Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pebbles in the Pond! 40 days from the center outwards and back again!

Dear Family of Love,

Ash Wednesday has finally arrived and Lent has begun. Today we begin to drop our own personal pebbles in the pond and work from the center outwards. Today we start with ourselves and each day we will travel a little further out until we are at the margins and see Jesus once again on Calvary's Hill. Today's questions that we will ask ourselves are these: Who am I?  Whose am I? and Where do I belong? I kind of know what the answers may be but maybe I don't. These are for you to deeply delve into. Take time to ask yourself these questions and then ask yourselves the same questions again from the side of a  person/ family member on the margins? What answers do you get? I'm not going to tell you my answers until ......? We will have to wait and see! Now take time to find peace at the center and begin to ask and answer these questions. Tonight's meditation music comes from Taize Mix 
Each day we will move closer to the margins and at the same time we will move closer to the center. Think of this as breathing and feel your lungs inhale and exhale and expand and contract. Listen you your breathing and heart beating telling you that you are alive in God and God is alive in you.

Gracious God as we begin our yearly pilgrimage to Calvary and beyond may we walk lightly and find ourselves walking lightly upon the pathway you have set before us.

God we pray this night for all of us who are struggling with anything that makes our hearts hurt.

God we pray that we may be reconciled with all our brothers and sisters during this holy time.

God we pray for all who are ill that they may receive your gift of healing. We pray this day for_____.

God we  pray for peace in this broken and war torn world of yours.

God we pray for all of our family members who are seeking to come to know their true selves and live authentically.

God we pray for all refugees, captives, victims of human trafficking and all of our family members who are in danger.

God we pray for all who travel nearby and far away that they may have safe journeys. 

God we ask forgiveness for anything we have done amiss and may we have loving and forgiving hearts.

God we pray for all those who have died and are dying this night.

God we pray for all who mourn and are mourning that they may be comforted.

God may we rest gentle in your arms this night and continue to meditate upon the above questions and seek to find the answers that only come from you.

We lift up these our prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Today's wish is that we begin to find the sacred in everything!


Good Night Lovely Family! Remember tomorrow is Being Thoughtful and Thankful Thursday! Don't forget to get your gratitude jar! I love you ! May you feel God's presence enfolding you like a warm blanket knitting you securely in it with love.

With love and peace and may each pebble you drop into the pond find you closer to God,


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