Monday, February 9, 2015

Preparing for our yearly period of life and soul enrichment. What is that? Check out the blog and see!

Happy You Matter Monday Family of Love!

I hope everyone had a wonderful You Matter Monday and that you made a difference in your own life and in the lives of others. As we begin our pre-Lenten preparation let's explore ways to make this a period of time of  reflection on where we want to travel on our Lenten Journey. It's a good time to do this so that it won't be like making New Years resolutions. If you don't observe Lent these suggestions may be ways to enrich and make your life more profound and meaningful.

As King Friday in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood in the Neighborhood of Make Believe  taught his subjects, let us practice Lofty Generosity.  Random Acts of Kindness and Paying it forward.

Take a look around your neighborhood ( The world around you) and seek out what must change and or be improved.

Take time to ponder and think about what you would like to let go of and do it.

Purchase or see if  you can  borrow books that you might want to do a Lenten study on.  One year I did a special self guided study on the Fathers of the Church. 

Look into volunteering and giving back to your church  and community.

Look into what causes touch your hearts and need to be spotlighted and if  you can do a letter writing campaign. 

See what studies are going to happen at your church or another faith community. It might be fun attending a Lenten series at another church. 

Get ready to connect with our family members on a regular basis.

Decide what you are going to give up or take on.

Set up your room or area where you are going to be quiet, meditate, and pray.

These are today's Pre-Lenten Preps. Tonight's meditation is not on any concept but a time of being quiet and relaxed.  Today I heard on Classical KUSC The Queen Soundtrack very beautiful. Breathe deeply and close your eyes and feel the stillness.


God as we prepare for Lent and our yearly period of life and soul enrichment, guide us to what we should do.

God we pray for all who are struggling with mental and chronic illnesses.  May they receive healing and help.

God we pray that we may be forgiving towards our enemies, friends, and ourselves.

God we pray that we my practice random acts of kindness and pay it forward.

God we pray for our nation and all nations of the world where there is division and hatred. May we sew seeds of love, mercy, justice, and peace.

God we pray for all who are in abusive situations that they may find sanctuary and courage to leave dangerous relationships. We pray for their family and friends and especially children who are forced to witness terrible abuse.

God we pray and give thanks for families and our friendships that light up our world when our world seems dark.

God we pray for new normals that give us courage to live out our new normals with grace and love.

God help us to know when to speak and when to be quiet.

God may we seek to love others as you love us and not be afraid.  May we love authentically and as we really are.

God help us to know what our faith truly stands for and what it does not and freely speak truth to power lovingly and speak and spread the Good News boldly as Jesus did.

God we pray for__________________

God we lift up our prayers in the Name of you only Son Jesus. Amen. 

Today's wish: Be who you are and let the world see you shine with the secret sauce God has given you! The secret sauce is Love!

Good Night Lovies! I love you! You Matter! I Give God Thanks for you this day and always!

May love and peace be always yours!


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