light our candles in memory of our family members who lost their lives in the Boston Marathon bombings! We light our candles in honor of all who are finding solace and soulace in practicing their faith in community. We pray for our family members who do not have faith communities and soft places in which to fall. We pray for each other that we may love and show love, Carry the light so others may see, receive the light to light our way out of the darkness. We pray for the least of these and the least of these may be us. Amen.

Let us be at prayer!

God our creator help us to find the necessary endurance in our lives to live,love,  move, and just be.

God we pray for all of your children who are ill that they may find the courage to stay the course and be patient patients.  May they find strength in their weakness.

God we pray for all of our family members who are in need of courage to leave abusive and dangerous situations.

God we pray that our faith in you may never falter and that our faith may blossom from that tiny mustard seed.

God we pray that we may become resilient in all aspects of our lives. 

God we pray for our family members who live in war torn and violent prone areas of the world that there may be peace.

God we pray for all who mourn that they may have the endurance to grieve, Courage to take each day one at a time, faith to know that things will get better, and resiliency to bounce back slowly from sadness and adversity.

God we pray for all of our family members who are involved in athletic events that they may have the physical and mental endurance to participate.

God we pray this night for the least of these, give them endurance to survive, courage to find services, faith in you, and resiliency with you to find  a new life path and safe living conditions.

God we pray that there may be an end to hate, fear, doubt , and injustice. 

God we thank you for giving us endurance, courage, faith, and resiliency. May we all learn how to have each of these in our own lives.

God we lift up our own prayers and thanksgivings in the name of Jesus your Son who had endurance, courage, faith, and resiliency. Amen. 


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you all and give thanks to God for you this night and always! May you all have a blessed and restful night! Take time to pray and think of our family members who are in need.

With love and blessings!


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