Saturday, February 7, 2015

It's raining love and blessings today!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Self-Care Saturday.  We were blessed to have rain today and we are praying for more. Today I felt showered with love and blessings today. It is nice to have a calm spirit and a light heart. Today I decided to do a short media fast so that I could have my physical, emotional, and spiritual equilibrium restored We we do this we find that it is truly raining love and blessings. For those of us who are social media junkies I would like to suggest that we take time to begin not posting political and all kinds of negativity prior to and during Lent. If you feel that it is necessary to do so let us be careful what we post and ask yourself these things: Is this something God and Jesus would like us to do? Is it loving? Why is it necessary to point fingers and judge ?  Remember God is the judge not us! We need to stop the hate and misinformation! When we stop the hate, misinformation, judging, and being plain old mean spirited that is when it'will be raining love and blessings not just today but always. Every one needs to have love and blessings showered upon them. I believe that if there is love in the world and peace in our hearts and  a deep knowledge and acceptance of one another we will find ourselves as a family united with God and for God and for good. So tonight let us ask ourselves this : Has it rained love and blessings up on me today ? Have I showered the people in my life with love and blessings today? Don't miss this opportunity every chance that you get!  

Let us sit back and relax and meditate using this photo:

And by listening to this piece of music: Phillip Aaberg - Out of the Frame or Taize Mix


God  who loves and protects us ,from harm we pray for all who are victims of domestic violence and abuse that they may be relieved of all suffering and trauma and that they may find safe shelters away form their abusers.

God who loves us, may we never seek to be judge and jury of others with whom we differ and let go and let you be God.

God who loves us, we pray for all who are ill in body, mind and spirit we pray that they may be healed.

God who loves us, we pray for peace in this world. May we with you shower all of our family members with love and blessings and yes, God we know that this means our enemies and those who hate us and wish us harm.

God who loves us, we pray for all faiths where extremism has hijacked the true tenets of their beliefs for their own gain and violent intentions. God help all of us take back our faiths and practice what you modeled for us in the loving name of Jesus .

God who loves us, we pray for all who have died remembering especially and we remember all who mourn their loss. 

God who loves us, let us lay down our burdens tonight and prepare for the Sabbath Day tomorrow. God help us to place our worries, anxieties, fears, and anything else that separates us from you in our Worry/ Sabbath box so that we may be completely focused on you!

God who loves us, we lift up our additional prayers and thanksgivings in the Name of your Son Jesus. Amen.

PRAYER (contemporary language) 
   O God, who by your Spirit called Cornelius the Centurion to be the first Christian among the Gentiles: Grant to your Church such a ready will to go where you send and to do what you command, that under your guidance it may welcome all who turn to you in love and faith, and proclaim the Gospel to all nations; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 


Today's wish is that you all may be showered with blessings and love this day!

Good Night Dear Family ! I love you! May we all have a restful and peaceful sleep and that we may  awaken refreshed and renewed. I give God thanks for you this day and always!  

With love, joy and blessings!


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