Friday, November 7, 2014

The Hills are Alive with the sound of laughter! Humor is a necessary part of our spiritual life. It heals and uplifts!

Dear Family of Love,

The hills are alive with the sound of laughter! I was thinking a little bit ago how necessary humor is for our spiritual and physical lives. Today at the meeting that I'm attending here in Utah I have discovered how true this to our collective psyche. Yes I want everyone to take time for humor. Laughter is the best medicine. Even my namesake "Sarah laughed " when she found out that she was going to conceive Isaac. Laughter releases endorphins and makes our spirits light and soar. God doesn't want us to be down cast  but, uplifted and joyful. I even think that Jesus must have had a sense of humor that only his disciples had the honor and privilege to see. So, I want everyone to find some humor in our every day living. I want everyone to listen to this : The Pet Department - James Thurber. The book the THURBER CARNIVAL always makes me laugh. Find things that will make you laugh and give your inter being healing and joy. It also will make you feel better and relieve stress .Tonight I want us to make a list or all the things that cause you joy, along with those things that will go into the Worry/Sabbath box  let's see in the privacy of your own hearts how many things cause you  joy or cause you worry. After wards we will pray for those things that cause us joy and those things that bring us worry,anxiety or fear.

Dear God we come before you on Keeping the Faith Friday Fearlessly Without  Fretting. We place our worries, anxieties and fears into the Worry/Sabbath box. Helps us to find calm when things in our lives become disjointed and less joyful.

God Help us to find the joy of daily living and may we find humor in difficult and happy situations.

God we give our worries, anxieties, fears, to you and let them go and never see or feel them again.

God of peace may we show to our family members who commit acts of violence that love, compassion, and kindness are the antidotes to senseless acts.

God of Joy Help us to learn to find joy in the midst of sorry and dis-ease and find healing of  our bodies, minds,and spirits.

God of  Kindness and Mercy, may we seek to continually speak truth to power and to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you.

God of all Goodness, help us to tell your story of creation to others and let them know that everything that God made is Holy and Good and that they themselves are holy and good.

God of all Gentleness, help us to be gentle to our most vulnerable family members and that we may show them compassion and love.

God who hears, listens, and heals we pray for ourselves and our family members who have asked us for our prayers remembering especially______________________ We lift our prayers, thanksgivings, remembrances and celebrations to you in the name of your only Son Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Good Night Dear Ones, I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always. Have a restful and peaceful sleep where  we will awaken refreshed, rested, renewed and joyful  so that we may serve in God's kingdom freely with only faith and not fear. Remember tomorrow is Self-Care Saturday

Peace, love, prayers and God's Blessings be always yours,


All Things Bright and Beautiful - John Rutter Mix

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