Saturday, August 6, 2016

Time to rest, renew, and be transformed with prayer and quiet.

Good Evening Dear Ones!

Happy Feast of the Transfiguration and the solemn remembrance of the day Hiroshima was bombed. Today we re going to spend time in prayer and silence in order to become rested, renewed, and transformed by prayer. We will use the prayers from blogs that have the theme of transformation.

Let us become one with each other and light our candles and be transformed by prayer in the silence of our hearts.

Let us first start out with our breathing exercises.

Inhale our new selves
Exhale our old selves

Inhale our new selves.
Exhale our old selves.

Inhale our new selves.
Exhale our old selves.

Be Still and Know that I am God
Be Still and know
Be Still 

A few favorite pieces of mine that you might like to listen to while you meditate.

Calling all Angels

How Can I Keep From Singing - Enya

Transformation at Assisi 

Light from Assisi  

God we pray that we may live lives that will transform us into the children you'd have us be.

God we pray that we may become your peacemakers so that we may help transform this broken, fragile, and divided world.

God we pray that many of  our family members may be raised up to be positive transforming leaders in the nations of the world. 

God we pray that every day we live, move, and just be may be moments of self-transformation.

God we pray that we may seek ways to help transform our cities into places of sanctuary and safety.

God we pray that with your help we may seek to do justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with you and transform the lives of our family members who are voiceless and live on the margins. 

God we pray that society may be transformed into a place where all human needs are met, human rights may be afforded to all, and our family members who have hardness of heart may be transformed into loving and kind human beings willing to extend a gracious hand to help in times of need.

God we pray that as we awaken from tonight's slumber we may be transformed into new beings willing to give lovingly of ourselves. 

God we thank you that by the gift of your son Jesus we were transformed and as new beings we lift up these our prayers in His most Holy Name. Amen.

May we be at prayer and find our lives this night being transfixed, transformed, and transfigured into new bodies, minds, and spirits, and that we are new wine skins.

Jesus, we thank you that on the day of Your Transfiguration that your chosen apostles became witnesses this event in your life. May we all witness to Your goodness, love, and mercy. 

Jesus, transform our lives that we may serve you in both words and in deeds. May our words and deeds transform the lives of all the least of these our family members.

Jesus, may we always have our minds, hearts, and spirits transfixed and focused on You. 

Jesus, plant in our hearts seeds of love, joy, hope, peace, mercy, and grace that we may live our lives ever fixed on you and the work you are calling us to do.

Jesus, may peace prevail upon earth and that the world may be transfigured into one united family of love, mercy, justice, and service.

Jesus, heal  and calm all those who are awaiting surgery, have major illnesses, and all those who have any illness of  the body, mind, and spirit.

Jesus, We give thanks for all caregivers and  pray that they may receive the self-care they need/

Jesus, we pray for anything or anyone who is on our heart and in our mind remembering especially____________

Jesus. give us the courage every day to be transfixed, transformed, and transfigured  when we need to make changes in our lives.

Jesus, we pray for all who mourn losses of any kind. May we show love and compassion.

Jesus, we offer these our prayers to you in Your. Name. Amen.

Or you may try these meditation steps!

Let us begin our transformation and find ourselves traveling deeper into the center of our inner beings where we will meet God and listen attentively to what God is saying to us and guiding our continual transformation. Our transformation is where love, mercy, and justice meet and Love Energy/ Holy Spirit  empowers and makes our journey possible. 
A reminder of our suggested meditation steps for the week:

Let us start by finding a place of quiet in our home where we are away from distractions
Once we find our "Happy Place " in our home let us find a comfortable chair
Sit down gently in the chair. 
Let us begin by taking a few of our deep and cleansing breaths with our eyes closed.
Think of the words that we use for our mindfulness and breathing exercises. Tonight I'm going to suggest that we do this on our own because you won't always have the guide with you.
Next we are going to do relaxation exercises from head to to by squeezing and releasing ever muscle group and some gentle stretches.Don't forget to do toe and hand wigglies. 

After you have completed these steps it is time for our Mindfulness 5+  sits. We do this without moving a muscle. Let us add 5 minutes each day for the next week. 

Today we are going to spend a few minutes seeking God in the quiet doing our sit. 

Tomorrow and in the days to come we are going to Seek God within ourselves by meditating and going deeper into our heart homes. Seek to know and to love God more fully. As we seek God let us be also be continually transformed on our life's pilgrimage. 
When God called me to write Walk With Me On Our Journey God kept empowering me to bring the Gospel to a fragile and broken world by prayer walking and even when I rest. Using what God called me to do let these words as prayers transform us. 

                                   God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey Prayers

God said Walk With Me on Our Journey and be continually transformed so that the world may be made peaceful in my light and love.

God said Walk With me on our Journey and be my hands, feet, eyes, ears, and arms to help me transform the world 

God said Walk With me on our Journey and tell the world that I wan't you all to be a family.

God said Walk With Me On Our Journey and help be good stewards of my Cathedral of Life and transform and heal the environment.

God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey and speak truth to power and let Justice Roll down and that your voice may transform the lives of others who do not have a voice.

God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey and allow our family members to see us as our authentic selves and transform others so they need not be afraid.

God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey and pray for our family members who are in need of prayer.

God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey and pray for our family members who are ill and in need of healing. 

God Said Walk With Me on Our Journey and pray for our family members who are mourning and that we may be transformed as we walk with them on grief's long journey. 

God Said Walk With Me On our Journey and pray for the least of these.

God Said Walk With me On Our Journey and pray for ________________________

God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey and  pray for refugees, captives, victims of human trafficking, abuse, violence, and terror.

God Said Walk with Me on our Journey and give thanks for_________________________

God Said walk with Me On Our Journey pray for and make peace.

God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey and pray that we may be continually transformed into my image and likeness and that my love and light may be carried to the ends of the earth.

God Said Walk with Me On Our Journey even if it leads you to remember Jesus on the Cross and and what Jesus has done for you. 

God Said Walk With Me On Our Journey and carry these prayers and thanksgivings to Jesus. Amen.


Good Night Dear Family of Love! I love you. I give thanks to God for you this night and always. Remember tomorrow is our day of Sabbath Rest and Self-Care. Let us be transformed by our attitudes of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Let us continue to love and care for one another in the light of God's goodness and mercy.

With love and joy! 


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