Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Each Step as a Prayer and walking with the angels

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our Journey,

Tonight's walk brought with is this picture and I think it was telling us to pray for our family members now more than ever. Every night as we walk with God we pray with every step and angels who walk with us and lead us to see things such as this:

Look how these pieces of clothing are arranged on the sidewalk, imagine now who must be cold without them. What questions and emotions do these pieces of clothing evoke? I'm always taken aback when I see this and know that eventually they will be worn again either by the owner or a new person or persons who will see them and wear them for warmth and protection. Yet another example of currency that we  all take for granted. When Facebook put our videos out today I was reminded yet again how life is precious and each of us are here by the grace and love of our God the creator of all.   I almost did a looking back retrospective like Facebook did today but I wouldn't know where to start and where to finish. So today I decided that this one picture will be all that we see and focus in on. We will pray again of course but this time take time and remember the least of these as we pray.

O God our loving and merciful creator and source of all goodness. We come to you yet again with humble and tender hearts asking you to encircle all of the least of these our family members with your holy arms of protection. 

We remember and pray for all those who have left their clothing on the side walks of our cities. We pray for the protection of our family members and the owners of these items and the next person (s) who will wear them.

We pray for those who cannot use public transportation and will be walking and biking tonight.  Watch over them O Lord.

Lord we come before you to ask that you encircle those of us who have been victims of violence and abuse of any kind. We pray that the Santa Maria Groper will be caught and will no longer terrify those of us who enjoy walking for fitness. We pray for safety in our city and for every city and town.

We pray for those who lack warm clothing, shelter, and food this evening and every day.

We pray for milder weather conditions in the Midwest and Eastern Parts of the country.  We pray for safe travel for all those in the icy and snow covered roads. We pray that everyone will use common sense when they travel.

We continue to remember all those who are suffering from addictions and mental illness. We pray for those who continue to struggle through recovery and especially their family and friends who are their support system.

We continue to pray for compassionate immigration reform and those who risked life and limb to come to this country illegally. Help us to remember we all were immigrants and that English wasn't our first language.

We pray for all those who work in Rescue missions, food pantries, soup kitchens, and shelter services.

We pray for the victims of bullying, hate, and indifference.

We remember all those who feel unloved and invisible.

We remember our LGBTQ family members and those who are afraid to be their authentic and beautiful selves.

We pray for all women and children who will be placed in domestic violence shelters this evening and those who will be in the care of SART.

We pray for all children who are in the foster care system. We pray that if it is possible for them to be reunited with their blood families that will happen but if it isn't possible for loving and compassionate new forever homes.

Lord God we pray for ____________________________ and especially those who are known only to you .

Lord God we give thanks for___________________________

Lord we  Celebrate this day_______________________________

Lord help us to remember those who continue to grieve and remember especially those in the Thin Places especially______________________

Lord God empower us to be the revolutionary counter cultural family members you are calling us to be and may we love with an ever widening heart and a spirit enlivened  throughout our whole beings with the Living Water of Life coursing through our veins. Amen.


Good night dear family of love! May you remember the words of  "As you walk upon the earth, treat each step as a prayer.
~ Black Elk

Love and peace of mind! Remember you matter and I want you to take care and just be! I give thanks to God for you this day and always!


A few other sayings about walking:

"We must have a pure, honest, and warm-hearted motivation, and on top of that, determination, optimism, hope, and the ability not to be discouraged. The whole of humanity depends on this motivation." 

~The Dalai Lama 

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