Thursday, February 5, 2015

Today's wish: Go out ! Pay it forward, Practice Random Acts of Kindness, Bring Joy and love to others!

Dear Family of  Love, 

Happy Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! As many of you know I have been writing daily wishes or inspirational quotes practically daily. Tonight I would like share with you the current wish at the beginning;Today's wish: Go out ! Pay it forward, Practice Random Acts of Kindness, Bring Joy and love to others! That is what God calls us to do each and every day that we live, move, and be. We aren't let off the hook with this one as family members. This is a good wind up for Lent that will start in two weeks. We need to become bolder in our approach to loving and caring for all of our family members no matter who they are.

 Let's take a look at today's wish and its components! 

Go out! means to step out boldly into the world and serve God and others. This also means not to be afraid to serve God by loving our enemies as well.

Pay it forward means to give of oneself with love without expecting something in return,

Practice random acts of kindness means : Being kind just because, from the heart with love unexpectedly. Kind of like a daily being kind surprise party.

Bring Joy and Love to others simply means bringing joy and love to others. Be brave and not afraid to love and bring joy. It will bring the light into your lives and all of our family members.

How we do this is as individual as we are. So before Lent begins let's dive into the living waters of life that is coursing through out veins with courage and follow Today's wish: Go out ! Pay it forward, Practice Random Acts of Kindness, Bring Joy and love to others!

Let us meditate on today's wish! Tonight's musical selection is from: David Arkenstone -Atlantis or Kitaro -Silk Road full album

Let us pray using today's wish: Go out ! Pay it forward, Practice Random Acts of Kindness, Bring Joy and love to others!

God give us courage to go out into your world on your behalf to serve you and all our family members.

God help us to continue to pay it forward from the depths of our hearts.

God give us the tools to practice random acts of kindness and that we may use them with our hearts and for the good of all.

God may we bring joy and love to others without fear and help us to do this boldly, but gently.

God we pray that we may go out and serve the least of these with love, joy, and mercy.

God we pray that as we pay it forward this fragile wold of yours may be changed back into the loving world  you created.

God we pray that we may practice random acts of kindness by accepting your invitation to do this with joy, love, hope, and peace.

God we pray that as we bring joy and love to others we may see you in our family members faces and in the lights in their eyes.

God we pray for all who mourn may we go out and comfort them.

God we pray for all who are dying and who have died that we may continue their legacy of giving by paying it forward.

God we pray for ourselves and on behalf of others by not only with our spoken prayers but in our prayers in the form of random acts of kindness.

We lift up these our prayers in Jesus' name who taught us many things that are contained in today's wish Go out ! Pay it forward, Practice Random Acts of Kindness, Bring Joy and love to others!. Amen.


Good Night Family of Love! I love you and give thanks to God for you this night and always.
May you be blessed, feel God's love, know that you matter, and that when you came into the world you became a gift of love for many.

Love, prayers, and blessings to the brim and over flowing!


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