Sunday, February 1, 2015

The art of being kind!! Part II The hard work of being kind. If it were easy, it would be pie!

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone had a wonderful Sabbath Day of Rest, Renewal, and Reverence for God the Creator or you preferred higher power. Does the title look familiar ? I hope so. I promised you my answers from yesterday. Here is a snippet to refresh your memory. 

I believe that kindness is slowly becoming a lost art and practice. We all need to practice random acts of kindness. What do these random acts look like? Let's see, and look into what happened today in our lives?   Was kindness shown to you? Think on these things! 

What do these random acts look like?
To me these random acts of kindness look like a gift you hadn't planned on receiving. They come without strings attached and come with love deep from the heart.

 Let's see, and look into what happened today in our lives?
In my life today I was able to sit with a group at our church First Sunday breakfast at one of the  tables and feel comfortable talking about many things curiously it was on issues of gender and sexuality in a positive way. I was also able  enjoy my parish family's  company. 

 Was kindness shown to you?
Kindness was shown to me by having my sister-in-law pick up her table she left months ago. Wonderful to get it out so I can begin to move more things into my new room. She even asked how I was feeling?
that amazed me even more.

Being kind doesn't mean extravagance it is in the little things that matter. It is keeping it simple with love and meaning. Keep exploring the depths of the above questions and see what answers you come up with. 

Today let's focus on kindness being our motivating force for change  Being kind is hard work.Think of these questions for our meditation time: What if all it took was some one to be kind to a person who has traveled down  the road to  negativity to make a positive change in that person's life? What if a small act of kindness was shown to you when you least expected and it was from some one you didn't like or gravitate to? What if  we were kind to our enemies  by loving and doing good to them?  Think on these things! Now let us take time to go deeper into the center and find what God is telling us through these questions. Listen very carefully to that still small voice! Here is our meditation and listening music for this evening: Paul Winter - Earth Voices of a Planet 

God we pray this night for our continuing  journey into being kind and loving. 

God we pray for all family members who have family members who are ill and facing many struggles.

God we pray for all of our family members who are in need of warm homes, warm food, and warm clothing during this time of severe weather.

God  we  pray for all of our family members who are traveling. May they be alert wherever they are going and help them to make their cars no phone zones.

God we pray for all children that are in need of adequate health care and education that will make them thrive.

God we pray for peace in this fragile and broken world that we all may be one and love one another.

God we pray for all caregivers their care receivers.

God we pray for all who teach and those who learn.

God we pray for ourselves and on behalf of those who have asked us to pray.

God we pray for all who are seeking employment and new life paths.

God we give thanks for your many acts of kindness shown through others to us.

God we give thanks for our lives and all that you have brought into them in the past, present, and future which is only a heartbeat and breath away.

God we give thanks for our loved ones who make each of our days special and on fire with love, joy, hope, and peace.

We pray these our prayers in the Name of  Jesus. Amen.

Today's wish is this that we all may find joy in all the things that really matter. I love you!


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you! Have a restful and blessed night ! I give God thanks for you this night and always!

With love to the brim and overflowing!


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