Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Third Ripple in the Pond Day 3 of 40 it's all about neighbors

Dear Family of Love, 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Self-Care Saturday! I'm sorry this is late but I have just returned from seeing the Cal Poly Arab Music Ensemble Winter Concert! What a treat! I have discovered spontaneity recently and this was a good move. This is very important for self-care and learning about one's neighbors. Yes we are all neighbors ! It doesn't matter if we live next door or across the world or on the Moon or Mars for that matter we are all neighbors. What does the word neighbor mean to us? Are we a good neighbor? Are we a loving neighbor?,  and  Do I have to love my neighbor who has the noisiest dog on the planet? These are our questions to ponder tonight as we meditate in the night and throughout tomorrow. Here are the links to the previous blogs to refer back to from time to time: 

Pebbles in the Pond

The First Ripple in the Pond

The Second Ripple in the Pond

Here is tonight's meditation and listening music: Aaron Copeland- The Quiet City , Take your time to meditate and find your way into the center and back again. Relax, breathe, and center on God's love for you. 

We thank you God for the gift of neighbors and that we may love them and you as we love ourselves.

Help us we pray for all our family members who are having a tough time being thoughtful and kind to their neighbors they don't like. May they be united in love and find common ground.

Help us to reach out to our neighbors in distress and never be afraid to offer our love, prayers, help and comfort.

God we pray for peace in this world that we may remember who our family members are and seek to be joint peacemakers with you.

God we pray for all who are dying and who have died. We pray that they entered  eternal life in the Thin Places with Joy.

God we pray for all who are ill that they may be healed.

God we pray for all who mourn that they may find comfort in your arms and ours.

God we pray for all the least of these that they may be safe from harm and be protected this night.

God we pray for all who travel that they may do so safely.

God we pray for all who live in the severe weather affected areas of  our country and the world.

God we pray for_____________________________________

We lift up these our prayers in the name of Jesus your Son. Amen.


Good Night Loved Ones! I love you ! Have a blessed night and wake refreshed ready for Sabbath rest and more self care. I give thanks to God for you this night and always!

Love to all of you who are all combined into being family, friends, and neighbors all at once! Isn't that wonderful?


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