Saturday, November 14, 2015

A message from your teary-eyed blog writer! Tender hearts call for tender measures.

Dear Family of Love,

Happy Self-Care Saturday ! I know that this is an odd greeting considering all that has happened in Paris, Beirut, and Baghdad.  We all are having tender hearts that are crying out for healing, love, warmth, and compassion.  As our hearts are tender so are our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering  in many and unimaginable ways.This is a time for all of us with tender hearts to come together in unity and love to see the tenderness in they eyes  all of our family members. Today is a day where we all need to pay it forward as I talked about in a blog earlier this week. But first before we do this I would like us to take part of this day to be in prayer. Our hearts need to be healed by prayer and time away in the presence of God. Taking this time will give us the strength to go forward to do what God is calling and challenging us to do today and everyday. Part of self-care involves prayer, refreshment, and renewal. Let us begin with our breathing exercises with an old favorite at Walk With Me On Our Journey:

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know 
Be still

Imagine you are breathing in either sage, rosemary, or lavender to calm our tender hearts and  spirits.

Don't forget to do some relaxation exercises to get your bodies in prayer mode.

God we pray this day for all of us who are in grief  over the loss of life in the terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, and Baghdad.  We pray for all our family members throughout the world who are constantly being victims of terror and violence. We pray for an end to violence and terror.

God we pray this day that we my use our tender hearts as the driving force to affect change in the world. 

God we pray that the loving hearts you instilled in our souls at our birth  may continually be used to find purpose and be reawakened into the Love Energy you give us each day.

God we pray for all our enemies that they may come to know that violence, terror, extremism and hatred are not the answer but love, listening and compassion are.

God we pray for an end to religious extremism of any kind and that a spirit of love and understanding may grow flourish with in each of all faith communities.

God we pray for all refugees,captives, victims of human trafficking. We pray this day that we may never forget about all of our family members who are being held by terrorist organizations.

God we pray for all families who are beginning to grieve the loss of loved ones and we remember all of our family members who are pre-grieving  as they sit vigil at the bedside of the dying.

God we pray for and end to environmental terrorism and that we may become good conservationists of your Cathedral of Life.

God we pray that we may use the gifts you have given us in Social Media to foster love and respect and that what we post or tweet may be loving and with lips that are mindful of all of our family members.

God we remember these prayers from long ago:

God as we take time to sit and be with you in your loving and abiding presence may we seek to come to know you in the many ways you show us each and every day. We pray that we may come to know you as Jesus as the risen Christ who was made known to the pilgrims on the road to Emmaus. We pray that we may find you in our kinship the bread made broken and the prayers offered and in the works of love you are calling us to do.  May we come to know you more deeply and find out that you are more than what's in scripture and more than our minds can fathom.

God may we offer our own prayers and thanksgivings and lift them up unto you this day in the name of your Son Jesus who heals, reconciles, and brings and makes us truly family. Amen.


Have a blessed Self-Care Saturday Dear Ones. I love you! I give thanks to God for you this day and always. Remember we are all family and that God has made us in God's image and likeness and that we all matter and are precious.
I may write another blog later but we will see. Let us love and take care of ourselves so that we may love and take care of others who are also our family members.

Love, prayers, and blessings your sister on our life's pilgrimage together,


Prayers for Peace

Prayers for Paris

Blogs from another time:

A voice was heard

How do we stand together during times of heartache

Musical Selections:

Andrew Lloyd Webber- Requiem

Rutter -Requiem

Bobby McFerrin- Psalm 23

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