Thursday, February 6, 2014

Reflections of an Olympic Kind

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on our journey,

First I would like to give thanks to God for the rain and pray that more is on the way. Tonight we pray in place due to the rain. Today in social media we have had discussions on Sochi, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Bob Marley. Quite a diverse set of topics at first glance, but then when you take each of these themes a part they all have something in common. Discrimination and hate come to mind, but it goes much deeper than hate  but  the need and courage to speak or sing truth to power. What ever your views are on the above three are, we all must be in agreement that it is never, and I mean never acceptable to hate, kill, beat, discriminate or abuse any of God's Family members, on account of  their race, color, creed, ethnicity, gender, station in life, disability, mental illness, or sexual orientation. Every time one our family members is treated in this manner we are all treated in like manner. We are all connected one to another. Loving our family members who are our enemies is the hardest things we'll ever have to do. Hating is easy, being loving is hard. One of the ways we can do this is by taking a stand and supporting each other in the good times, bad times, and the in between times. In the past week following my interviews regarding my assaults, I have received lukewarm support from other family members and many are women. Maybe not you my dear family, but on the whole lots of silence. This not only makes me feel dirty, unloved, isolated, invisible and angry not to mention deeply hurt.  Silence and not responding is equivalent to the commission of the act even though you haven't done it your self. What we as God's family fail to realize is that every time and I mean every time acts of violence, hate, abuse and all other forms of indifference are being committed by and on another family member, God is being victimized too! It is time dear family at this crucial time in our nation and our world to decide whether or not we are going to stand and speak out for the least of these, start truly loving our family members with love, acceptance, and compassion or, are we going to be silent ? The choice is ours! I think you know where I stand!


Dear Lord we come to you this night with hearts and minds filled with the need to speak truth to power.
Help us we pray to do just that by doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with  You O, Lord.

Give us the courage to show the world by our actions that we support one another at all times. May we sew seeds of hope, love, peace, and joy and acceptance.

Give us the minds to think, learn, and educate ourselves on all issues regarding hate, indifference, and things that we do not understand. Open our minds O Lord.

Give us clear eyes to see what is wrong in the world and not turn a blind eye to all the suffering and prejudices that are keeping us from being one with You and each other. Unite us and make us one!

Give us ears to listen and not just hear. Unstop our deaf ears and listen for the cries of help from our family members. Help us be listeners not just hearers.

Give us feet to protest when we have to walk against injustice. May Justice Roll down.

Give us hands to heal,  help, and comfort and not to harm. May we have gentle hands.

Give us the voice to speak when we are called to speak truth to power. We know you will give us the words, may we have faith to listen for your instructions and for what we are to say.

Lord God Look upon those who are still affected by the various weather patterns and those who are still faced with icy and cold conditions. We pray for safe travel  and common sense as we go from place to place.

We pray for all who are in harms way of any kind.

We continue to pray for our  LGBTQ family members in all parts of the world remembering especially those in Russia. We pray for an end to all phobias,violent acts and hate crimes on anyone regardless of gender,sexual orientation, race, and religious affiliation. Open our hearts to see each other as You see us.

We pray for all the Olympians, guests and dignitaries who are in Sochi.  Watch over them and keep them safe.

Help us to be mindful of the homeless, hungry, strangers for these are our family members too. 

We pray for all firefighters, police, emergency rescue personnel and all those who work to keep us safe.

We pray this night for all those who have no choice but to walk and bike in the cold due to lack of adequate funds for transportation.

Lord we pray for________________

Lord God we give thanks this day for ______________May we be always be thoughtful and thankful.

Lord we celebrate____________-

Lord we remember this day those family members who have died especially ______________ May we continue to show those of us  who continue to grieve a shoulder to cry on, a hug that will lessen our tears, and ears to listen when we need to tell our stories and vent. We pray that arms will continue to be outstretched and waiting when ever we need comfort.

We offer these our prayers to you  O God. Amen.

Thank you dear family for being here for me and each other. Thank you for your thoughtful and loving support this past week. I love you and it means the world to me.

Love and peace of mind and a voice to speak truth to power!


Playing for Change Mix

Playing for Change United

Bob Marley Tribute Mix

Music is my Ammunition - Bob Marley

Food for thought
 12 Essential Quotes of Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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