Saturday, February 14, 2015

Retreating into silence for rest, relaxation, and renewal

Dear Family of Love,

I hope everyone remembered that it was and still is Self-Care Saturday. Being on retreat is an element of self-care like no other. How many of you have taken the opportunity to be on retreat? If you haven't I suggest that you do.Getting away for a time of reflection and renewal is important. Retreats also help us refocus our energies and allow us to discern what is next in our lives. Did you know that you can do this daily? You can! Just turn off all your digital devices for a period of time and take time to pray, pause, and  practice and be at one with God and allow God and you to be one together.
As I am writing this I'm hearing the lullaby of the frogs again along with God's Cathedral of Life's symphony. Retreats sensitize us once again to the beauty of silence and nature and our connection to everything that is sacred and holy. Tonight let us meditate on what being in silence means to you.
Tonight there won't be any music since it is past 10:00 p.m. and silence is required here at Serra 

God we pray that as we take time to go deeper into the silence may we find ourselves one with you.

God we pray that in the silence we may be still and know.

God we pray for peace in the world and that we may be peacemakers in our acts of silent prayers and quiet deeds.

God we pray for all who are ill that they may be healed according to your will.

God we pray for all our loved ones who are dying and especially those who have entered the Thin Places.

God we pray for all those who are living on the margins may we by your guidance O God serve them and see you reflected in their eyes.

God we add our own prayers and thanksgivings especially ___________________________

God we pray this day for an end to violence of any kind. 

God we pray for all those who were single, widowed, divorced on Valentine's day that they may find peace in their hearts and in your time find love and meaningful relationships again.

We lift up these our prayers in the name of Jesus your Son, Amen. 


Today's wish is that everyone wraps their hearts around love and know that love is the key!


Good Night Dear Ones! I love you ! Take time to rest, relax, and renew your bodies, minds, and spirits.  Have a Happy Valentine's day!

Love, joy, blessings and peace be always yours!


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