Saturday, August 27, 2016

A Season of prayer for Social Justice : Praying for the protesters and our valiant and courageous family members

Good Evening Dear Family!

Happy Self-Care Saturday! Today I attended the Pacific Pride Festival in Santa Barbara today. I loved pride and seeing so many friends. Lots of thoughts have been wafting through the head today and I feel that God is calling us to pray for those who have the courage to engage in non-violent protest and speak out even if it ruffles our feathers. 

Let us vigil tonight in support of those who have the courage to speak truth to power and engage in non-violent protests.

God we pray for our brothers and sisters who have the courage to protest against the many troubling issues in this fragile and broken world. 

We light one candle and ask for the courage to speak truth to power and follow the example of our brother Jesus who cleansed the Temple from the greedy money changers.

God, we pray for our brothers and sisters who had the courage to sit down and stay seated in response to the need for gun violence after many of the shootings in our country.

We light one candle,pray,  and sit down in solidarity of those who felt the need to not be moved regardless of the consequences.

God we pray for all who work to secure liberty and to affect change by doing petition drives and letter writing.

We light one candle and pray that we may have the courage to petition and write letters continually to affect change.

God we pray for all those who seek to do non-violent protest at military bases even when it is risky.

We light one candle and pray for all who take risks in protesting where it is not allowed or encouraged.

God we pray for those who work tirelessly for equality, justice, and for universal human rights. 

We light one candle and pray that we may all may be one and that Justice may roll down and that we may ever seek to be CALM (Compassionate, Accepting, Loving, and Merciful) 

God we pray for all protesters and change makers remembering especially these courageous ones:
1. Jesus. 
2. The early followers of Jesus who spread the God News and Good News to a broken world.
3. Our country's early fighters for liberty.
4. The civil rights martyrs
5. The marchers in Selma
6. The Martyrs of Japan, New Guinea, and all who spoke out and risked their faith.
7. The underground railroad
8. The Abolitionists
9. Chief Seattle
10 Martin Luther King Jr.
11, Stephen Biko
12. Martin Luther
13. Galileo
14. Those who fought at Wounded Knee
15. The Saint Patrick's Battalion
16. Vida Dutton Scudder
17. St. Francis of Asissi
18 Bernard Mizeki
19. Elie Wiesel and Dietrich Bonhoeffer
20. Moses
21. Susan B. Anthony
22. Rosa Parks
23. The early suffragettes 
24. Terry Waite, Canon Andrew White
25. Black Elk
26: Festo Kivengere
27 Nelson Mandela 
28 Malala
29. Anne Frank
30. Raoul Wallenberg
31. Frederick Douglas, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, William Wilberforce, John Newton, Alex Haley, ROOTS 
32. Archbishop Desmond Tutu
33. Schindler
34. The Albanian Muslims who Saved the Jews in World War II
35 Johnathan Myrick Daniels
36, Florence Li Tim Oi
37 The Dalai Lama
38 Sacheen Littlefeather
39 Harvey Milk
40 Mahatma Gandhi
41 Oscar Romero
42. Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin
43. The Trail of Tears
44. The Righteous Gentiles
45. Madame C.J. Walker
46. Margaret Sanger
47. Gabby Giffords
48. The Orlando 49
49. Stonewall Martyrs 
50. Ryan White, Arthur Ashe
51. Matthew Shepherd 
52. Malcolm X, Mohammed Ali, Salam Al Maryati, 
53. Cesar Chavez
55. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Katherine Lee Bates, Marie Curie, The Philadelphia 11, Barbara Harris, Katharine Jefferts Schori 
56. Seneca Falls Conference.
57. Christine Jorgenson, Billy Tipton, Renee Richards
58 Sally Ride, Billy Jean King, Sheila Kuehl, Martina Navratilova 
59. Your heroes of social justice.
60. Triangle Shirt Factory Fire.
61. Dorothy Day
62 Jane Addams 
63. Bishop Gene Robinson

Let us sing this song:
As we light our candles tonight!

We Are Marching int the Light of God

Tonight we will reflect on what is happening in our lives, the nation, and the world and asking ourselves how we can with God's and Jesus' help to help heal and bring peace to a broken world and for the reconciliation of the Family of God in love. Put on your favorite music or set the timer for 10 minutes and begin reflecting, resting, and center yourself in prayer. 

Musical Selections:

I want Jesus to Walk With Me
Precious Lord Take My Hand 

Let us be at prayer

Jesus help us to go over to the other side and rest and pray with you. 

We ask you Lord Jesus to come and tenderize our hearts and enliven our spirits to be the loving brothers and sisters to you and follow where you lead us.

Jesus show us the pathway to peace in our world. Help us to lay down our anger, suspicion, fears, and resentment of our family members whom we don't know very well. 

Jesus we ask you to heal the many people on our prayer  list who are ill and have been newly diagnosed with cancer or any other disease. We remember them in our hearts and by name__________________

Jesus we pray for peace in the Middle East and all the holy places where you preached, healed, walked, and  made a difference in people's lives with your loving and accepting touch. 

Jesus may we continually be at prayer for all of the 51 million + refugees who do not have a place to call home. Help us always to remember that you , Joseph, and Mary were refugees and went into the land of Egypt until the death of Herod.

Jesus we pray for all of your servants who are preparing for worship on Sunday. May they find the words to  amplify and enlighten the words of  Your Gospel Message. 

Jesus we give thanks to you this day for_____________________
Jesus may we remember this day__________________________
Jesus may we celebrate with you this day these events in our lives and the lives of others especially____________
Jesus we give thanks to you this day for_________________________

Jesus we ask for forgiveness of our sins and help us lovingly forgive those who have harmed us and let go of the past and move forward.

Jesus give us loving and accepting hearts for all those who differ from us and may we see each person in God's world as reflection of You. May we always remember this 'The light of Christ in me recognizes the Light of Christ in you!' May we all be the light of the world and especially to this broken and violent world in which we live. May we sow seeds of peace and love wherever we go and live by your example.

Jesus may we with you comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones and wrap our arms around them with prayer, love, compassion, and comfort.

Jesus we pray for all those who have died and are dying today remembering especially_____________may they rest in peace and rise in glory.

Jesus  we pray for the least of these may we never look down on them but see you reflected in them. May we come to their aide and serve them.

Jesus may we never find ourselves too busy to help those in any need or want. May we and our faith families provide sanctuary for the least of these and never deprive any one of food, clothing, or shelter.

Jesus we lift up these our prayers to you in Your most Holy Name. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love! I love you and may we find rest for our souls tonight. Take time for you and know that tomorrow is our time of Sabbath Rest. I give thanks to God for you this day and always!

Love, prayers, and blessings !


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