Monday, July 27, 2015

Encounters on the El Camino Real /King's Highway! You'll never know who God will set on our path!

Dear Family of Love,

Happy You Matter Monday! Whoa! July is almost coming to a close and isn't that a tad bid scary? At first I thought so but no it is just the normal course of events. Months begin and months end just as days and weeks do. I felt the same about walking. Walks start and walks end. Tonight as I was praying and walking our normal loop it wasn't like any walk I had ever seen before. I will tell you about it,  but let us  first take a look at the words from this hymn:

I know not where the road will lead

1 I know not where the road will lead
I follow day by day,
or where it ends: I only know
I walk the King's highway.
I know not if the way is long,
and no one else can say;
but rough or smooth, up hill or down,
I walk the King's highway.
2 And some I love have reached the end,
but some with me may stay,
their faith and hope still guiding me:
I walk the King's highway.
The way is truth, the way is love,
for light and strength I pray,
and through the years of life, to God
I walk the King's highway.
3 The countless hosts lead on before,
I must not fear nor stray;
with them, the pilgrims of the faith,
I walk the King's highway.
Through light and dark the road leads on
till dawns the endless day,
when I shall know why in this life
I walk the King's highway.
Evelyn Atwater Cummins
These are powerful words and the visions they hold are even more powerful when you walk the El Camino Real/ The real Kings Highway.
 Tonight as I walked I came into contact with an old friend/family member Penny who is one of our precious mentally ill family members who looks as though she is homeless but she isn't I listened to her as she told me about trying to find help in cleaning her home and about her life. I gave her a comforting gentle touch. We must not be afraid to comfort our homeless and mentally ill with loving touches, actions, and attentive ears. The next family member I came into contact was a man on a bike with all his worldly goods. He is one of our usual people we see every day and a smile and genuine "Hello!" is what he needs everyday and to be looked in his eyes. Tonight I saw a man looking at a shirt that was on the ground. He picked it up and was determining whether or not to keep it. He decided not to take it and placed it back on the ground a few other people I passed by on my walk and exchanged smiles and acknowledgements. One our family members who is African American extended his hand out to graciously shake hands. I wished him God's blessings and he smiled as he went on his way.  Each encounter is the equivalent of a prayer and God's way of speaking to us at the most profound level. This was You Matter Monday at work in our lives and in the lives of our family members. No one is a stranger! God ensured in the early days in the Hebrew Scriptures that we always had to  treat the resident alien, stranger, and poor person in our midst with love, compassion, specified acreage in Leviticus 23: 22 and  yes even provisions for the poor, alien, and stranger in the time of jubilee. God even expects us to do this for anyone who is in need on the Sabbath. Turning a blind eye to any of our family members is not a good thing to do because each and every one of us is a representation of God and all that is divine and holy.  Remember we are all made in God's image and likeness believer and non-believer alike. I know it is difficult to believe that when God said all, he meant all, God really meant it and means it today! God is not exclusive but inclusive and that brings up our meditation time which is this. Can we mean all means all and not some? Think about it and go deeper. 
Take your time in meditation, take your time in prayer, take your time seeking God, take your time listening to God, take your time building your relationship with God, Take your time 
Let us take time to do our breathing exercises.
Breathe in the Holy Spirit 
Exhale Love
Breathe in the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love
Breathe in the Holy Spirit
Exhale Love
Be Still and Know That I am God
Be Still and Know
Be Still
Breathe in Love
Exhale and be empowered by the Holy Spirit
Breathe in Love
Exhale and be empowered by the Holy Spirit
Breathe in Love
Exhale and be empowered by the Holy Spirit
Let us set our timers, music, and internal clocks of our inner beings to begin this meditation. Tonight we will do this in silence. Tomorrow we will have music.
We pray that daily we may walk the King's Highway with eyes afresh and spirits renewed.
We pray that daily we may walk the King's Highway without fear but with love and kindness in our thoughts and actions.
We  pray that daily we may walk the King's Highway and see you in all of our family member's faces and show them your image and likeness in ours.
We pray that daily we may walk the King's Highway and be a living and breathing Bible showing and telling our family members the Good News of love, justice, mercy, and inclusion.
We pray that daily we may walk the King's Highway and being comforted by the breezes and nature sounds of God's Cathedral of Life.
We pray that daily that we may walk the King's Highway with joy, love, peace, and hope in our hearts.
We pray that daily as we walk the King's Highway we may pray and give thanks for_______________
We pray that daily as we walk the King's Highway we may remember all those who are mourning the loss of loved ones and those who have died remembering_______________
We pray that daily as we walk the King's Highway that we may remember Jesus as he walked the first King's Highway carrying the cross for  our redemption and to unite all of us into one beautiful Family of Love/God. 
We pray these our prayers in the Name of Jesus who sets our feet upon the holy ground of the King's Highway each day that we live, move, and just be. Amen.

Good Night My Dear Family of Love. I love you ! You Matter! You are precious! You are all family members! All of us are family! All means all and not some. I give thanks to God for you this night and always!
Love,Joy, Hope, Peace, and Blessings from my heart and heart home to yours,

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