Saturday, December 17, 2016

The New #AdventWords and #HashTags With Meaning are here! Today's word is #Embrace

Good Evening Family of Love!

Happy Self-Care Saturday and the first day of the Great O Antiphon's Today's Antiphon is  O Sapientia  (O Wisdom). For the next few days we are going to split the blog in two with the Antiphons and the #AdventWords. Today's #AdventWord is #Embrace. Instead of a long drawn out meditation we are going straight into our prayer vigil time and prayers. 

We will be singing and praying with Veni Emannuel each of the days of the Great O Antiphons!


O come, O come, Emmanuel,
and ransom captive Israel,
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O come, thou Wisdom from on high,
who orderest all things mightily;
to us the path of knowledge show,
and teach us in her ways to go. Refrain

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Great O Antiphon's - O Sapientia

O Sapientia

I invite you to light a virtual candle and pray for the gift of #Wisdom and enlightenment of our spirits as we await the coming of Jesus into our mind, hearts, and lives once again. 

We pray these prayers based on O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

Praying to God who is Love!

God of Love help us to be loving to all of our family of love. We pray that we may lovingly respond to each other's needs and concerns.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy! May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray for all who are traveling the next few days to visit loved ones. We pray for all of our loved ones whom we haven't seen for awhile.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray for all of our family members who are ill. Heal them O God of Love and Send you Son Jesus who is the Great Physician to heal, comfort, and guide them through their illnesses and trials.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray that love may be the key to peace in your fragile and broken world.  We pray for the courage and strength to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray that as we grieve the loss of loved ones this time of year that the bonds of love are never broken in this life and in the next.  Help us we pray to realize that Love means never having to say goodbye.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray for those who are dying and have died today that they are feeling your loving presences as they transition into the Thin Places.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray for all those who longing for justice and universal human rights. May we continue to pray for a loving spirit of justice, mercy, and that  peace may reign in all our hearts.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray for all the children of the world that they may be loved and protected from harm.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we pray for all the least of these who may be without food or shelter tonight. We pray for their safety. Help us to love the least of these and as we do this may we know that we are loving you in return.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love help us to lovingly care for your Cathedral of Life and protect all living things.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of  Love surround and protect all refugees, immigrants captives, prisoners, victims of violence and terror, abuse,bullying, and victims of modern day slavery and human trafficking. 

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love may we lovingly respond to those who ask us for prayer especially______

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love plant in our hearts this night seeds of  love, hope, peace, and joy. May we walk with you and carry love and light to others. Help us to continue to Follow the Star and meet Jesus again in the manger and in our lives.

O Come Emmanuel, Come Soon and enliven our spirits with your compassion, acceptance, love and mercy!May we always show love, bring joy, give hope, and make peace to all of our family members and living things. 

God of Love we lift up these prayers in the name of your son Jesus our  Promised Messiah. Amen.


We turn now to prayers featuring our  #AdventWord  for today, #Embrace :

God of many names we come to you seeking unity, peace, and understanding. Help us we pray to embrace one another as your holy children who have been made in your image and likeness. Take away from us any thought, word, or deed that seeks to divide us one from another and You  O God. We pray this night for an end to all terrorists acts and those that are being planned. We pray that those who are contemplating such acts may be prevented from doing so and that they may feel your not so gentle tap on their shoulder as a reminder of what they shouldn't be doing.  God may we join our hands together in compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy and that we may encircle this fragile nation and world with your light and love as we pray and seek to serve you at all times and the places where you send us. Amen.

God We pray that we may embrace the holy at all times with these affirmations:

I embrace the holy by acknowledging that everything that God created is holy.
I embrace the holy by showing my love for all of my family members.
I embrace the holy by speaking out for the voiceless and invisible.
I embrace the holy by loving my enemies and those who hate.
I embrace the holy by practicing peaceful non-violence.
I embrace the holy by accepting and including everyone into our family of love.
I embrace the holy by being an ally for all those who are seeking universal human rights.
I embrace the holy by being a good steward of God's Cathedral of Life.
I embrace the holy by accepting God's call.
I embrace the holy by following Jesus and being his sister, friend and walking the walk and talking the talk as He Does everyday in our lives.
I embrace the holy by remembering to pray daily.
I embrace the holy by walking with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit on life's path and journey.

We embrace the holy this night in prayer and in the stillness , in the longing, and seeking to be in your loving presence O God. 

Holy God we give thanks for the rain, we pray for the safety of all people in the wake of the storms.   May we feel you upholding us safely in your loving embrace.

Holy God we give thanks for your holy creation and the beauty of your Cathedral of Life. May we feel your presence as we breathe in the air that embraces us in and through our bodies.

Holy God we give thanks for your gift of peace. May peace prevail upon earth and within ourselves. Help us to embrace all people who differ from us with compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy.

Holy God we give thanks for our family of love. Lovingly enfold your arms around them this night if they are having any worries, anxieties, or fears. God give us courage to embrace our fragile and mentally ill family members with love and understanding.

Holy God we give thanks for our voices that we may speak truth to power and be the voice of the voiceless. God give us the strength to embrace social justice causes that are near and dear to you and that we may do as you command us to do.

Holy God we give thanks for your healing power that you are doing in the lives of  those who are ill  in body, mind, and spirit.  We pray especially for ____________
God Help us to lovingly embrace all who are ill and come to their aid and help them with a genuine and sincere heart. 

Holy God we give thanks for everything you have given us so abundantly.
 Help us to give thanks and embrace what we truly need and not all the extravagant wants.

Holy God we give thanks for ears and hearts to hear your still small voice.
Help us to embrace the small things in life.

Holy God we give thanks for the least of these as a reminder that we may never become hard, cold, or complacent.  God help us to embrace our fragile family members with warmth, comfort, God centered compassion, acceptance, love, and mercy.

Holy God we give thanks for the lives of those who now reside in the Thin Places. We pray for all who mourn and may we step up and lovingly respond with comfort and compassion. God embrace with your never failing love those who are dying and who have died today and enfold the grieving with your loving and consoling arms.

Holy Jesus we lift up these our prayers in love, peace, joy , and hope in your most holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love! I love you and I hope you know that each of you are eternal and holy beings made by a loving, merciful, and gracious God in God's image and likeness. I give thanks to God for you this night with love,joy, peace, and hope in my heart.

Love, joy,peace, and hope be always yours,


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