Thursday, August 18, 2016

Part II of our preparation for our upcoming online retreat! Your toolkit !

Good Evening Dear Family !

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Tonight I will be giving you your toolkit for this weekend's first online retreat. This retreat is designed for all faith communities and I promise that this will be a meaningful experience for us all. Individually we will decide what the theme will be. Tonight let us discern what that theme will be. Remember if you have any questions please email me a and if you haven't already done so please subscribe to this blog in the box at the top of this blog. Here is our toolkit:

Toolkit for the Retreat

A notebook
A sharpie marker
A spiritual volume of some kind.
Your faith's central book of belief 
Christian: Bible
Jewish: The Tanakh
Islam: The Qu'uran 
Hindu: Bhagavad Gita
Or whatever work you need
A box, jar, journal
A timer, mindfulness app, and music for meditation.
Prayer beads, rosary, hand held labyrinth, smooth stones to hold. prayer mat

Our schedule will be this: 
We will be on a flexible schedule and you are welcome to come and go offline as you wish.
Tomorrow we will spend time in silence whenever you want to join in. I have a meeting in San Luis Obispo tomorrow evening and will return late. 
We will have a welcome time in blog form and maybe a late prayer vigil with you all. 
Saturday if you are on FB we will have times of prayer with FB live and questions and answers.
Throughout the day we will enter into silence and prayer. If your faith is one that prays multiple times a day please continue with this pattern.
Sunday is worship day with us in the afternoon, your faith community, and outdoors if you so desire. 
Outside time will happen too. 

Let us enter our preparatory time with Tina Turner and the Peace Chant:

Close your eyes,
Inhale God's Loving Breath and Life Giving  Spirit.
Hold and honor God.
Exhale Your Love energy out into the world.

Be still and know that I am God.
Be still and know.
Be still.

or this

Let us take time for our regular breathing exercises using Holy Spirit and Love Energy imagery.

Inhale Slowly the Holy Spirit. 
Exhale and feel the love energy.

Pause and center with your eyes closed.

Peace be still.

Inhale Slowly the Holy Spirit. 
Exhale and feel the love energy.

Pause and center with your eyes closed.

Peace be still.

Inhale Slowly the Holy Spirit. 
Exhale and feel the love energy

Pause and center with your eyes closed.

Peace be still.

Time for our nightly prayer vigil and time of being together as family. 

God and creator of us all we thank your for making us in your image and likeness and that we belong to you and one another. We pray and light our candles in love for all living things that bring us joy, peace, food, relationships,love and light, We pray that your holy and deep peace may abide and be spread to those who do not know you in the breaking of the bread and prayers. We pray that as we feel the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit ,we must be continually be enlivened and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve you in your Earthly kingdom and kindom. We pray for an end to gratuitous violence, terror, hatred, bigotry, and discrimination. We pray for quiet in our hearts, minds, and spirits. We pray that we may listen and learn from one another and not fear our differences but celebrate them. This night let us shine your light and love to the world in which we live, move, and just be. Help us to remember that we all matter and that means everyone. We pray for_____________________We give thanks for_____________. and we lift up these our prayers in Jesus' most holy name  Amen. 

As we begin to wind down this week help us to pray and release us from fear, anxiety and stress!

Take time to do this slowly and then finally be still and listen:

Worlds are Created by Love, Robert Haig Coxon

Loving God we pray that in this time of meditation and prayer that we may be renewed for your service in sanctuary and kingdom.

Loving God we pray for all our family members who may find themselves overburdened by the stresses and strains of daily living.

Loving God we pray for all who must rest and those who can't allow themselves to find the peace to do so.

Loving God we pray for peace in the world  and that all wars and violence may may cease.

Loving God we pray for all who need to stop the glorification of busy.

Loving God we pray for holy balance of our bodies, minds, and spirits this day and always.

Loving God we pray for everyone who is experiencing injustice and alienation that they may be afforded human rights with dignity, equality, and inclusion.

Loving God we pray for all of our family members who are ill that they may be healed.

Loving God we pray and give thanks for________________ and on behalf of others as we lay these our prayers and thanksgivings in the loving arms of your Son Jesus. Amen.

Now listen again to this piece of music.

Following the Light Path -Robert Haig Coxon

I wish you all a blessed night and know that I love you, you matter! Take time to show your family and our family members that they are loved. I give thanks to God for you always!

Love, joy, peace,and blessings!

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