Thursday, February 19, 2015

The first ripple in the pond ! Day 2 of 40!

Dear Family of Love !

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! For those of you who may have missed our first in a series of Lenten Reflections  here is the link to get you caught up:  Pebbles in the Pond 40 days from the center and back again . Today we have the First Ripple in the Pond! Day 2 of 40 and our first ripple has to do with our relationships with our family members, God, and ourselves. We all need to take this time to become reconciled one to another by loving and accepting. We are not let off the hook and that extends to God and ourselves. We must treat ourselves as our own family member too. Family is what it is all about and God shows us this daily. Sometimes because of a need to jockey for positions, power, and neo-colonial conquering,  we may find our family ties frayed and broken. We see this quite a bit with all the warring factions and divisions in the world these days. What do we do about this ? How can we become  united family members? Why must we do this? None of the answers to these questions come easy and neither should they. Being in any kind of relationship or as we call it now a days in social media "ship" takes loving  work, a passionate commitment, courage to stay the course when things get rocky and yes even courage to disengage when things go south  and at the same time being loving and caring for our family member's well being. No one should stop loving and caring about any family member. Let us meditate on the above questions in bold and seek out the answers in silence with God's help. Don't forget to consult the previous blog for more info.  Tonight's meditation and listening music is this:  Einaudi - Playlist

O God our Creator, help us to learn how to be the family members you are calling us to be.

O God our Creator, give us the tools to help make peace your fragile and broken world.

O God our Creator, make our hearts glad when ever we see our family members who we haven't seen for awhile.

O God our Creator, take our hardened hearts that have been caused by our need for power and control and make them soft and pliable to welcome the stranger, give our family members a place in our heart homes, and a place where they may know love, be loved, and find unity and peace. May each of us represent sanctuary one to another.

O God our Creator, take  away anything that draws us away from you, each other, and ourselves.

O God our Creator, we pray for all of our family members who have experienced loss of  any family member animal and human.

O God our Creator, we pray for those who have died today and are dying,grant them a peaceful and joyful transition into the Thin Places.

O God our Creator, help us to dance and sing and make melody and art  in joyful thanksgiving for all your abundant mercies.

O God our Creator we pray for all who are in need of healing of body mind and spirit that  our family members may be patient and courageous as they await your healing.

O God our Creator, help us to know why we need to be and are called to be family members. May we find this in our silent meditations and prayers and by being still and listening to your still small voice.

O God our Creator, help our family members who are affected by severe weather that all these weather patterns may be reset to normal levels.

O God our Creator, we add our prayers, thoughts, and thanksgivings_________

O God our Creator, we pray for the least of these our family members that they may find shelter, clothing, and nourishing food. May we step up to help with love and giving hearts.

O God our Creator, we  lift up these our prayers in the Name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.


Today's wish is this! Be loving, be kind, and be light's to all whom you meet today! I love you all!


Good Night Loved Ones. Take this time to be thoughtful and thankful and know that when we do this we reconnect with all that is holy and sacred among us. I love you and give thanks to God for you this Day and always! 

Love, prayers, blessings to all of you my and our dear Family of Love!


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