Sunday, February 9, 2014

Enjoying our prayer walk tonight and a surprising revelation!

Dear Family of Love and Pilgrims on Our Journey,

Tonight we had the opportunity to get out  for our prayer walk and enjoy a beautiful journey into God's Cathedral of Life. I love the way the outdoors smells after the rain and the feel of the air. God makes a special incense from the plant life and I could smell the flowers and their subtle scent wafting through the air gently. That's how we should approach our prayer life and with each other, gently with love and a tender heart. Take time to get to know each circumstance that surrounds each situation. I too have been mistaken about situations and family members, and haven't understood completely. I'm an extrovert and have many introverted and intuitive family members who expect me to know how they feel. I'm  just the opposite. I tell everyone how I feel and show it. Lessons learned today for us all, introverts and extroverts communicate differently and have differing expectations. I expect our family members to be as open and responsive as I am but, I have since learned that isn't always the case. So a word for we extroverts be gentle and don't get riled up when our brothers and sisters do not respond just like we do, don't get excited right away. We need to be more observing of our family members. My blood family is very similar to my parish family. Both introverted and quiet. I'm the opposite although many people may not see it. I find it often difficult to fit in with these family units. I'm a work in progress as we all are.  Here's to better days ahead! I thank God for showing us this to us tonight.


This Week's Strategy that we will be using until March 5 Ash Wednesday.

This week we will be doing a freestyle prayer walk. That means we can do what we like and set our own rhythm to what ever music and prayers we like. This may appeal to everyone due to the weather and a good break from routine.

Monday: will not only be You Matter Monday but will have the added focus called Moral Monday. This will be an opportunity for each of us to start the week by doing at least one social justice action  of our choosing and educating ourselves on the issues. 

Tuesday: we will not only Take care but we will Take Time to do meditative reflections and unplug. 

Wednesday:  we will begin our weekly wind down and take time to walk and enjoy the wonder of  God's Cathedral of Life.

Thursday:  we will take time to be thoughtful and thankful at the same time to write down our thanksgivings and pray them. What can we do for others and how can we be thoughtful not thoughtless?

Friday: we still will be Keeping the Faith Fridays Fearlessly and  Forgetting all those things that cause us to be fretful. Lily Considering Time.

Saturday: Self Care and Self preparation for Sunday.

Sunday':  Worship and Sabbath rest. 

We will add things to the above as we go along. 

Prayer Cycle for the week.

For those who are unemployed and under-employed.
The least of these.
The LGBTQ community who continue to be victims of hate crimes, injustice, and  discrimination.
Those who have had death threats.
Troops, peacekeepers, and NATO Forces.
For our hungry family members.
Pray for our introverted and extroverted family members. We will be asking God to help us identify and learn who they are and pray that we will be sensitive to their needs and expectations.
For all dangerous places in the world.
Olympic athletes, guests, and dignitaries.
For rain and an end to the extreme weather in our country and the world.
For travelers in all kinds of weather and distances and modes of transportation
For Cancer patients and Oncology Professionals.
For those awaiting surgery and results.
For all governmental bodies here and around the world that they may do justice, love mercy, and humbly walk with you. We pray that we may continue to respect the dignity of every human being.
Calm our anxieties, fears, doubts.
Those who are ill, hospitalized, chronically ill and in pain.
For families who continue to struggle.
For good health and those who have compromised immune systems.
For adequate housing for all God's children.
For our elderly parents.
Those with memory disorders, mental illnesses, and addictions.
For our religious communities an leaders.
For those discerning vocations and new life paths.

Dear family we will have a set of prayers to accompany the above tomorrow. I love you, you matter and  may we continue to walk together on our journey. Introverts, Extroverts, and Ambiverts are all welcome in God's Family. Everyone has gifts and love to share. Let us walk and shine the light of God together and be the salt of the earth.

Love and peace of mind.


This should help!


There is a Place - John L. Bell

The Summons

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