Monday, October 6, 2014

Chemo rest eve #11 ! We are in the semi-finals!

Dear Family of Love!

We are on chemo rest eve #11! Yea! We are in the semi-finals. I feel like I'm headed to the World Series. I hope all you are having a wonderful You Matter Monday. Today it felt like I had been hit like a freight train due to hot weather and travel. We all need to be more mindful of our hydration.
This isn't just water for drinking, it is drawing from the well that never runs dry. We all need to soak up God's love, compassion, and mercy and as the old Gospel hymn title says "Leaning on the Everlasting arms. Let's lean more on God in good times and bad and all places in between.  I'm reminded of these words :"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Tonight let us take time to rest, refresh, relax, and renew and rest gentle in God's arms and in God's love.  We will take time for a period of  mindfulness meditation tonight. Please take out your timers, mindfulness apps, music. Let's covenant and do 10 minutes of  quiet meditation. Let's take time to reflect upon what it means to be gentle, to receive gentleness, and  bet gentle towards ourselves  and others. Each step we tread  must be gentle and in the presence of the holy. 
Before we set our timers this is what was sung yesterday at All Saints Church Pasadena;

How can I keep from singing!

Kitaro Celestial Scenery Eternal Trip

God of all Gentleness, may we drink from the well that never runs dry and that we may be hydrated by the waters of live and feel refreshed and the Water of Life coursing through our veins, enlivening our spirits, quickening our steps, and ever expanding our hearts to love and care for ourselves. 

God of all Gentleness, we pray that a love, gentleness, and love may prevail upon this broken and fragile world of yours not ours.

God of all Gentleness, help us to give of ourselves in service to you O God.

God of all Gentleness, comfort and relieve all those whose loved ones are near death or have died today. Let us be a source of  love ,comfort and compassion in the days ahead.

God of all Gentleness, we pray for all who are awaiting any kind of diagnosis that you will encircle them with courage and strength to hear the news and that their loved ones will listen before reacting.

God of  all Gentleness, may we see ourselves in the least of these eyes and never forget that they are our brothers and sisters too.

God of all Gentleness, may we ever walk, speak truth to power,  and seek after justice, peace, and  mercy and may our feet be ready to march if necessary.

God of all Gentleness, we set before you our petitions and prayers on  behalf of others remembering___________.

God of all Gentleness, may we reach out in love to people of many faiths, especially those in the Abrahamic Traditions. We pray for our  brothers and sisters in Islam and Judaism.

God of all Gentleness, help us to lay things down and pick up those things, ministries, callings, and new paths of life that you are setting before us.

God of all Gentleness, take our worries, fears, anxieties and all those thoughts, feelings, that plague us during the day and night time hours.

God of all Gentleness look down upon all those who are living with mental illnesses of any kind. Help their friends , and caregivers be loving, supporting, and non-judgemental.  May find help in their time of need and proper care and treatment.

God of all Gentleness, we pray for rain in all drought affected places of the world. May we be good stewards of God's Cathedral of life.  We pray for all  living things that are in need of water and healthy green vegetation in order to live.

God of all Gentleness we pray that all the many viral illnesses like Ebola and the Entero virus may be controlled and cures and treatments may be found.

Good of all Gentleness, we lift up our most vulnerable family members, Children, Women, Elderly, victims of human trafficking, political prisoners, captives, refugees of all kinds, the abused, those who are held in abusive relationships and all other situations that make us  vulnerable, and all who feel invisible. May we care and support them by prayer and petition for their care and safe release.

God of all Gentleness, kindness and love we lift up these our prayers in the Name of your only son Jesus  the Christ. Amen.


Good night dear family of Love. May we all rest gentle and find rest for our souls.  I love you. I am looking forward to tomorrow's semi-final chemo round. I hope you are too.
Tomorrow is Take Care Tuesday. I give thanks to God for you this night and always.

Love, joy, and peace be always yours,


Celtic Music -Relaxing and Beautiful Mix

Clannad Mix

Nightnoise mix

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