Saturday, June 11, 2016

The importance of saying goodbye to our dying family members! Love Means Never Having to Say Goodbye!

Dear  Dearly Loved Family Members!

Happy Self-Saturday! I know the title of our blog seems a little depressing but it isn't meant to be. Today I went to see a dear family member and friend of mine who is transitioning into the larger life with God into the Thin Places. I decided to do this because I didn't want to leave anything left unsaid and to tell her that I love her and what she meant to me. These times are holy times and often we may not get a chance to say the important things when we are active, alert, and physically and mentally able to hear them. Every day we must not be afraid to tell our family members we love them because there might not be a next time to say them or hear them. Right here, right now, stop looking at this blog and go tell your family members in the room you love them or at least make a promise between you and God to do this. Remember hearing is the last thing to go before death. If you haven't said goodbye and talked to your loved ones get out that photo album and tell your loved ones now or when you are ready. But seriously we are never ready to say goodbye. When I knew that Steve was beginning to transition I had as many people in to say goodbyes to him. In the Christian faith it is more  of  a see you later thing not really goodbye. Don't deprive yourselves of these special moments and just know that it is in these precious minutes you will feel God with you. We must not fear death because our bodies are just the protective covering for our souls while we are here on Earth. I remember a friend of mine saying to us at his mother's funeral " Love means never having to say goodbye !"

So tonight if you are ready, let us be in silence and remember our family members that we have lost contact with and those who have gone before us.  

God we light our candles this night and pray for all of our family members who are nearby and far away. We pray that we may be reunited with them if we have been estranged and that we may become truly one family of Love. We pray for our family members who are going through any kind of struggle and crises. We pray for our family members who are homeless, hungry, and without sufficient clothing. We pray for our family members who are ill and are in need of healing and comfort. We pray for our family members who are awaiting news of test results and diagnosis on this weekend. We pray for our family members who are engaged in hateful and hurtful activities that they may learn that their actions do have consequences that that they need to change their tune and behavior for the good of all people. We pray for our family members who are pre-grieving and those who are newly in grief. God we pray for our family members who are dying this night that they may have a gentle and peaceful departing ant that they may awaken in your loving arms and in your heavenly kingdom. We pray this night for all of our family members as we pray and give thanks for them_____________________. We light our candles as the family of Love and the Children of God. We pray these our prayers in the name of our compassionate, accepting, loving and merciful God. Amen.

Tonight we are going to use our additional prayer time : Prayers for the Tender Souls!

Prayers for the Tender Souls

We pray this night for our mental health professionals and all of our mentally ill family members who have fallen through the cracks.

We pray for better early interventions for those with mental illnesses and that everyone will be able to listen for their unspoken cries for help. 

We pray for the marginalized who feel outcast. May we lovingly bring them into the circle and show them how You love us.

We pray for all of our Family members who have PTSD that they may receive care and the necessary services that will help them prosper and live productive lives.

We pray for our homeless family members who live outdoors. We pray that there may be adequate shelters and a variety of places to live that will meet their needs. We pray that we may be sensitive to their needs when we see them as we walk, shop, and are in our cars. 

We pray for the safety of all the vulnerable members of our society.

We pray for better gun laws that will both protect our family members in our community and the persons who aren't suitable gun owners.

We pray that all churches may be truly sanctuaries for everyone and that there won't be a litmus test required to belong. We pray that all faith leaders will give the least of these the the security and feeling that they are loved, accepted, and that their dignity is respected regardless of who they are. Help everyone know who they are and whose they are!

We pray that there may be social service ministries in our urban centers that are non-threatening and available 24/7/365. May we be guided to think outside the box and minister to our family members who need these services.

We pray for compassionate immigration reform and that families may be kept together.

We pray for all of our medical professionals who work in the ER this night and those who work in the Mortuary and Hospice ministries.

We pray for an end to violence against women and children.

God be with the communities where lives have been touched by violence and all places of learning where violence of any kind have occurred. In the silence remember the places that come to mind and pray for survivors and those who have lost their lives.

God help us to be better at listening, watching, and being family to those who are different that ourselves.
May we see you in thei
r eyes and love them as you love us. 

God we lift up these our prayers and the prayers that we have been requested to pray this day to you !

Have a blessed night! I love you, you matter, we all matter and we matter to God. I give God Thanks for you this day and always.

Love, blessings, and peace be yours this day and always,


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