Sunday, November 15, 2015

It's time to do the business of spreading the Good News , waking the walk, talking the talk! Not the Gospel According to the Hallmark Channel!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone has had a wonderful day of rest and family time. We have been blessed here in
Santa Maria to have much needed rain and the feeling of Winter as well. I must say that I enjoy these days so that I can rest and have aw wonderful Sabbath day. This happens to be the time of year when I engage in watching the Hallmark Channel as mindless not mindful television viewing. They always have an endless variety of Christmas Fluff  Fare 24/7.  It is wonderful fun but certainly not what we all should be engaging in when the world is in crisis. Dulling our senses this way isn't healthy or helpful in directing our hands, feet, and other body parts to do the work that God is giving us to do. Sometimes it is easy to find ourselves falling prey to the Gospel according to Hallmark when in reality we need to be focusing in on the Gospel of Jesus.  Jesus isn't about fluffy and feel good stories but gritty real life stories that impact the lives of all of us each and every day. This is the time of year when we need to hear the parables of the Good Samaritan, Prodigal Son, Widow's Mite,The  Woman with the Alabaster Jar, and the like. I don't know about you, but this is the time where we need to learn what is important and what isn't. Jesus gives us tools to be able to know what is important when we delve into the parables and in the Gospels themselves. Sometimes Jesus does throw in many ringers that make us think so that we may act accordingly in the world.  We always have to remember that we are dumb sheep and Jesus knew that for sure. Jesus had to repeatedly come up with many varying ways to get his Disciples and yes even, our thinking caps on straight. Jesus needs us to pay attention to what is important right here, right now. We have so much to do for God and the world to be afraid to act in a positive, loving, and life giving way. Jesus and God keep telling us  "Do not be afraid" , "Fear Not", and today in our gospel lesson "Do not be alarmed!" So dear family it is time to do just that and  dust off our shoes and get to work and love and care for all God's children. If you don't know who and where they are please take a look below: 

God you call us each day to lace up our shoes and care for your children. 
Help us in new and inventive ways to do this. Give us the Love Energy to think outside the box and follow where you are leading us.

God you remind us each day to be loving, forgiving, merciful, and be fruitful with the Fruits of the Spirit to be engaged in the world and in the service of the least of these.

God help us to look into the eyes of all your children and see you and love in them.

God give us courage to be able to be hope bringers in the midst of all of the chaos that surrounds us.

God take we pray and give thanks for Jesus when he'd give his disciples ringers to wake them to attention. We pray that we may ever be awake and pay attention to what we are called to do and to just be. 

God may we never be afraid to do the work you have given us to do when all seems bleak. 

God replace all our anxieties, fears, and all thoughts that make our hearts uneasy with peace and an inner being alive with the Spirit.

God we pray that we may continue to walk with you as you walk with us on our journey. 

God we pray that for our enemies and those who wish us harm to have a change of heart, mind, and spirit. 

God we pray this night for all who are homeless, hungry, and ill clad that they may find  shelter, nourishing food, and warm clothing. We pray for appropriate shelters to meet the needs for all of our homeless family members.

God we pray for all of our family members who are lost, lonely, and alone with no one to be their soft place to fall and be accepted.

God we pray this night for the coming week ahead that we may seek to serve you in the ways that you would have us do. 

God we pray for___________________________

God we give thanks for______________________

 God ,As this is our last prayer this evening and since you have told us" the first shall be last and the last" we pray for all the peoples of the earth and especially, Paris, Beirut, Baghdad, Syria, Kenya, refugees, victims of violence, terror, human trafficking that peace, love justice, and mercy may prevail upon Earth. We lay these our petitions and thanksgivings in the loving arms of your son Jesus ,our brother, friend, Savior, and Great Physician. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones! This is a little bit early but on Sundays everyone needs a little more prayer time and meditation. You may have noticed that we didn't have a meditation section above but we will have a virtual labyrinth walk below for you to do to supplement tonight's prayer time if you should so desire. I love you and give God thanks for you this day and always. Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday! Lets remind ourselves and all our family members no matter who they are or where they live that they are precious and that they matter. 

With love and blessings,


For your virtual labyrinth walk if you should need a little extra time of meditation tonight. 

I Want Jesus To Walk With Me

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