Monday, November 9, 2015

What matters most

Dear Family of Love! 

Happy You Matter Monday! Today we had a little more rain for which I'm truly grateful. I'm also grateful that my PT time was changed to 4:00 p.m. because it gave me the right amount of energy to do what was needed. For the past few days we have been experiencing a  mass hysteria surrounding the seasonal Starbucks Cups by people saying that just because there weren't any snowflakes, Christmas trees, reindeer that this meant there is and was a War on Christmas! Nothing could be further from the truth. There isn't any War on Christmas and if you think so I suggest you take time to go back to what Christmas is all about and what matters most. Here at Walk With Me On Our Journey we aren't into the pre-holiday hype and holiday hype in general. We are all about love and loving our family members and yes Virginia we are each other's keepers no matter who we are, what our faith, race, sexual orientation, gender etc. is .We are the family of love and pilgrims on a very special journey that God has placed our feet upon. That journey is a life rooted in love and the modeling of our lives on Jesus. I  think Jesus/God  is appalled by  all the hatred, bigotry, insanity, and any thing else that draws us away from God and loving our family members. What matters most is that we become more sensitive to all our family members and stop the daily looniness that serves no one.  Tonight as part of our meditation let us do a What Matters Most List. We may do an optional sit, breathing, and relaxation set or go straight to the list. 

Here is my What Matters Most List:

What Matters Most:

Loving God
Loving our Family Members
Loving ourselves
Caring for the least of these
Clothing the naked
Welcoming the stranger
Feeding the hungry.
Housing the homeless.
Sheltering those who live on the streets with warm and safe places to spend the night.
Giving water to those who are thirsty
Treating everyone with dignity and respect.
Handling everyone's tender selves with care.
Treading upon God's Cathedral of life with reverence and awe.
Making each day and moment we live holy.
Seeing God in each other.
Following in Jesus' footsteps where ever he leads us.
Loving our enemies.
Making peace in our hearts and in ourselves.  Becoming peacemakers at home and throughout our worldwide neighborhood.
Accepting and including everyone even if they rub you the wrong way 
Being a voice for the voiceless
Speaking truth to power
Respecting the dignity of every human being.
Comforting the widow and orphan
Comforting those who mourn.
Vigiling at the bedside of someone who is dying.
Respite and loving care for the care giver!
Learning to love and accept each other's differences with Love Energy!
Relaxing and renewing our bodies, minds, and spirits so that we may serve God and each other in God's Kindom and Kingdom.
The list is endless!

What Matters Most to you?
How do we make changes happen in our lives and what must we do?

How do we do this?

We rid ourselves of unnecessary labels.
We rid ourselves of or potential divisiveness 
We rid ourselves of hate
We rid ourselves of the need to one up each other
We rid ourselves of  unjust thoughts and actions
We rid ourselves of all harmful thoughts and prejudices
We rid ourselves of misconceptions.
We rid  ourselves of the many ways in which we seek to destroy each other 

Then what must we do?

We see each other as God's beautifully and unique child of  God made in God's image and likeness.
We see to strive to be united with God and each other.
We put on the garment of love and love one another 
We level the playing field and see each other as equals.
We sew seeds of justice, love, mercy, and peace.
We place in our minds thoughts of hope, joy, love, peace, and compassion.
We learn about one another and draw upon each other's strengths and courage.
We sew seeds of love and rely upon each other as family members and neighbors.
We must seek to love all humanity, living things, and care for God's Cathedral of  living, loving, moving, and being.

Let us be at prayer!

God we pray that we may lean upon one another and find perfect love and solace with all of our family members.

God we pray that we may finally take away all labels that divide us. 

God we pray that we may sew seeds of love not hate.

God we pray that we may see each other as equals and know that in your Kingdom we all get in and know this because of Jesus' saving action upon the cross.

God we pray that we may help promote peace and respect everyone's dignity.

God may we place our minds in the paths of right thinking .

God may we learn and lean on one another so that we may see our similarities not differences.

God may we draw upon each other's strengths and courage and be a soft place in which to fall.

God may we rely upon one another and not treat each other as invisible.

God  may we  strive to love one another and all of your animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms.

God may we with you sew seeds of love, mercy , and justice.

God we pray for ourselves and all of our family members who have requested our prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances, and celebrations especially__________________

Jesus who called us to be friends ,may we be united one to another and lay these our prayers at your feet and loving arms and in your most Holy Name. Amen


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Have a blessed and restful night! I give thanks to God for you this night and always! Remember we all matter and that's what matters most!

With love and blessings!


Einaudi - In a Time Lapse (Full Album)

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