Thursday, February 26, 2015

The 6th and 7th ripples in the pond! More about loving our enemies and finding common ground.

Dear Family of Love

Thank you for your prayers! Yesterday was truly weird! That unexpected fever and virus wasn't on the menu. We last left off with loving our enemies  and doing good to those who hate us. Yesterday when I attended and served at our weekly Holy Communion and Healing service we had prayer time and the rite of holy unction or holy oils for healing. When it came to my time for what was on my mind and heart I admitted that I was angry about what ISIS is doing and my heart was hurting because of the latest abductions of  the Syrian Christians. How many of you in our family are experiencing righteous anger about what is happening in God's world today?  I hope all of us are. What can we do about it? This is a difficult question to answer and we all know there isn't any easy answer to this question. Maybe if we start from that holy place within our heart homes and find some way to love our enemies that is a good place to start. I would begin with prayer and also the realization that we all came into this world as helpless infants who were and are Children of God. We must start from a place of common ground. I know that seems simplistic but please listen to what I'm saying. We have an opportunity to look at what we really have in common when we strip away the violence and all the bad stuff.  Please look at this:

What we have in common: 

We breathe
We eat
We sleep.
We wear clothes
We must have homes of some kind.
We have families.
We must have loved ones.
We were children once who looked at the world with wonder.
We make love and yes even do love.
We are sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and neighbors.

Can you think of other things that we have in common? Let us meditate on this tonight and then pray using what we have in common.  Here is tonight's meditation music: The Impressionists -Windham Hill  

God we share many things in common with our enemies, may we find common ground as we pray this night.

God may we breathe clean air and find ourselves breathing in love and breathing out peace.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God may we eat of the abundance of the fruits of  your Cathedral of Life and break bread together in solidarity.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God may we find rest for our souls and may we rest in the knowledge that you God created us all and made us in your image and likeness. Take away any anxiety and bitterness that keeps us from resting upon our beds. 
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God may we be clothed with peacemaking skills and clothing that will keep us warm.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God we give thanks for our homes in which we live. We pray that everyone will have a home that safe and filled with warmth and love. We pray especially for those who have become refugees due to wars and violent conflicts. 
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God we pray for our families who need our love, patience, and we give thanks for them with loving and sustaining and merciful hearts.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God we pray for all of our loved ones especially those who have asked us for our prayers remembering especially____________________________
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God we remember your beloved little children that they may be safe from harm and still have a childlike wonder  and awe for the earth and your creation. May we recapture this sense wonder.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God teach us how to be lovers and may we find the holiness in our relationships one to another.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God show us the paths towards peace,justice, mercy, equality, and universal human rights.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God we pray for all who mourn that they may be given love, comfort, and compassion.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God we pray for all who have died and are dying. We pray especially for those who are dying terrible deaths that they felt your loving presence as they were carried into the Thin Places.
May we love our enemies as we love our neighbors and do good to those who hate us.

God we thank you for this day and as we lift up these our prayers in the name of  your son Jesus. Amen. 

Good Night Dear Family ! I love you! May you find rest in God's Gentle arms of love and know and feel God's loving presence. I give thanks to God for you this day and always.

Love and peaceful hearts be always yours,


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