Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Parable of the Talents and writing Walk With Me On Our Journey! Not my blog ,but God's!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope and pray that you all are well. Today at church or as I call it the Faith Factory our Gospel lesson was the Parable of the Talents. Hearing the parable again made me think about when God called me and continues to call me to write this blog. I never in a thousand or million years would have believed that I would be doing this and getting close to 25,000  page views! When I heard God's call to write this blog and yes rename it form the Melodious Meanderings of a Pedestrian Photographer to Walk With Me On Our Journey at first I thought God was crazy but then after the first month and the response, I was glad and humbled that I had said "Yes!" Sometimes we are afraid to step out in faith and do extraordinary things for God and God's people. Burying our gifts doesn't do anyone or God any good because we will never know who might benefit by them. One thing I know for sure is that God will keep on giving us that gentle but persuasive tap on the shoulder or even  heart pangs or tingles as a reminder of what we are called to do or be. Everyday that God calls me to write this blog I realize that this is God's Blog not mine and I am God's conduit of what ever message God wants me to convey to you. No this isn't the same as Joan of Arc listening to the voices! I'm led by God and inspired by the Holy Spirit to write this and the themes just flow into my head, heart, and spirit.  Not that I don't have an occasional block but once I start writing, setting up the daily meditations, and the prayers, I feel God''s message flowing through me to you my dear family. Doing God's work is never easy but once you say yes to the God's Call  wherever that may take you, you will find that God and you will become a ministerial team working together for the benefit of all. I'm finding a peace, joy, and a love for all people that I have never known before. What I find the most in writing this blog to you my dear family of love here in the world of cyberspace is this, there is a hunger for love, acceptance, inclusion,and the need to hear the Good News and the Good News of a Loving God and Savior who will not isolate, put down, see God's children as invisible, but will lift up, love, redeem, and include all God's children into the Loving Family of God.  God is God of all not some even though some faith leaders will lead us to believe that all the rest of humanity aren't allowed or wanted into the Family of God. We are all in God's family! We are all God's Children! We are all made int God's image and We are all called by God as he asked me will you "Walk With Me On Our Journey?" What is your answer to God's call in your life?

Tonight let us meditate where God our Creator wants us to be and what God is calling us to do and be. Tonight's meditation music is this! Taize-Sing to the Lord Mix  

Dear God we pray this night for the following concerns: 

We pray that we will use the gifts and talents you have given us without fear but with joy as you would have us use them.  May we ever be responsive to your call and travel on the path you have set before us.

We pray for all who are seeking employment and discerning calls to ministry and new life paths.

We pray for peace in this your fragile and broken world. We pray for an end to extremism in all its forms. 

We pray for all refugees, prisoners, captives, those who are victims of human trafficking and abuse.

We pray for all who are in need of healing of body, mind, and spirit. We pray that we who are being healed by prayer and God's healing power may pay it forward prayerfully.

We pray for all the least of these who are homeless, hungry, and lost. May they find warm shelter this night and be protected by your love and mercy. We pray that we may never turn our faces away from these our precious and vulnerable family members.

We pray for all caregivers who are feeling stressed out. May we step up and lovingly respond to their needs.

We pray for all religious leaders who are paving the way for acceptance and loving respect. Help us always remember our baptismal vows to "Respect the dignity of every human being".

We continue to pray for Ferguson Missouri as they await the Grand Jury Report. We pray for peace in all our cities where senseless violence continues on a daily basis. We pray for an end to violence of any kind.

We pray that we may steadfastly stand up against injustice and inequality in all of its forms.

We pray that we may be good stewards of your Cathedral of life.

We pray for all who provide us protection and care for us when we are in need of emergency medical help.

We pray for all who are in mourning! May we care for them as you lovingly enfold them in your arms and sooth their sad and tender hearts.

We pray for all who are entering hospice care and those who are transitioning into the The Thin Places. We pray for all who have died and especially those who have lost their lives in automobile accidents. 

We pray for ourselves and on behalf or others remembering especially_________________

We lift these our prayers in the Name of Jesus, our redeemer, healer, reconciler,brother, and friend.


Good Night Dear Family of love! I love you and give thanks to God for you this day and always. Remember tomorrow is You Matter Monday! You matter to God, me, and all of us !  Tomorrow's challenge is to tell all those whom you love that you love them, they matter, and what they mean to you . 

With love, joy, peace, prayers, and blessings!


Medieval Music the Pilgrim Song

The Monteverdi Choir Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella

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